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MapViewGPS 2.0-pre1 24.10.04
[+] New map engine with zoom feature
[+] Native OZI tracks support (read/write/draw)
[+] Initial calibration (now only linear shift)
[+] Compas feature
[x] Many bugfix-es by prealpha releases
[x] Switch on/off texts and compas by stylus tap on screen region
[x] In FastRedraw mode we emulate fade function by filling gray rect

MapViewGPS 2.0-pre2 16.11.04
[+] Implemented search by names DB in Ozi Explorer format
[+] Native OZI waypoints support (read/write/draw)
[x] Fixed bug with loosing 1-st map name

MapViewGPS 2.0-pre3 18.11.04
[x] In DB search dialog we store last choice, and introduced item <All types>
[+] Introduced waypoints edit dialog
[x] Fixed crash in case of "charconv not found"

MapViewGPS 2.0-pre4 28.11.04
[+] Reading .map in Ozi Explorer format
[+] Datum and Projection recognition.
[x] Reading tracks and maps with correct datum
[+] Introduced map settings dialog
[+] MiniMap mode 
[x] Fixed "slowdown" on exit. Now memoty used for map chunks, on zoom changing, allocates and 
    deallocates dynamically. Early versions make it statically on startup and exit.
[+] Saving map name and position on exit.

MapViewGPS 2.0-pre5 02.12.04
[x] Fixed bug: saving 4-th point of MMP in map
[x] Fixed map flash on "GPS connect" event
[+] Introduced popup menu on JogDial-in
[+] Implemented FullScreen mode
[x] Zoom modes snap to 5% grid
[x] Show Zoom Factor in left-bottom corner of screen
[x] Fixed crash on some .names DBF files 

MapViewGPS 2.0-pre6 14.12.04
[+] Added support for Motorola A92x/A1000 AGPS receiver (still experemental).
[x] Load GPS .dll dynamically
[+] Now we can work with files in folders "c:\media files\document\mapviewgps".
[x] Settings file store moved to drive c:\
[x] Auto create data folders on start
[x] We don't tring to reconnect to GPS in  "flip closed" and "background" modes.
[x] Improoved support for MMP section of .map files. But some bugs still not fixed yet...
[x] Redraw screen without the map. Older versions req loaded map for update infotexts.
[+] Support for DATUM's in namesearch .types files. It must be in .types files, in 1-st line:
[+] AppView in fullscreen mode "jumps up", when open and dialog with text input
[+] Quick change namesearch database from namesearch dialog
[+] Add waypoint from the map. Corresponded button in "Add waypoint" dialog added.

MapViewGPS 2.0-rc1 26.12.04
[x] Many changes in motorola A92x/A1000 code (seems worked, but still experemental)
[+] Initial navigation support
    - Follow to Waypoint with distance calculation
    - Follow by track with "right way" check and distance calculation
[+] Simulate GPS feature
[+] Select audio file for waypoint, and play it after wpt reached

MapViewGPS 2.0-rc2 05.01.05
[x] Changes in motorola A92x/A1000 code:
    - Compass & marker leaves last values, when speed less than 2 km/h
    - Values of speed & direction ara remembed. m.b. help fix a1000 issue
[x] Sound select "button" replaced with "Drop Down List"
[+] Customizable waypoint view (colors/size)
[+] Support for individual waypoint proximity. 
[x] Speed sensivity waypoint proximity
[x] All outputed text moved to .rsc files
[+] "Available maps" submenu in popup & map menus
[+] Context sensivity popup menu by taping on screen 
[x] Several bugfixes/cleanups in dialogs
[+] Audio for wrong/right way events
[+] Customizable autosave track/waypoints ability

MapViewGPS 2.0-rc3 17.01.05
[+] Localization to several languages
[+] "Internet" button used as shortcut for "Detect map"
[+] In "Linear shift" mode "Confirm" key is confirms finish of linear shift operation
[x] Fixed backlight issue on A92x/1000
[x] MiniMap is always stretch for fit to screen
[x] Common cleanup code
[+] Approx time calculation in the "follow" mode (based on current speed)
[+] Direction line in the "follow" mode
[x] "Speed sensivity" now works only if speed more than 60kmh
Hot Fix 18.01.05
[+] "Blank" support. Can navigate without map
[x] Current position saved in lat/lon, early they was in screen x/y
[x] In "follow to nearest wpt" mode reached wpt are excluded from list. For
    reset excluded list switch follow mode again.
[x] Waypoints routines cleanup & speed improovements
[x] Fixed Approx Time divide by zero bug
[x] Fixed direction line bug.

MapViewGPS 2.0-final 23.01.05
[+] Added exists files list to waypoints and tracks save dialogs
[+] Added exists waypoints names list to edit waypoint dialog
[+] Added accuracy field. Used only with aGPS receiver
[x] When internal aGPS receiver used, speed & direction are calculated 
    by MapViewGPS itself
[x] If tap near the track, then "Set follow location" is setup
    navigate by track to selected point
[x] Fixed "first" waypoint bug
[+] Default code page for file changed to 1252
[x] Fixed reverse "mercator" projection bug
[x] Fixed reverse "transverce mercator" projection south hemisphere bug
[x] Localisations cleanups
[x] increased speed level upto 3km/h, then direction changes triggered (aGPS only)

MapViewGPS 2.32 30.03.05
[+] Editing calibration points on device
[+] Ability of the any map region definition for autoload maps (section MMP)
[+] Automatic loading of a maps with the maximal resolution
[+] Track player
[+] New navigation view
[x] An opportunity of a choice of charset conversation tables
[x] Adjustment of a background transparency
[x] Save ".bak" files
[x] Automatic saving tracks naming
[x] Adjustable values format and metric system

[+] Support of digital keys is added
[x] Many different bugs was fixed

MapViewGPS 2.33 03.04.05
[x] Fixed bug saving calibration points with negative lat/long
[x] Fixed bug with crash on "close map"
[x] Fixed fade rect for bottom line in "follow" mode
[+] Added line with name of loaded map
[+] Added protection against more closely grid lines (if lines closely more than 5 pix, then they are hides)

[x] Fixed bug: Lat/Long was changed in the calibration dialog
[x] Fixed bug: Missed "values units" item in the settings dialog 

MapViewGPS 2.34 06.04.05
[x] Fixed bug: invalid encoding of the map name and image file name            
[x] When used white background, then transparency will  to white
[x] While transparency is switched off, then background color is used
[x] Forced recalculation of all bounds of maps and scale on MapViewGPS strartup
[x] Autoloading of map with best resolution works only if scales differ more than 10%

[x] Fixed bug: Name of map is not saved in the map settings dialog
[x] Added scrollbar in the waypoints list dialog

[x] Default folder is changed to !:\documents instead of !:\document

MapViewGPS 2.5-rc1 (2.40) 13.04.05
[x] The rectangular of blackout under a name of a map did not resized at change of a name
[x] Zone UTM was not established at points of calibration in UTM, in projection LatLon 
[x] Procedure of data reading from BT port is changed. 
[x] The mistake in NMEA parsere is corrected - Polsat GPS now works
[x] The mistake which is corrected could to result to crash at change of a zoom, and
    not to a drawing of pieces at scrolling
[x] The interval of updating of the data is reduced up to 1 sec
[x] At calculation of local time, daylight saving is taken into account
[x] In the ???? calculator are ignored big "jumps" at on/off GPS
[x] At switched - off GPS current time is deduced
[+] Ability of toggle display of Waypoints off/on
[x] The logic of a conclusion of the navigating screen on stylus tap in the text is changed
[x] Points of calibration in the .map file are kept in an original format (deg/grid)
    Earlier always were translated in deg
[x] At calibration of a map by 2 points are taken into account a format of points of calibration
MapViewGPS 2.5-rc2 (2.42) 19.04.05
[x] Bug fix: At change of a zoom at background loading maps the program could fall
[x] The interval of a track now is set in meters, was in seconds earlier
[+] In the context menu by tapping on the screen it is showed distantion
    from a point of taooing, up to object "follow"
[x] Smart autoload maps: At loading a map from the list, it is temporarily 
    blocked autloading maps. 
[x] In a navigating window in a mode " text only " the size of text labels is increased
[+] Output mode of points of a track
[x] If the marker of the current position falls outside the screen, autoscroll
    It is switched off
[x] Support of builtin aGPS receiver of Motorola a1000 is improved
[x] Fixed bug with maps in UTM projection, covering some zones is corrected

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