
(62 KB) Pobierz
{1471}{1495}(HORN HONKING)
{1648}{1687}(MUSIC BREAKING)
{2272}{2315}That all you got?
{2322}{2445}It's gonna take more than|a few firecrackers to kill Danny Greene.
{2580}{2643}The Cadillac, it was Danny Greene's.
{2794}{2837}Put a 24-hour tail on him.
{2841}{2937}JOE: The Irish have this expression,|"He's a man you don't meet every day. "
{2952}{2985}That was Danny, ah' right.
{3086}{3163}We both grew up on the east side,|in Collinwood.
{3179}{3235}Danny was an orphan.
{3238}{3333}He was raised by his grandfather|in a dump on Waterloo Road.
{3350}{3465}He was a good athlete.|Made All-Metro in basketball and baseball.
{3504}{3558}School held no interest.
{3567}{3640}Danny was already marching|to a different tune.
{3747}{3835}Back then everything in Cleveland|was controlled by the Mafia,
{3840}{3950}which had been run since the '40s|by one man. John Scalish.
{4014}{4107}Every day after school, it was Danny|and his friend Billy McComber
{4110}{4175}against this one group of Sicilian kids.
{4210}{4251}(BOYS GRUNTING)
{4375}{4443}I don't know why they hated Danny so much.
{4453}{4541}You know what they say, "Kids will be kids."
{4647}{4726}As for me, I joined|Cleveland P.D. at age 18.
{4729}{4782}After 12 years, I made detective,
{4785}{4860}investigating organised crime|on the Lake Erie shore.
{4900}{4960}MERKE: All right, listen up, men.|Grainbarten.
{4963}{4987}GRAINBARTEN: Here.
{4992}{5041}- Nungester, William.|- WILLIAM: Here!
{5048}{5098}- Harlet, Roger.|- ROGER: Here!
{5115}{5154}- Heuler, Leo.|- HEULER: Here.
{5181}{5257}Walton, William. Greene, Daniel.
{5269}{5396}Sneperger, Arthur. Walter, George.|McComber, William.
{5508}{5564}BILLY: Oh, great. it's only 91.
{5569}{5593}Wait till noon.
{5816}{5850}(FOGHORN BLOWING)
{6016}{6052}ART: What is that?
{6055}{6115}It's one of those container ships|out of New Orleans.
{6123}{6158}They're gonna put us all out of business.
{6161}{6224}- And who told you that? Danny?|- Yeah.
{6246}{6287}Where's he learn that shit?
{6290}{6314}He reads.
{6330}{6358}ART: I read.
{6401}{6442}Comics don't count, Art.
{7119}{7172}(ALARM BLARING)
{7256}{7308}DANNY: You got him?|BILLY: Yeah, ready?
{7383}{7426}Turn that thing off!
{7469}{7507}What's this all about?
{7511}{7602}(PANTING) You know the rules.|Temperature hits 110, we're done.
{7648}{7781}I got a contract to unload these barges by|close of day, and I will fulfil that contract.
{7790}{7828}Someone's gonna die in there.
{7831}{7874}Who? Him?
{7938}{7989}Looks fine to me. In the pink.
{8051}{8164}If you wanna continue working in this union,|quit your belly-achin'
{8188}{8233}and get back up there.
{8343}{8372}Come on, Danny.
{8440}{8476}Ice him down.
{8974}{9045}You know, Danny, we at the national chapter|don't support Brooke.
{9051}{9110}He doesn't care about the rank and file,|and that's a problem.
{9147}{9184}You ever think about running against him?
{9187}{9263}(SCOFFS) Union president?|I don't know, Mr Gilroy.
{9266}{9329}The guys look up to you. I've seen it.
{9347}{9386}I didn't even finish high school.
{9389}{9463}(LAUGHS) So what?|You read the entire Library of Congress.
{9542}{9578}Think about it.
{9738}{9768}Here you are, boys.
{9771}{9807}- I'm Art.|- I'm Billy.
{9810}{9848}Hi, Art. Hi, Billy.
{9890}{9930}Uh... Who's your friend?
{9942}{10012}No, no, don't bother. He doesn't like girls.
{10271}{10307}What you got there?
{10414}{10447}A little light reading, huh?
{10503}{10546}- My family's from Kildare.|- Nice.
{10605}{10662}Your friends said that you don't like girls.
{10719}{10746}They're being ironic.
{10778}{10847}You know where you say|the opposite for laughs?
{10879}{10948}Well, I think that you are|the ugliest man on Lake Erie
{10951}{11003}and I'd rather kiss Richard Nixon.
{11048}{11076}Got that?
{11135}{11164}Why don't you read that?
{11175}{11223}(SLOW MUSIC PLAYING)
{11581}{11653}I never do this. Really.
{11720}{11770}What makes me so special?
{11838}{11915}'Cause you're different|than all those idiots.
{12170}{12242}Danny. I'm in trouble.|I'm in really big trouble.
{12406}{12438}ART: it's in there.
{12456}{12480}Wait here.
{12718}{12752}(MUSIC PLAYING ON RADIO)
{13010}{13064}I'm a friend of Art Sneperger's.
{13074}{13137}Oh, yeah?|Well, Sneperger's got no friends here.
{13182}{13206}Come over here.
{13260}{13332}Well, it looks like your friend owes us|a lot of money.
{13362}{13386}He can't pay.
{13446}{13545}You came here to John Nardi's casino|to tell him that your friend can't pay?
{13548}{13575}You know who he is?
{13582}{13642}Everyone in Cleveland knows|who John Nardi is.
{13678}{13701}I got a proposition.
{13704}{13757}You believe this fuckin' guy?
{13908}{13955}Well, let's hear what he's gotta say.
{14145}{14194}- I took care of it.|- What?
{14208}{14270}I want one thing in return.
{14282}{14355}You gotta promise me|you'll never gamble again.
{14358}{14383}- Yeah.|- Can you do that, Art?
{14392}{14438}Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
{14469}{14499}Jesus, Danny!
{14502}{14554}- Promise me!|- I promise.
{14626}{14653}Get outta here.
{15336}{15414}Good call, Danny.|This place is like Sears and Roebuck.
{15439}{15463}MAN: We got one more.
{15481}{15534}I think there's four more rotisseraries.
{15541}{15574}(HORN BLOWING)
{15687}{15774}Mr Greene. A word with you, please.
{16088}{16124}What can I do?
{16170}{16245}Tell me, what can I do for you?
{16410}{16446}That's out of the question.
{16457}{16489}Then I'll run against you.
{16522}{16578}Runnin' ploughs on a grain ship's one thing.
{16598}{16649}Running a union is quite another.
{16657}{16722}Think you're moving up? New career?
{16742}{16777}I don't think so.
{16812}{16885}I think you're gonna tell Mr Gilroy|you're not interested.
{16903}{16955}And then you're gonna pay me half|of what you been making
{16958}{17020}with your Wop friends in the container yard.
{17054}{17102}Oh, I didn't know about that either?
{17156}{17235}I got no moral issues with it, mind you.|I just want my cut.
{17248}{17278}But next time,
{17295}{17365}the Cleveland P.D.|will pay a visit to your house.
{17377}{17424}Oh, they're my friends, too.
{17461}{17492}And then it's over.
{17522}{17590}You won't work in any union anywhere.
{17626}{17664}You won't exist.
{17715}{17777}I'll come to your house|and drink all your beer.
{17806}{17869}I'll visit your|girlfriend in the back bedroom.
{17905}{17955}And you, sir, will take it.
{17980}{18022}Because you have to.
{18148}{18254}Be in the machine shop at midnight.|I'll send my man to pick up the cash.
{18324}{18378}Now get the fuck out of my office.
{18630}{18670}(RAIN PATTERING)
{19803}{19843}A gun?
{19848}{19889}You Polack prick.
{19906}{19979}What do you do|if a Polack throws a hand grenade at you?
{20010}{20055}Take the pin out and throw it back.
{20105}{20173}You hear how the Polish firing squad died?
{20257}{20286}Stood in a circle.
{20329}{20410}Come on, Joe, let's dance.
{20714}{20753}(DANNY EXHALES)
{21890}{21920}Joe Buka!
{22196}{22227}Joe's not here.
{22480}{22534}I'll give you three seconds...
{22578}{22605}To do what?
{22726}{22758}To do what?
{22790}{22845}Go ahead, yank it.
{23046}{23076}Get out.
{23636}{23674}MAN: To the new president!
{23677}{23718}(ALL CHEERING)
{24246}{24313}This place is a dump.|Clean up the freight yard.
{24322}{24404}And replace those signs.|I'm sick to death of looking at them.
{24416}{24498}- Repaint these goddamn stairs.|- What colour do you want?
{24545}{24634}Styner, Barley. Holt, Richard.
{24656}{24702}Harlet, Roger.
{24711}{24754}Pitsford, Harold.
{24768}{24852}Stockbarge. Manscoter, Harold.
{25238}{25286}Mr MacLeish. Danny Greene.
{25289}{25357}I know who you are.|You're the tool that sent me this.
{25489}{25535}Four thousand to unload each vessel?
{25538}{25622}Are you out of your fucking mind?|The price is 2,000.
{25627}{25678}We have a contract|and you're going to honour it.
{25681}{25721}Or I'm gonna lock out your union.
{25724}{25782}Is that clear, you fucking potato eater?
{25828}{25852}Potato eater.
{25896}{25990}Seeing as how the potato|was the only source of nutrition
{25993}{26064}in Ireland for 300 years|and half the population,
{26067}{26146}including my ancestors,|died in the great famine,
{26184}{26255}I'd say that term is insensitive.
{26324}{26421}Speaking of culinary tastes,|Mr MacLeish, you're Scottish, aren't you?
{26445}{26480}Let's talk about haggis.
{26506}{26590}Haggis is seasoned lard|stuffed into a sheep's colon.
{26602}{26722}Sol may be a potato-eater, Mr MacLeish,|but I don't eat fat out of a sheep's asshole.
{26905}{26941}What do you think of the new carpet?
{27166}{27242}JOE: After all these years I had lost track|of Danny Greene.
{27323}{27388}You can imagine my surprise|when I heard a guy by the same name
{27391}{27460}had been elected president|of the Longshoreman's Union.
{27463}{27487}This is John Scalish.
{27492}{27555}And I wondered if it was the same guy|from my neighbourhood.
{27615}{27660}Yeah, same guy.
{27706}{27811}It was only a matter of time before he|started hanging out at that Theatrical Grill.
{27814}{27868}Every city's got a Theatrical.
{27875}{27964}The one plac...
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