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Although alluring, remote towns
and villages hold a host of
dangers and are usually void of
effi cient law enforcement.
traveling to under-developed
countries, I’m not surprised
when the news reports another missing,
kidnapped or dead American. And I’m
not just talking about war-torn coun-
tries. “Friendly” nations such as Mexico,
the Caribbean and most any country in
Latin America seem to consume more
U.S. civilians than Iraq, Afghanistan and
other hostile nations combined.
During my years of traveling, just
about every dire situation I’ve seen
has come from the traveler’s lack of
situational awareness. They either get
zoned-out over their new surroundings
or they’re so focused on not being a vic-
tim that they lose their ability to think
rationally. Most travelers are easy marks
once they leave their familiar surround-
ings, and you can bet that those who
wish to take them apart—be it a terrorist
or a common mugger—have done their
Most security groups will tell you,
“Try not to look like an American when
traveling abroad.” Yeah, right. While that
sounds like a good concept, the fact is
that your culture, language and actions
are bred into you. No matter how much
you dress and try to act like the locals,
the seasoned hunter always knows his
prey. With that said, avoiding any mili-
tary-style dress, watches, jewelry, packs
and insignias is imperative, since threat
potentials typically get taken out i rst.
The i rst rule of travel survival is to be-
gin at home. With a little bit of research,
it’s easy to identify the problem or high-
crime areas of a city or country, under-
stand the local culture and laws, formu-
late a last-ditch bug-out plan and put a
little insurance in play back home—be-
fore you leave. I can’t tell you how many
travelers I’ve run across who don’t have
the i rst clue about the country they’re
in. Even the Americans who cross into
Mexico daily to shop are mostly unin-
formed when it comes to understanding
the environment. The individual who
doesn’t research their destination by
consuming as much open-source info as
they can prior to departure is a fool.
constantly changing. It’s almost impos-
sible to keep up with what you can carry
on board and what has to be checked—
and these rules seem to change on a dai-
ly basis. Having said that, I still advise
you to keep a few items on your person
just in case you’re stranded without lug-
gage. Some of the items I include (not
counting documents and valuables) are
a quality l ashlight, common destination
maps, language phrase book, phone call-
ing card, small i rst-aid kit and personal
Keep your travel documents, cash and
credit cards on you at all times. A good
adventure travel vest is a must, since it
identii es you as a common tourist and
keeps your valuables secure. Avoid
wearing clothing, watches and jewelry
that identify who you work for or hint at
you being military or law enforcement.
Avoid idle talk that lets anyone know
the reason for your travel. If anyone
asks, simply tell them you’re a tourist.
Do your best to get seating next to
an emergency exit—preferably in the
front or rear and away from the wing
fuel tanks. If you can’t get emergency
Since 9/11, air travel rules have been
20 S.W.A.T. » FEBRUARY 2008
H aving spent a lot of my life
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row seating, then make a mental note
of where it’s located. While I prefer aisle
seating for the convenience of moving
around in the cabin, window seating
is the safest spot in a hijacking, since
you’re less of a target of opportunity for
a terrorist trying to make a statement.
Pay attention to the airline light atten-
dants when they’re giving their safety
brieing. As boring as it may be, what
they have to say is valuable in an emer-
gency. Having been on a plane that was
evacuated due to a bomb in the luggage
compartment, I can tell you that once an
emergency happens, it becomes chaotic.
Knowing where to go and what to do is
important to your survival.
Once you arrive at your destination
and clear Customs, take charge of your
own baggage and politely avoid the
mobs of street hawkers common to the
Third World. Secure reputable transpor-
tation and move away from the area as
soon as possible. Remember, crowds and
known tourist areas attract terrorists as
well as common street thugs.
Third World deaths due to transportation and infrastructure outrank all other
causes. It is also where most kidnappings occur.
to get to the Embassy, you may have to
waste extra time getting your important
documents to exit the country. Once you
get to the Embassy, it will probably be
jammed with other Americans wanting
to leave. This happened to me in Jakarta,
Indonesia during the riots. That taught
me to keep my passport and documents
securely on my person at all times.
When in any country or big city
(even American), avoid large crowds
and public demonstrations. And at all
costs avoid any political or religious
discussions—just because you’re a free
American citizen, that doesn’t make
you right in the eyes of some cultures.
Never criticize local customs or beliefs.
If hassled by a person in a vehicle or on
the street, avoid confrontation. Simply
turn and walk in the opposite direction.
If the problem persists, make your way
to a well-lit area. Constantly practice
surveillance techniques, searching out
“safe” areas and mentally logging any-
one who may be following or watching
you. If you’re followed, make your way
to an area that’s brightly lit and has other
people—enter a busy place and simply
ask for help. If you’re the victim of what
appears to be a robbery, don’t resist un-
less you sense it is more dangerous to co-
operate. If you decide to ight, then ight
for your life. No rules. Fight with the in-
tention of killing your attacker and make
as much noise as you can in the process.
If you manage to free yourself, run.
and you have the makings of daily di-
sasters. It’s also worth mentioning that
most kidnappings occur while the vic-
tim is in transport mode.
Here are a few tips that may help you
survive the deadly transportation fac-
Always keep a map with you and
know where you are, alternative routes
and how to get to police stations, hos-
pitals, military posts or other safe areas.
Vary your departure times and routes
and be on the lookout for anyone who
may be watching or following you.
Use vehicles that don’t attract atten-
tion—renting that cool Mercedes may
be tempting, but it’s not wise. Store
your valuables in the trunk and imme-
diately lock all the doors upon entering
the vehicle. If you’re driving, drive close
to the centerline of the road to make it
harder to force your vehicle to the curb.
Leave plenty of distance at stoplights be-
tween yourself and the car in front for
quick evasive maneuvering if need be. If
you’re using a driver, then tell him your
destination only when you get in the ve-
hicle. Never give your driver or anyone
else your ground itinerary unless there
is a good reason to do so.
Avoid the street money changers,
since there are no less than a million
cons associated with money exchange.
Use banks or certiied money exchange
businesses. While I’m on this subject,
I suggest changing a small amount of
money into local currency before leav-
ing the States, then wait until you’re
in-country to change more, because the
exchange rate is typically better.
Keep your wallet in a front pants
pocket to make it harder for pickpock-
ets. Always keep more cash separate
from your wallet, stuffed into another
pocket. When you have to buy some-
thing, use this stash and then replenish
it later in a private location—never ex-
pose your wallet or valuables in public.
The security gurus will tell you to keep
your passport secured in your hotel safe
and carry a copy with you while on
the street. I disagree. Think about it: if
you’re mugged and lose your passport,
that’s a singular event and the country
is not coming unwound because of it.
You can calmly go to the Embassy and
start the process of having it replaced.
However, if chaos breaks out and you’re
miles away from your passport and need
Never provide your title, company
or similar information when checking
into a hotel. Show only the credit card
needed to register and never expose
the contents of your wallet or briefcase
to the check-in clerk. Do not use credit
cards that have your corporate name on
them. Businessmen are high-value kid-
nap targets in most Third World coun-
tries and hotel databases are usually
After you check in, take a look at all
Of all the things we’ve done in remote
locales, transportation has always been
the most dangerous. Whether it’s a bus,
taxi or personal vehicle, Third World
drivers are nothing short of suicidal.
Couple that with poor infrastructure
22 S.W.A.T. » FEBRUARY 2008
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sides of the hotel, escape routes from your
room and directionally orient yourself.
Also look at the surroundings at night.
Learn the hotel entrances, exits and ire
escape routes. I prefer the second loor of
a hotel because it gives some immediate
insulation against the street or political
protests that may turn violent, but also
allows you to escape through a window if
need be. When you leave the hotel, never
leave any document or information that
may reveal who you work for or what
your business is in the country.
Before you lie down to sleep, pack all
your documents and valuables so you
can immediately grab them in case you
have to escape in a hurry. On a couple of
occasions, I even slept with my clothes
and boots on, due to the volatile nature of
the area we were in.
While much of what I have discussed
here may seem to border on paranoia, ev-
erything can be implemented in a reason-
able manner and requires very little time.
Situational awareness is the one thing
that will keep you alive when traveling
abroad. If the worst happens and you
end up kidnapped, mugged or accosted
in any manner, know that the only things
that will save you are the ability to think
rationally and your training. No matter
how many lawyers or guns may come to
your rescue, it will probably be too late.
The one thing that usually works, howev-
er, is money. In fact, kidnapping in Latin
America is what keeps most of the fringe
groups inanced. So, if your business trip
takes you to high-risk areas, I suggest
looking into kidnap insurance. In almost
all cases, once the ransom is paid, the vic-
tim is released.
In the end, if you educate yourself be-
fore your trip, practice a few simple safe-
ty techniques and remain aware, you’ll
probably come back alive. §
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[Jeff Randall has worked and traveled
in China, Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia,
Singapore, Switzerland, and nearly every
Latin American country. He co-authored
Adventure Travel in the Third World and
is also an accomplished photographer. He con-
siders the Amazon jungle his second home.
He can be contacted through www.jungle-
24 S.W.A.T. » FEBRUARY 2008
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