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Everybody’s Talking at Me
A Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Scenario
by Georgios Panagiotidis
"Black Boar", the social hub of
Nordfels. While there is a nice fire
burning and most seats are filled with
drinking peasants, there is an eerie
and foreboding atmosphere about the
place; people talk in hushed voices
and are carefully observing one
This scenario is designed for 4-5
characters in their first career. It can be
played with more and experienced
characters, although you might want to
improve the NPC stats then.
It takes a successful Perception test
(Easy) to assess the scene. Three
distinctive groups are spread out in the
inn. One is near the entrance, one near
the bar and another toward the back of
the Inn. Egill recognises the characters
immediately and greets them loudly
and heartily. He is a dwarf with reddish
close-cropped hair and a glass eye.
Unlike his guests, he speaks with a
loud booming voice and doesn't share
the general mistrust and hostility of the
rest of the peasants. Should the
characters ask him about the
unnerving atmosphere, he will lower
his voice and mention that ever since
Karel was found dead in the Marktplatz
the peasants have become very
mistrusting of each other and split into
three groups.
Those with ties to Hein Kaufmann, the
merchant (sitting near the entrance of
the Inn), those with ties to Steffen
Ostländer, the resident alchemist
(toward the back of the Inn) and those
who've somehow got into their heads
to support Egill (surprisingly situated
near the bar). The fact that Egill tries to
keep out of everything, doesn't seem
to faze them though. None of the
groups trust each other, and all kinds
of rumours and gossip is spreading
among the town folk driving the three
groups further and further away.
Nordfels can placed almost anywhere
in the Empire, except maybe The Moot
and Stirland.
Last month, the small town of Nordfels
was shaken when Karel, the beloved
Halfling entertainer was found brutally
murdered on the Marktplatz.
Since then the tightly-knit community of
Nordfels has been coming apart.
Distrust, paranoia and malicious
rumour mongering has been ruling the
day. When another crisis rears its ugly
head, the characters – as outsiders -
are chosen to act as arbitrators in the
conflict among the various factions.
During the following few days, the
characters will have to dig through
seedy underbelly of Nordfels and bring
some law & order into ths town. As
tensions rise it will come down to the
characters to save Nordfels from being
torn apart.
So it begins…
The scenario begins with the
characters arriving at Nordfels, a small
town located next to huge rock. One of
the characters' friends (GM's
discretion) knows the owner of the
local Inn, Egill Ketilsson. Egill is a
retired adventurer (aren't they all?),
who now runs the "Black Boar". He'll
be willing to provide the characters
with a room for a night or two.
It doesn't take long and an argument
between two of Hein's and Steffen's
men begins. The matter is completely
trivial and banal, but the built-up
tension between them and the general
feeling of hostility leads to lots of
yelling and screaming. The characters
It's near dusk when they arrive at the
can interfere and try to settle the
matter peacefully. Whoever acts as
mediator needs to win an Opposed
Test (their WP vs. the mediator's Fel)
to settle the matter. Include bonuses
as appropriate. If the mediator fails
three times in a row, a thrown beer
mug hits one of the two peasants on
the head and kicks off a huge brawl.
Egill, Hein and Steffen stay out of the
whole mess.
The Burgomaster will offer them free
food and lodging at the Black Boar, 2s
per day for working as “Schlichter” and
looking into the various arguments that
disrupt daily life in Nordfels. In addition
to that he is also willing to give 1GC for
every matter they manage to settle in
an orderly and peaceful fashion, and if
that should fail 1GC for every matter
that is brought before the
“Marktgericht”. The “Marktgericht” is
how legal matters are handled in
Nordfels. The Burgomaster presides as
judge, while the accused and the
accuser deliver their statements. There
hasn’t been a Marktgericht in over 9
months in Nordfels. He believes that if
he could show that Justice is still
strong in Nordfels people might be
more inclined to work together as a
community again. A successful haggle
test can increase their daily pay to 3s
per day or the bonus to 2GC. Once the
matter is settled, the Burgomaster will
leave like most other customers have
already done. The characters can
choose to go to their rooms or stay and
drink with Egill and his friends. If they
manage to drink the remaining
customers under the table they gain a
+10 Fel bonus on interactions while in
Nordfels. If they don’t, it’s -5% Fel for
being such a wuss.
If the characters decide to not get
involved, they will only have to dodge
the occasional thrown chair or mug
(Improvised Weapon). If they do get
involved and do not lose, they gain
some respect (+10% on Fel rolls
towards the town folk). If they should
even wound somebody fatally, the
brawl stops. They have properly
scared the peasants (-10% on Fel,
+10% on Intimidate).
Either way, the Burgomaster enters the
Inn shortly afterwards. If the characters
have prevented the brawl, Egill will tell
him about it and the Burgomaster will
ignore the other peasants and address
the characters. Skip the next
paragraph .
Otherwise, the Burgomaster will give a
short speech trying to appeal to the
peasant’s sense of community. He
wants an end to the infighting and
mistrust that has dominated everyday
life since Karel's untimely demise. He'll
be heckled and interrupted by all kinds
of drunken accusations of corruption,
stupidity and insults to his manhood by
whoever is still left conscious. The
Burgomaster will try to convince the
peasants to agree on somebody to
take over the role of the "Schlichter", a
type of arbitrator that would settle the
arguments amongst the various
factions. Unfortunately, everybody in
Nordfels is believed to be biased or
paid for. Everybody except the
First day on the Job or
Egill speaks
Before the characters leap into action
by mingling with the lively crowd on the
Marktplatz outside, Egill will take them
aside and tell them a few things about
These days, Kaufmann and Ostländer
control the entire town. But it wasn’t
always like this. A few years back,
Ostländer used to be the most
influential person here. His
connections to Altdorf, Nuln and the
Sigmarite Church made him the man to
go to, if there was anything you
needed. He’d always get it, for a price.
And it usually wasn’t money he was
after. With the Storm of Chaos this all
changed. His connections dried up for
some reason and when the Greenskins
attacked and killed the herds and
destroyed the fields, we had to face
some pretty hard times. We lost a lot of
children and elderly that winter. The
Kaufmann suddenly showed up with
goods and food. Nobody knows how
he did it, but he somehow managed to
put us back on some trade routes and
got us through the hard times. He also
got himself filthy rich that way, if not in
gold then at least in favours and debts.
Ever since then Kaufmann and
Ostländer have been competing; rivals
for control over this town, trying to
drive each other out. They don’t get
their own hands dirty of course, they
have their loyals. The people in
Nordfels never liked this plotting and
scheming going between those two.
But what can you do? Anyway, when
Karel suddenly turned up dead, people
got angry. Like the ones you saw
sitting at the bar yesterday; people who
are fed up with being some rich men’s
puppets and pawns. Things just got
worse from there. I think, if they don’t
find a scapegoat some time soon…
well… I got a quick getaway ready for
me and you should, too.
This is the place
When the characters leave the Black
Boar, they will find themselves at the
busy centre of Nordfels: the Marktplatz.
Built around a massive stone well, a
great number of shops have been built
as well as an even higher number of
stalls, selling everything from lucky
Ranald charms to rat-on-a-stick.
As is common practice in towns of the
Empire, Nordfels has one main temple
devoted to Sigmar and one smaller
temple for the minor and local deities.
Not all buildings are inhabited
however. Some are mere ruins, while
others have been closed, while the
owner is trying to get repairs done. All
of them show signs of attacks from
marauding chaos forces. The
burgomaster’s house and office is also
located near the Marktplatz. The
houses of the influential Hein
Kaufmann and Steffen Ostländer, on
the other hand are situated on the east
and west side of the town, respectively.
These are the people
The characters shouldn’t have any
trouble getting started in their new job
as Schlichter. The crowd on the
marktplatz is lively, but the separation
between the three factions is still
visible. Certain people explicitly avoid
each other, or just observe each other
from the corner of their eyes.
Nonetheless when the characters
make their way through the crowd,
they will be greeted politely and
respectfully by members of all factions.
Women will smile at them, some men
will even greet them by name (or vice
versa depending on the character’s
sex and preferences). Everybody is
willing to interrupt whatever they’re
doing for some small talk with the
Schlichters. Being simple folk, they do
not have a very wide range of topics
except for the most banal (weather,
distant relatives, news from the
Egill advises the characters to avoid
being seen with either Kaufmann or
Ostländer directly. As that would only
mark them as highly suspicious to
everybody. He has little doubt that they
will both try to send one of their men to
nudge them to do their bidding.
Empire, stories about the War, etc.). All
of them though will at some point
mention in lowered voices that they
know a few things that might be of
interest to the “most revered
If the characters show immediate
interest in that, they will lead them to a
small side street and tell them what
they know.
planning to slowly poison Ostländer’s
men with bad goods, and eventually
only his loyals will be able to live in
Whatever happened to merry
If the characters try to investigate the
murder of Karel, they will soon be
pointed to the direction of Gerhard,
Joseph and Franz. They seemed to
have taken Karel’s death the hardest.
They are – as always – sitting in the
Black Boar and playing cards. Like
everybody else in town, they are eager
to help the Schlichters with whatever
they want to know. If Karel is
mentioned, though, they will
immediately fall silent and refuse to
answer any more questions. With
some alcohol and friendliness (Charm
Test - routine) or some angry gazes
(Intimidate Test - routine), they will tell
them their sordid little tale. Although
they do insist to tell them in private, as
they fear others hearing of their secret.
The Rumours
This is a list of rumours that the people
of Nordfels will mention and allude to,
when the talk to the characters in
The Forest:
Greenskins are rumoured to have a
camp there. Wild animals attack
unsuspecting travellers at night.
Chaosbeasts and the restless dead
roam the forest in search for prey they
can torture and damn for all eternity.
Hein Kaufmann:
His business contacts include some
very suspicious characters; outlaws
and free-roaming sorcerers, even
Heinz Gerber of Stirland. The reason
why he can get steady supply of goods
is because he has made a pact with
chaos demons.
As it turns out Karels death is nothing
but an unfortunate accident. A few
days earlier there had been news that
a burglar was making the rounds in
Nordfels, While people were drinking,
dancing, drinking, singing and drinking
at the Black Boar after a hard day’s
work, somebody would sneak into their
houses and steal anything of value
they could find. One night the three of
them, being upstanding citizens,
decided to do their part to make
Nordfels safer. It was quite dark that
night, when they discovered a figure
using a ladder and trying to get into the
second storey window of somebody
else’s house. They proceeded to attack
the burglar and dragged him to the
Marktplatz. When finally some light fell
on the burglar’s face, the three
discovered to their shock and surprise
that not only had the man died under
inexplicable circumstances but the
burglar turned out to be no other than
Steffen Ostländer:
He was first to place guards in front of
his house, because he has a very dark
secret. His home is haunted, as you
can tell by the strange sounds that can
be heard some nights. There are
always people delivering things like
food, drink and the like to him but he
lives alone. He prefers the company of
men, and is afraid of women.
Threats from outside
The competition between Kaufmann
and Ostländer will soon move to open
fighting in the streets. Ostländer will
call in the Witch Hunters from Altdorf to
take control of Nordfels. Kaufmann is
Karel, the Halfling entertainer. They left
to get help, but when they returned
(the following day), his body had
already been found. Afterwards, it
turned out that Karel was merely trying
to see his secret lover Sieglinde who
was working as a nanny in that house.
Since the watchdog was quite rabid
and quite blind, Karel decided to come
in through the window. The three were
afraid of coming forward with what
really happened, as they knew that the
people in Nordfels were not in a very
forgiving mood these days.
have to enter his house. Ostländer’s
loyals refuse to tell the Schlichters
anything – not that they actually know
that much to begin with.
Steffen Ostländer lives in a very
spacious house in the western half of
Nordfels, only a few blocks away from
the Marktplatz. Unlike most other
buildings, his house shows little to no
signs of taking any damage during the
attacks. The house has two stories, as
well as a tall roof on which a large flag
of the Empire proudly rests.
Should the characters probe and
question this story, some more
embarrassing details will emerge:
they were kicked out of the
Black Boar for being completely
drunk, broke and rowdy
the ladder Karel used was a
small box, and the second
storey window was in fact on the
ground floor
the fact that the burglar was
very small and constantly
claiming he was just Karel the
Entertainer was interpreted as a
shrewd trick by the burglar
they did in fact beat him to
death, although it was an
accident as their punches and
kicks would have merely
incapacitated a grown man
the reason why they left Karel’s
body there the whole night was
because they had passed out a
few blocks away from the
There are always two guards in front of
Ostländer’s house. If they are not busy
looking grimly at random passers-by
while standing in front of the front door,
they sit at a small table next to it
playing the very popular Hosenrucken-
card game. They have very strict order
not to let anybody into the house at all,
while Ostländer is away. Only people
in his company are allowed to enter.
Attempts to bribe or otherwise
persuade them are Very Hard. But
since the job is very boring and dull,
any attempt to distract them or lure one
of them away is Easy.
There is also a back door, which the
characters can use to sneak into the
building. Two sleeping dogs, tied to the
wall with very heavy chains, are
guarding it though. It takes a
successful Perception Test (Routine
during the day, Average at night) to
assess that they are pretty dangerous
(cuts and abrasions, where their collars
are and the thickness of the chains).
The characters need to pass a Stealth
Test (Hard) to get past them unnoticed.
The dogs sleep very lightly and are
very jumpy.
They have been struggling with their
guilty conscience ever since, and are
willing to accept whatever kind of
amends the Schlichters deem
necessary, to avoid being subject to
show trial on the Marktplatz.
It goes without saying that the
characters should wait until Ostländer
has left his house and went to the
Black Boar or otherwise away before
they try to get inside. If the characters
The Alchemist Situation
In order to find out more about
Ostländer’s secret, the characters will
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