WH40k 3rd [codex] - Harlequins.pdf

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By Gav Thorpe
your hands is the latest version of Gav Thorpe’s
Harlequin army list. Gav has secretly been working away
on this for the last six months or so, changing things here,
tweaking things there, and generally pulling the army list
into shape.
The good news is that Gav is now confident that the army
list is in a playable state, so we’ve decided to unleash the
current version to a wider audience by printing it in the
Journal. What we’d like you guys to do is use this
experimental version of the army list, and then write to us
telling us what you think of it. We’d also like to know what
you think of the Harlequins in general, what new
miniatures you’d like to see, what new background – in
short if you’ve anything to say that relates to this list we
want to hear about it! Sadly we won’t be able to reply to
the mail we receive, but all the letters will be read and the
ideas in them ‘added to the melting pot’. In the fullness of
time we’ll be producing a Harlequin Codex (though not for
quite a while yet!) so is a real opportunity to influence
what goes in a published GW Codex.
Until then feel free to use the list in any games of 40K that
you play, though if you’re playing in a tournament you
should make sure that the tournament organisers are cool
with you using a list that hasn’t been published in a
Codex. For what it’s worth you can tell them that the 40K
development team would appreciate it receiving a ‘field
test’ in tournament conditions!
Have fun, and remember to write us with our comments,
Jervis Johnson – 13th June 2000
Prepare yourself to step beyond the threshold
of space, to delve into the innermost secrets
of the Eldar race.
The Harlequins are held in a mixture of fear, awe
and respect by all other Eldar. Their knowledge of
the Webway is unmatched, and they can appear
and disappear almost at will; at an Exodite Maiden
World, in the dark city of Comorragh or on a
Craftworld. The Harlequins have even been known
to appear unexpectedly alongside the forces of
other races, particularly if they are fighting against
the hosts of Chaos, the sworn foes of the
Harlequins. The Harlequins see themselves as the
saviours of the Eldar, a uniting force which will one
day bring together the fragmented race so that they
can regain their position as the most powerful
force in the galaxy. They have a great plan,
unknown to all but themselves and a privileged
few, which is both far reaching and horrifying.
The Harlequins are a strange sub-sect of the Eldar
race, consisting of warriors drawn from the other
kindreds; the Dark Eldar, Exodites and Craftworld
Eldar. They are masters of the system of warp-
tunnels known as the Webway and roam at will
from place to place. They are seen as the keepers
of the ancient Eldar myths, and perform complex
dances and plays to recreate these allegorical
tales, covering such events as the War in Heaven,
the Fall and the Birth of the Great Enemy.
G reetings followers of The Path. What you hold in
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The Harlequins’ superb acrobatic skills make
them highly accomplished close combat fighters,
and they are aided by arcane items of technology,
such as anti-grav flip belts and many specialist
hand-to-hand weapons. Like all Eldar they are
elusive foes, preferring to use swiftness and
devastating attacks rather than massed armour
and brute force.
Like other Eldar armies, the Harlequins are for the
connoisseur gamer. They have many special rules
to remember; complex wargear, abilities and
psychic powers which must be used to best
advantage for victory. They require subtle tactics
on the battlefield – gamers who prefer a straight
stand-up-and-fight army would do better with
Space Marines or Imperial Guard! Painting a
Harlequins army also requires a reasonable
degree of skill. However, Harlequin armies are
relatively small in terms of the number of models
needed, so painting an army is not so much of an
endeavour as it would first appear.
All of these things mean that the Harlequins are
quite unlike any other army in the Warhammer
40,000 game and as such make an interesting
choice for those of you looking for a new gaming
challenge to overcome. Most tempting of all is the
fact that there is probably no sight more
spectacular than a well-painted Harlequin army
dashing across the battlefield, tearing apart its
enemies with ruthless efficiency!
On the pages that follow you’ll find an army list
which will allow you to field a Harlequin army in
games of Warhammer 40,000. The army list allows
you to fight battles using the scenarios included
in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, but it also
provides you with the basic information you’ll
require in order to field a Harlequin army in
scenarios you’ve devised yourself, or as part of a
campaign series of games.
The army list is split into five distinct sections. All
of the squads, vehicles and characters in an army
list are placed in one of the five sections
depending upon their role on the battlefield. In
addition every model included in the army list is
given a points value, which varies depending
upon how effective that model is on the
battlefield. Before you can choose an army for a
game you will need to agree with your opponent
upon a scenario and upon the total number of
points each of you will spend on your army.
Having done this you can proceed to pick an army
as described below.
Harlequins have been known to fight alongside
other Eldar, and even in armies of other races.
Any Craftworld Eldar, Dark Eldar or Exodites army
may include units of Harlequins. All Harlequin
units count as Elites in this case, regardless of
which category they are normally taken from. Any
other army (except Chaos) that is fighting against
a Chaos army may take one unit of from the
following army list as an Elites choice. This does
include such strange races as the Necrons and
Tyranids – think of it as the Harlequins launching
an attack at the same time as their ‘allies’ rather
than being allied with them in any true sense.
Alternatively, a Craftworld Eldar, Dark Eldar or
Exodites army can take an allied detachment of
Harlequins (or the Harlequins can take the allies,
depending on which way around you want to
look at it… ). The rules for detachments can be
found on page 131 of the Warhammer 40,000
In both of these circumstances its more preferable
for the Harlequins to be controlled by a different
player, just for the increased confusion and
quarrel factor if nothing else!
We realise that most of you, well at least we hope you are, hoary old hardened veterans of many games and
campaigns and really don’t need to be told how to use the army lists or the force organisation charts.
However, just in case your mum/kid brother/visiting cousin has recently hit you over the head with your
Thunderhawk gunship (40K scale), here’s those rules again, in really teeny-weeny print of course!
The army lists are used in conjunction with
the Force Organisation chart from a
scenario. Each Force Organisation chart is
split into five categories that correspond to
the sections in the army list, and each
catagory has one or more boxes. Each box
indicates that you may make one choice
from that section of the army list, while a
dark toned box means that you must make a
choice from that section.
To make a choice, look in the relevant
section in the army list and decide what unit
you wish to have in your army, how many
models there will be in the unit, and which
upgrades that you want (if any). Remember
that you can not field models that are
equipped with weapons and wargear that is
not shown on the model. Once this is done
subtract the points value of the unit from
your total points, and then go back and
make another choice. Continue doing this
until you have spent all your points. You're
then ready to lead your Harlequins.
Each army list entry consists of the
Unit Name: The type of unit, which may
also show a limitation on the maximum
number of choices you can make of that unit
type (0-1, for example).
Profile: These are the characteristics of that
unit type, including its points cost. Where
the unit can have different warriors, there
may be more than one profile.
Number/Squad: This shows the number of
models in the unit, or the number of models
you may take for one choice from the Force
Organisation chart. Often this is a variable
amount, in which case it shows the
minimum and maximum unit size.
Weapons: These are the unit's standard
Options: This lists the different weapon and
equipment options for the unit and any
additional points cost for taking these
options. It may also include an option to
upgrade one squad member to a character. If
a squad is allowed to have models with
upgraded weaponry (such as special
weapons), then these must be given to
ordinary squad members, not the character.
Special Rules: This is where you'll find any
special rules that apply to the unit.
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Harlequin characters may pick up to two single-handed weapons from the list below. In
addition, each character may be given up to 125 points worth of items of wargear, unless
otherwise noted in their army list entry. You may not take duplicate items of wargear for the
same model.
Single Handed Weapons
Fusion Pistol
18 pts
Bio-explosive ammunition 5 pts
D-field 25 pts
Dread mask 30 pts
Jetbike (Gt Harlequin & Shadowseer only) 35pts
Hallucinogen grenades
Harlequin’s kiss
10 pts
Plasma Pistol
15 pts
Power weapon
10 pts
2 pts
15 pts
Haywire grenades
3 pts
Shuriken pistol
1 pt
Plasma grenades
2 pts
Phase field (ind. characters only)
15 pts
15 pts
Rictus mask
25 pts
Tanglefoot grenades
4 pts
Unless otherwise noted in the army list, all
Harlequin units and characters benefit from the
following special rules.
inches instead of 2D6 inches (note that they fall
back 2D6 inches as normal). In addition, a
Harlequin model may use their full number of
Attacks and any specialist close combat weapons
they have when within 2" of an enemy in an
assault – this is instead of the 1 Attack with no
special rules that other models have in this
situation. Remember though that models which
assault the enemy must try to get into base
contact if possible.
Mask of Fear
A Harlequin’s mask incorpates a holographic
generator that projects images of monstrous faces
and demonic visages, intensified by a short-range
psychic field which increases their opponent’s
sensitivity to fear and despair. Any enemy unit
fighting in an assault against a Harlequin reduces
their Leadership by -1.
Fleet of Foot
Instead of shooting in the shooting phase, a
Harlequin unit may run instead. The unit moves
D6", which is not modified by difficult terrain.
Dispersed Formation
Harlequins fight almost as individuals, and rely
less upon the coherency of their unit to defeat the
enemy. A Harlequin model must stay within 4" of
another model in the unit, rather 2" as is normally
the case. See page 43 of the Warhammer 40,000
book for details of unit coherency.
Holo suit
Rather than physical armour designed to absorb
shots and blows, Harlequins rely on a
sophisticated holo-suit to misdirect the enemy. In
game terms this means that Harlequins have no
armour save as such, but always count as if they
were in cover with a 4+ save. They get no
additional benefit if they really are in cover and
weapons which normally ignore cover will ignore
their special save. This also applies in close
combat and so they always gain the benefits of a
defended obstacle unless assaulted by an enemy
with grenades which negate cover. As it is a cover
save the Harlequins receive no normal armour
save in close combat. A holo-suit save cannot be
used against an attack that uses a template or
blast markers (such as a battle cannon or flamer)
nor can it be used to save a model if it is being
transported in a vehicle that is destroyed.
Models fighting a Harlequin in close combat can
become confused and disorientated by the ever-
shifting colours and patterns of a holo-suit. Any
model fighting a Harlequin in an assault halves
their Weapon Skill (rounding up).
Flip Belts
Flip belts are compact anti-grav devices which
generate a short range negative-gravity field
which, when combined with the Harlequins
already prodigous acrobatic abilities, allows the
Harlequins to make all manner of gravity-defying
leaps and bounds. Harlequins can ignore difficult
terrain – treat difficult terrain as open ground for
the purposes of movement. When advancing after
winning an assault, or Harlequins can move 3D6
20 pts
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Great Harlequin
Options: The Great Harlequin may be given any equipment allowed by the
Harlequins Armoury.
Independent Character: The Great Harlequin is an Independent
Character and follows the independent character special rules in the
Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.
The Great Harlequin is the
overall leader of the Harlequins.
A Harlequin band only ever has
one Great Harlequin; if another
Harlequin becomes sufficiently
skilful, he or she will leave and
found a new Harlequin band.
Thus the number of Harlequin
bands travelling the Webway is
slowly but surely increasing.
During a Masque, the Great
Harlequin plays the part of the
Laughing God.
A Shadowseer does not have the
prophetic powers associated with
other Eldar psykers. However,
they still have highly effective
empathic and telepathic abilities
which they use to confuse and
disorient their foes – literally
placing false images and
contradictory thoughts into their
minds. The Shadowseer uses
this ability during a performance
to create stunning visual effects
and influence the emotions of the
Options: The Shadowseer may be given any equipment allowed by the
Harlequins Armoury.
Independent Character: The Shadowseer is an Independent Character
and follows the independent character special rules in the Warhammer
40,000 rulebook.
Psychic powers: The Shadowseer has the following psychic powers (see
page 74 of Warhammer 40,000):
Misdirection: The Shadowseer reaches into the minds of the enemy,
baffling them with psychic messages. This psychic power is used at the
start of the enemy’s assault phase and lasts until the start of the next
Harlequins’ turn. Any enemy unit wishing to charge the Shadowseer or
unit they are with must first pass a Leadership test on 3D6. If the test is
failed the enemy unit may do nothing in that assault phase.
Veil of Tears: The Shadowseer uses his or her powers to remove their
presence from the enemy’s thoughts – their eyes may see the Harlequins,
but this never actually registers in their mind. This psychic power is used
at the start of the enemy’s shooting phase and lasts until the start of the
next Harlequins’ turn. Any enemy unit wishing to shoot at the
Shadowseer or a unit they are with must test using the night-fighting
scenario special rules on page 134 of Warhammer 40,000 (ie they must
roll 2D6x3 to see if the Harlequins can be seen). If the target unit cannot
see the Shadowseer’s unit, they may target another visible unit instead. If
the night-fighting rules are being used as part of the mission being played,
then the Shadowseer can only be seen at half the normal range (for
example if a unit can see 20" that turn then they can only target the
Shadowseer’s unit if they are within 10").
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Options: A Solitaire may be given any equipment allowed by the Harlequins
Little is known about the
Solitaires, even amongst the
Eldar. They have passed the
sacred Ritual which all
Harlequins must undertake, yet
they live apart from other
Harlequins. The Solitaires roam
the Webway seeking out Eldar
they believe can survive the
Ritual, and take them to the
Harlequin bands. It is said that
the oldest and most powerful
Solitaires become the dreaded
guardians of the Black Library.
On the extremely rare occasions
when a Solitaire performs, he or
she takes the part of Slaanesh
and the Harlequin band will
perform the legendary tale of the
Birth of the Great Enemy – the
most dangerous of all Harlequin
masques. It is claimed that
others have tried to take on the
role of the Great Enemy and died
or been driven insane!
Individual: A Solitaire is an independent character and follows all the
special rules for indepedent characters given in the Warhammer 40,000
rulebook. In addition, a Solitaire can never join any other unit.
Spiritless: It is postulated by Imperial scholars that a Solitaire has no soul
to speak of, and this may be true. They show no evidence of emotions and
psychic powers which attack the mind have no effect on them whatsoever.
A Solitaire does not have to take any Leadership tests of any kind (morale
checks, pinning, etc.). In addition, any attack which relies upon the
Solitaire’s Leadership value (for example a neuro-disruptor or the Farseer
psychic power Mind War) have no effect and automatically fail.
Blitz Attack: When a Solitaire moves at full speed they are a blur of light,
faster than any other living creature. A Solitaire can assault 12" instead of
the normal 6". Rather than gaining +1 Attack for charging into an assault,
a Solitaire gains +1 Attack for each inch of unused charge distance up to
a maximum of +6 Attacks. For example, if a Solitaire charges into an
enemy 8" away then they gain +4 Attacks.
Death Jesters are the heavy
specialists of the Harlequin
army, able to carry a variety of
exotic and deadly armaments.
However, Death Jesters are just
as skilled in combat as any
Harlequin, and many a foe has
charged into combat with a
Death Jester and been cut down
for their ignorance. When the
Harlequins stage a performance,
Death Jesters take the part of
Death, and are noted by other
Eldar for their ironic, some
would say downright morbid,
sense of humour.
Death Jester
Number: You may include between 1 and 3 Death Jesters for each Elites
choice allowed by the Force Organisation chart.
Weapons: Shrieker cannon and power blades.
Options: A Death Jester may exchange their Shrieker Cannon for one of the
following: Shuriken cannon at +5 points; Eldar missile launcher at +15 pts;
Brightlance at +10 pts.
A Death Jester may be given additional wargear (not weapons) from the
Harlequins armoury.
Independent Character: Each Death Jester is an independent character
and follows all the special rules for independent characters given in the
Warhammer 40,000
rulebook. Note that
all Death Jesters
from the same
choice on the Force
Organisation chart
must be deployed at
the same time,
however they may
be deployed
separately on the
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