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This Old House
A WFRP Adventure of Greed and Revenge
By Steve Darlington
Playtesting by D. Sinnamon, B. Matthews, S. Pinel, R. Smith, S. Hollings
Map by Helga Erichsen
Introduction ................................................................................................................2
Summary .....................................................................................................................2
Pfeffering: A Visitor’s Guide ..................................................................................4
Murder by Night .........................................................................................................7
Detect and Deduct ....................................................................................................8
Examine the Body ..............................................................................................8
Search the Office ................................................................................................8
The Scene of the Crime ..................................................................................10
The Temple of Sigmar ....................................................................................10
The Temple of Verena ....................................................................................12
Talk to the Townsfolk .....................................................................................13
Into the Woods ..................................................................................................15
Return to Altdorf ..............................................................................................15
Events in Town ........................................................................................................16
Father Knows Best ...........................................................................................16
The Offer Stands ...............................................................................................17
A Midday Blessing ............................................................................................17
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The Sickly Child ................................................................................................18
Rachesucher Pays A Call ...............................................................................18
Dinner and a Show ..........................................................................................19
Rats in a Maze ..........................................................................................................20
The Truth Will Out ...................................................................................................21
Sifting Through the Ashes ....................................................................................23
Profiles .......................................................................................................................23
Map of Pfeffering and Surrounds .......................................................................30
This adventure is designed for characters on their first or second career, but
all types and power levels of characters would be suitable. The only
exceptions are if the characters have become high-level fugitives or highly
ranked nobles: such characters would have trouble with or no interest in
claiming their inheritance, respectively. The adventure can take place
anywhere and any time in a campaign. No great changes befall the characters,
they need only travel a short distance, and little combat is needed to complete
the adventure, so fatalities should be low.
Ten years ago, the fortunes of the small town of Pfeffering reached their lowest
ebb, when the plague arrived on top of their long years of poverty. This bad
fortune changed, however, when Father Corrotto, a humble priest of Sigmar,
had a vision of the comet, rising up out of the nearby lake. He knew this was a
blessing, and urged the townsfolk to bathe in the lake, and the next day, the
plague was gone. Of course, that was not the end of evil in Pfeffering. A
young woman named Lindel – who was known to keep a pet cat, talk to herself
and offer herbal remedies – declared that some of the patients she ministered
to still complained of symptoms of the plague. In the face of this heresy,
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Corrotto had her and her entire family burned for witchcraft. Few noticed or
cared that Lindel was the only challenge to Corrotto’s authority over the
village, or that his burning of Lindel cemented his image as its great protector.
Ten years passed, and Pfeffering’s fortunes have reversed entirely. The Storm
of Chaos has sent refugees in from the north, and the new signal tower nearby
has brought in money and labour. The lace industry has revived. The legend
of the Lake of the Comet spread as well, and Pfeffering has become a centre of
Sigmarite revival, especially for the weary refugees. Church money has rushed
into the town, and the town’s small chapel has been greatly renovated. Yet
Corrotto has even greater plans for the town. He wants to build a cathedral in
honour of the miracle, and to increase his chances of being named a bishop.
However, to build his cathedral, his church needs more land, so Corrotto has
been bleeding the town dry with his evangelical preaching in order to raise the
funds to buy the land and the materials, and hire the craftsmen. The last
house remaining to be bought is an old manor house owned by an elderly and
wealthy member of the lace-maker’s guild.
The house is now very run-down, and hasn’t been lived in for ten years, since
the owner moved to Carroburg to escape the plague. That owner is a PC’s
great Aunt Inge, twice removed, and with no closer relatives, the endowment
goes to him. News of this reaches the character, and he is invited to come to
Pfeffering to receive his inheritance.
When they arrive, the characters are informed there is already a sizeable offer
on the house from a mysterious buyer. Despite appearances, this buyer is not
Corrotto, but a second player in all this. Lector Hal Rachesucher, Annointed
Priest of Verena was just an initiate when his secret lover Lindel was
murdered to suit Corrotto’s political aspirations. Over the last decade,
Rachesucher has watched Corrotto take control of his town and grow fat from
the profits bought with Lindel’s blood, and planned his revenge. Rachesucher
has been getting his revenge by buying the land around the church and selling
it on at inflated prices. He has been using the profits to pay skaven sappers to
dig tunnels under the land, and lace it with flecks of warpstone. Corrotto will
get his cathedral, but it will collapse into the hollow ground and be tainted
with Chaos long before it is finished, bringing doom upon Corrotto and all his
servants. Meanwhile, Rachesucher can pass the money he makes onto the
community he loves.
Unfortunately, the last house he wants to buy has gone to the PCs, and they
are unexpectedly curious. He thus arranges for the town clerk who shows
them their house to be murdered, soon after the PCs arrive. Blame falls upon
them, and both Corrotto and Rachesucher indicate to the PCs they should
probably leave quickly. The clerk’s replacement will re-iterate the huge offer
on the house from a “buyer in Altdorf” (actually Rachesucher, through a
relative) while Corrotto will promise the PCs a stained-glass window in their
honour if they donate the decrepit money-pit to his cause.
Investigating the murder will uncover some hints of the skaven, but the body
will be buried by the church very quickly, to remove any chance of a scandal.
Investigating the church will lead them to uncover Corrotto’s meteoric rise to
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power. Investigating the town will uncover something of the price of that rise,
and Corrotto’s drive to raise money. The Temple of Verena will reveal that it
has been the sole haven against this, and also has a memorial to Lindel, to
establish motive. Exploring underneath their new house, the grounds around
it or the woods nearby leads them to discover underground tunnels and plenty
of signs of the Skaven.
Two events that night will bring things to a head. First, Rachesucher will pay
his rodent associates to burn down the house, although he will ask the PCs to
dine with him first, not wanting them hurt. In the aftermath of the fire, they
will spy skaven tracks, or observe Rachesucher going to meet with them, or
find them in the underground tunnels. Whether they battle or parley, they
will discover the Skaven are being paid by Rachesucher to taint the land with
If they return and search the town, they’ll find their culprit missing. Gripped
with insanity and despair, Rachesucher goes to confront Corrotto directly.
Anyone joining them in the church will be told about Lindel and Corrotto’s
evil grip on his town. He’ll then order his few supporters to fight with steel
and magic, while he drags Corrotto up into the spire of the chapel to beat a
confession out of him. Rachesucher is clearly mad and dangerous and needs
to be put down (although this can be softened if the GM wants a more morally
ambiguous campaign), but stopping him leaves the town in the hands of
Corrotto, who will continue to manipulate it for his own aspirations. Bringing
down this corrupt (but not Chaotic) priest is left as an exercise for a longer
campaign, or simply a reminder of the harsh realities of the Old World.
Complicating both issues is what to do about the warpstone flecks already
placed in the soil – again, dealing with this can form a longer campaign. With
the house destroyed, however, the PCs have no specific reason to remain, and
can turn to other adventures.
Pfeffering: A Visitor’s Guide
The town of Pfeffering is oriented north-south. On the west side, the town
nestles against a line of tree-covered hills, which slowly flatten out into thick
forest as they run north. A stream flows down from the hills and through the
town, effectively dividing it in two. All the richer houses and businesses are
situated on the northern side of the river, including the Temples of Sigmar,
Verena, Shallya and Morr, and the refined Bog Octopus Tavern. The more
popular inn, The Drunken Duck, and the Goods Store sit just on the southern
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side of the stream. These buildings, the bridge crossings and the nearby wells
are the site of daily gossip. Near to this is a small rise of land which has
wooden planks laid across it to form a platform; this is used for making
speeches, holding the band at dances or by travelling salesmen on market day.
Father Corrotto has taken to using it to preach his sermons as well, as the
Temple of Sigmar is now too small. At the southern end of town are the
stables and smithy, and the newly-constructed shanty town of houses and
tents for the refugees and seasonal workers.
The town has a population of around 300 people, of which about fifty arrived
with the new prosperity over the last two years, and another fifty are refugees
from the northern Storm. Wool is the primary industry of the town, and
sheep farms border the eastern and southern sides of town. Most townsfolk
are involved in producing wool products, particularly lace, embroidery and
woven cloth. These goods are shipped off to Altdorf, Carroburg and other
larger towns. Due to this thriving industry, all clothes and cloth goods may be
bought for half the price listed in the rulebook. Both ends of town have
benefited from the recent return of the wool industry, but most of the new
building has occurred in the south. The northern buildings retain their
centuries-old stylings and materials, as a measure of status and pride.
The town is ruled over by a council of five, made up from the richer guild
masters and the prominent priests. This council levees annual taxes from the
people, most of which goes to the landowner, Grand Duke Leopold of
Middenland. The rest helps maintain public works and support the ten-man
volunteer Town Watch. Both the Watch and the council are housed in the
small Town Hall. Currently, Josef Gettel is the chairman of this council,
which earns him the title of Burgomaster. A map of Pfeffring is included at
the end of the adventure.
Inspecting the Property
The adventure proper begins once the PCs have been told of their inheritance
and have made their way to the town. Whether they travel by horse, coach or
foot, the PCs will arrive in Pfeffering in the late afternoon. The coach will stop
at the main inn, the Drunken Duck, and if they ask there or anywhere else
about their Aunt Inge or the inheritance, they’ll be immediately directed to the
Burgomaster in the Town Hall. If they ask more about Inge, they don’t get
very much information – only that she owned the house but left after her
husband died, and hasn’t lived there for more than ten years, so nobody really
remembers her. The PCs can also find the house themselves, in which case
refer to the description of the property below.
If they go to the town hall, they will be greeted by Gerta Ironhelmsdotr, a
pretty young dwarf who is the assistant to the Burgomaster. Gettel is a fat,
lazy man who leaves as much work as possible to his clever and diligent
subordinate. Gerta knows the PCs are coming (it was she who sent them the
letter) and if they don’t call on her, she will come and find them as soon as
words gets around of their arrival.
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