Combinations In The Middlegame Theory and Exercises - GM I.Z. Bondarevsky.pdf

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Translated by Bernard Cafety B.A., F.I.L. (Rus.)
Current revision exampls by Ken Smith
1st Edition:
Printed and published by Chss (Sutton Coldield) Ltd, England
2nd Revied Edition:
Printed and published by Chss Digest, Inc.
In he
Translator's Preface
When the Soviet publishing house Fikultura i Spot
began publication of a series of chess books, I comment­
ed on their excellence, especially from a didactic point
of view, though obviously for this purpose one needed a
knowledge of Russian to be able to follow the text as well
as the actual play in the examples quoted. I am pleased
therefore to be able now to make one of these books
available to the English-speaking chess public. As I also
remarked in my review, the Soviet concept of a begin­
ner is clearly wider than ours, and to make the book
even wider in its scope and appeal I have added some
supplementary material. I must confess that I have had
some misgivings about the correct rendering of certain
technical terms, but in the absence of an international­
ly accepted terminology each translator must take his
own line on such matters. Also in translating certain
exracts quoted rom authors whose books are available
in English I have followed the Russian text in those rare
cases where it differs slightly rom the English version.
I tust that this book will give real plasure to its read­
ers and help those players who wish to learn to play
The Author
Igor Zakharovich Bondarevsky was born in 1913,
learnt chess at the age of nine, but only began to play
seriously in 1925, as a result (he says) of the interest
created in the Soviet Union by the Moscow international
tournament of that year. He first played in the Soviet
championship in 1937, and in 1940 shared first place
with Lilienthal in the very strong XII U.S.S.R. champi­
onship above Botvinnik, Keres, Smyslov, Boleslavsky,etc
- this was undoubtedly his finest performance ever. In
1949 he was a warded the international grand master
title. An engineer by training, Bondarevsky has played
little n the last decade, devoting much of his time to or-
ganization, writing and training young players. His
most notable success in this direction is the fine play of
the former World Champion Boris Spassky, whose train­
er Bondarevsky has been since 1961. Bondarevsky is on
record as stating that he considers Capablanca the
strongest player of the twentieth century, which is an
unusual viewpoint for a Soviet player.
He as played in England only once - in the Hastings
Congress of 1961-2 when he finished second to Gligoric.
B. Cafferty
Editor's Note
Be sure to set up each position on your chess board,
even the simple ones. There is much to learn after each
move. All examples after 1960 are current revisions by
Ken Smith.
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