How to install SSS Progman on Windows 7 64bit.pdf

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How to install SSS\Progman on Windows 7 64bit
Thanks to Randomy at
PDF created and how-to for Windows 7 64bit by MaikelK at
Downloaded from
First of all you must be able to use Carsoft, and INPA already. If you have not figured out how to get
those working: Go back and work on them, SSS will not work without those working.
Download software from 4shared site.
VMWare 6
ERDcommander 2008
SSS Base 3.1 hack ISO
BMW Progman v.28 or v.32
How To Install SSS Progman
If you don’t have VMWare installed, install it with the default options.
Install INPA and be certain that it works by following my guide
Open VMWare and create a new Virtual Machine
Select Typical:
Select Microsoft Windows , Windows XP:
Give your virtual machine any name you like
Select Use Host only networking:
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Make your disk a substantial size, but no need to allocate it all now:
Your Virtual Machine is created:
Now you must edit the virtual machine and remove the USB controller, and the sound adapter.
Also increase the memory to 1Gb and adjust the Ethernet adapter to use VMnet1
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Edit the properties of the CD drive to open the SSS Base 3.1 hack ISO:
Now start the virtual machine and you will see this:
Once it completes, it will insist that you eject the CD:
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