Joe Vitale - How To Make A Million DOllars.pdf

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This is Joe Vitale and I muted everybody because we’ve got more and more people from all over the world coming online this cal
How to Make $1,000,000 in 2004 Page 1
How to Make $1,000,000 in 2004
A Teleseminar with Dr. Joe Vitale and Guest Speakers
On November 10, 2003
Joe: This is Joe Vitale. I muted everybody because we’ve got more and more people
from all over the world coming on this call. So, I’m going to officially start it
right now.
We’re using the teleseminar phone line from Joel Christopher, my dear friend
who lives in San Antonio. Tom Parish is recording this. And, I will later have it
transcribed so we will have it up as an audio link and ebook that you can read
and listen to later.
Again, I am Joe Vitale and welcome to my call. What we are going to talk about
tonight is how you can make $1,000,000 or more in 2004.
It probably sounds like a preposterous statement, depending where you are
financially right now, but it got you on the call.
I think that my tip of the day is for you to set an intention.
What do you want to get out of this phone call?
What do you want to learn?
What do you want to experience?
And beyond that, what do you want to achieve in 2004?
As we make this call we are in mid-November. The end of the year will be here
before you know it, and you’re already looking at, or should be looking at, what
you want financially for next year. So, tonight we are going to be talking about
how you can achieve your financial goals and I think setting an intention will
help you go in that direction.
To help me communicate all of this, I have had most of my speakers, if not all of
them that are going to be speaking at the Spiritual Marketing Super Summit in
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Austin, Texas, in January. If you want to learn more about that you can go to the
I want you to think about a couple of things as we go into this call. First of all,
just this morning I saw a statistic. It said, “There are eight million millionaires in
the United States.” Now, that’s a pretty whopping figure. You might have
thought it was far less or maybe you might have thought it was more. I thought it
was less. But there are 8,000,000 millionaires. 91% of them started with
essentially nothing. Now, to me that signifies that there’s hope for all of us. If
they can start with nothing, 91% of these people reached millionaire status, and
8,000,000 of them do it, I think that we can do it, too. So, I want that to be
planted as a seed in your mind that it is possible for you, too.
Another thing that I want you to look at is, far too many people focus on just
internet marketing and I think that’s a mistake. While the internet has changed
my life and internet marketing has made me prosperous and something of a
celebrity, I think that just focusing on internet marketing alone is shooting
yourself in the foot.
What I think really works in marketing these days, and what I am going to be
talking about on this call, and what we’ll be talking about at the Spiritual
Marketing Super Summit, is what I call “Spiritual Marketing and Integrated
For example, I know people that are making $1.8 million a month, that’s $1.8
million per month. I did not miss say that. That is per month. When I
investigate them, and I ask them, “How you are doing it?”, most of them say,
“Oh, we’re doing it on the online. We’re making $1.8 million a month on the
internet.” And, I investigate how they are doing it. They are not just doing it
online. They are using offline methods to drive people to their online business.
So again, they are using what I call “integrated marketing.” And we’ll touch on
some of that tonight.
So, the focus of this call is on how you can do be financially independent and
how you can make $1,000,000 or more in 2004. And instead of me doing all of
the talking -- I’ve already done more than what I thought I would do -- I’m going
to interview my speakers. I’ll give them a couple minutes each and these are all
the speakers from the Spiritual Marketing Super Summit. They’ll each tell you
who they are. They’ll each give you a tip or two that will help you in business
right now, no matter what business you are in now and no matter whether you are
going to the Summit in Austin in January or not.
Also tonight, and this is probably why most of you are even listening, also
tonight one person on this call will win a free ticket to attend the Spiritual
Marketing Super Summit and that ticket will include over $9,000 in bonuses.
Now, I’ll announce the winner of that at the end of this call. So, you need to be
listening to find out how I’m going to be choose that person, and you need to be
listening so that you can respond, and you need to be listening so that you can
find out if you are the winner or not.
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Whether you win or not (and somebody certainly will) there will be practical
information, inspiring information, given out over the next maybe 50 or 60
minutes. So, strap yourself in your chair and we are going to start talking to my
Is Cindy Cashman is on the line?
Yes, I am, Joe.
Hi, Cindy! How are you doing?
Fabulous. Thank you.
You know, aren’t you are the author, I’m not sure I can say author though, of a
book that probably all of us have bought or at least heard of and probably flipped
What is the title of that book again?
Everything Men Know About Women and it was written under the pseudonym of
Dr. Alan Francis. And, yes, I am one of that 91% statistic starting with
absolutely nothing.
Oh, listen to that folks! So, you are one of those 91% statistics that started with
nothing. And speaking of nothing, isn’t that what’s in that book?
Yes, exactly.
It’s absolutely empty. So, what men really know about women, is really nothing.
So anyway, Cindy, tell us a little bit about who you are and about where your
website is.
Sure. My name is Cindy Cashman and my website is .
That is c-i-n-d-y, cash as in money, and then man.
What I want to talk about is, first of all: Are you ready to simplify your life, have
fun, and increase your wealth using your intuition?
Let me give you a quick example.
Step One: Ask yourself a question like, “What is the easiest way for me to make
money with my product or service?” Now, how much easier can it be than to
write a book with nothing in it?
Good point.
Step Two: Listen to the answers that pop into your mind and write them down.
Step Three: Which one of those answers gets you excited? This excitement is
your intuition speaking to you.
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Step Four: Take Action.
And one of the ways you can take action, is obviously is to come to Joe Vitale’s
Spiritual Marketing Super Summit, January 15th through the 18 th . I will be
teaching you many techniques for learning how to tap into your intuition,
especially my favorite, “How I Grossed Over $1,000,000 By Just Making A Few
Phone Calls.” It’s time for you to have fun and increase your wealth using your
intuition. And, I hope to see you all there.
Fantastic, Cindy. Thank you very much. I know you have to go to a meeting. I
really appreciate you taking the time to come and visit with us and giving that
great tip.
Well, I’m really looking forward to meeting a lot of wonderful people. And,
thank you, Joe, for having me.
Thank you.
Is Terri Levine on?
Yes, I am.
Hi, Terri. Thanks for coming on. Terri is a best selling author. You just had yet
another book hit the bestseller list just this last week!
And what was the title of that book?
That book is “ Stop Managing, Start Coaching .”
Oh, you’ve written several books. So, tell others who you are, what your website
Great! I am Terri Levine. I am a master certified coach. I am CEO of
Comprehensive Coaching You, and the best selling author of Work Yourself
Happy . And, now I can also add my new book, Stop Managing, Start Coaching:
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life and Create Your Ideal Body . And my
website is .
And, I want to give people a tip to increase business results that really comes out
of my best selling book, my Stop Managing, Start Coaching book and this is
going to sound very easy, but it is super important.
Instead of focusing on profits and thinking about profits each day, focus on fun.
If every day you focus on enjoying your business more, making it more fun, not
only for you but for anybody else who is involved in working with you in your
business. You’ll improve your moral. You’ll improve the moral of the workers
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and the workday will be more joyful. You’ll have more humor. And, I’m not
talking about like whooping it up. I’m talking about smiling. I’m talking about
taking breaks. I’m talking about making fun competitions. I’ve got many, many
other ideas that I’ll be sharing.
So, I want everybody to leave here remembering focus on fun, smile more, make
that a part of your daily mission, even if you are the only employee.
And in January, I’m going to be showing you the entire Stop Managing, Start
Coaching process. And you can use this process to stop managing yourself, your
kids, your employees, your coworkers, your life partner, anybody. And, I’ll
teach you a step-by-step model that works. It will shift you to become a coach
for your business, for your financial and your personal success. We’ll do
everything from learning how to vision, creating a coaching attitude and culture
for you and others. You’ll learn how to speak your truth, how to make real
transformations, how to get and stay focused, and how to use the law of
attraction. We’ll do a lot of interacting. You will have a WOW experience, and
I can’t wait to share this with you in January.
Fantastic, Terri. Thank you very much. That’s a great tip. And, we will see you
in January.
I’m delighted. Thank you, Joe.
Okay. Is Blair Warren around?
I am here.
All right, Blair! Blair is the author of a book that is so powerful on persuasion
that he is afraid to even publish it. Blair, tell us who you are, and if you want tell
what the book is, where your website is, and your tip.
Well, by day, I am a television producer and marketing consultant and, by night,
my wife calls me the crown prince of human nature, because I spend so much
time digging into books and websites and studying everything I can find to learn
everything that I can.
The book that you mentioned is actually part of an e-class I teach. The book is
called The Forbidden Keys of Persuasion . The reason that I am afraid to publish
it, as you said, is not so much that I am afraid of what the information will do,
but I am afraid of the information not being understood correctly by someone
simply reading it, which is why I chose to keep it in a class format and not just
release the text.
Were I learned all this information is, I couldn’t figure out how cult leaders could
get their followers to do some of the most bizarre things. They gave up their
possessions; some took their lives, etc. And yet, we on the outside world can’t
sell insurance. We can’t get our kids to take out the trash.
I couldn’t figure out what was going on. So I wanted to study everything that I
could about that. And what I came away with, thinking I was going to go in and
Transcribed by Jennie Maples
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