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The Sewers of Tamalir ~ Quest I
Free Brandy!
By Curtis Lyon
The Sewers of Tamalir is designed to be a series of quests that allow the heroes to explore the seamy underbelly of
the great city. The first quest begins, of course, in a tavern...
Free Brandy!
Copper 1 2 Conquest Tokens,
1 Curse,
1 Copper Treasure
Copper 2 1 Conquest Token,
100 Coins,
1 Copper Treasure
Copper 3 2 Curses,
2 Copper Treasures
Silver 1 3 Conquest Tokens,
1 Curse,
1 Silver Treasure
Silver 2 2 Conquest Tokens,
200 Coins,
1 Silver Treasure
Silver 3 1 Conquest Token,
2 Curses,
2 Silver Treasures
Free Brandy!
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The Sewers of Tamalir ~ Quest I
Quest Goals
The only problem with the Salty Dog is its popularity.
Every adventurer drinks there, which means that the
service can be a slow – especially on busy nights like
tonight. You're sitting and waiting for a much-needed
pint of your preferred beverage, when the normal din
of the common room is muted by sounds of screaming
and scuffling coming from the back. Before anyone
can act, Wort the Barkeep comes staggering into the
room looking disheveled and dazed. He has blood
oozing from a handful of scratches, and a number of
bruises are welling up on his exposed flesh.
“Bunch o' little buggers broke into the cellar an' made
off with Brandy!” he blurts in obvious pain.
There might have been more of a ruckus, but most
folk realize that he is talking about the barmaid and
not the booze. But it presents a problem for you, since
Brandy is the tavern's only barmaid tonight. You're
thirsty, the place is packed, and you may never get
your drink if she's gone missing. Looking around, you
see that most of the other patrons seem undisturbed by
the news... probably because most of them seem to
already have their drinks, and are well into their cups.
You join a tiny group of drinkless customers that is
accosting Wort and trying to find out what actually
Still panting, and occasionally wincing as he applies
some of the Salty Dog's stock to his wounds, Wort
gives you the story:
“We was in the cellar, grabbin' another tun of ale,
when a bunch o' these little rat-faced buggers come
scramblin' outta this hole in the back. Probably dug up
from the sewer, I'm bettin'. Anyways... The suckers
jumped me, grabbed Brandy, an' then retreated back
down their hole. Er... With Brandy.” The bartender
finishes his tale with a helpless shrug.
That settles it. You can't have monsters running amok,
bursting into taverns and running off with wenches.
That's supposed to be your job. Wort gives you his
blessing, along with a convenient map of the
surrounding sewers, and you gear up, heading into the
wine cellar. You quickly find the hole that Wort spoke
of, and lighting torches, you head down into the
darkness of the sewers below...
Descending into Tamalir's sewers, your goal is
simple: Free Brandy! Of course, if you want to kill
monsters and score some loot, that's all for the good,
as well – after all, no more monsters means no more
tavern raids, and extra loot means more drinks. And
heck... If you free Brandy, you might even get some
free brandy! You start with 5 conquest tokens, and
succeed if you get out of the sewers with both Brandy
and at least one conquest token left. If you ever run
out of conquest tokens, however, Brandy remains in
captivity (or worse), and you'll likely have to find
another tavern to frequent.
Water channels cut across the sewer at several points in
the heroes' path.
The first time the heroes come to a water channel,
and the water flow has not been turned off (or has
been turned back on):
A sewage canal cuts across your path, flowing with
water and effluvium. Your way is blocked, unless you
can find another way around or a means to cut off the
If the water flow has been turned off:
A muddy channel of damp effluvium cuts across your
path. You can cross it, although it will be a slow and
unpleasant. Not to mention smelly. Now you know
why they normally keep the water running.
Area Descriptions
These descriptions should be read as the appropriate
areas are revealed by the heroes.
Free Brandy!
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The Sewers of Tamalir ~ Quest I
Start Area
Accompanied by the deep screech and rumble of
grinding metal and stone, the water flow is quickly
reduced to a mere trickle.
Descending a narrow flight of crudely-hewn steps,
you arrive at a portion of Tamalir's sewer system. It is
dank – every surface glistens with a wet sheen – and
water (at least you hope it's water) drips steadily from
the stonework above you. The place stinks, and has
not been well maintained. Portions of the tunnel have
collapsed to form small pits and piles of rubble, and in
the darkness beyond your torchlight, you can hear the
gurgle of flowing water, as well as a more ominous
rustling and chittering.
Replace all water obstacles in play that are larger than
one space with mud.
As these are still considered to be deep channels, mud
in this quest is treated as a combination of both mud
and pit obstacles for purposes of movement and line of
If anyone completes turning on the water:
The deep screech and rumble of grinding metal and
stone is accompanied by the roar of rushing water as
the channels are quickly filled with flowing sewage.
Area 1
While it is just as damp and dank in here as out in the
main passage, it appears to be in better repair. Deep in
the bowels of this large chamber, you can hear the
flow and gurgle of one of the city's sewage canals. If
you couldn't have heard it, you still would have been
perfectly able to smell it. But of more immediate
concern are the hairy and misshapen men that appear
to have taken more than a passing interest in your
presence. You're pretty sure that these aren't Wort's
“rat-faced buggers”.
Replace all mud obstacles in play with water.
Anyone unfortunate enough to be in a sewage canal
when the water is turned on is automatically – and
rather unpleasantly – killed. Immediately apply all of
the appropriate effects.
Area 2
Beyond another sewage canal, two pillars from an
archway that lets into a small, foul-smelling chamber.
Here and there, water has pooled into some of the
deep potholes in the floor. You can make out more
passageway beyond the room, as well as a number of
small, chattering, humanoid critters. Ah... These
would be the “rat-faced buggers” that Wort was going
on about.
If a hero ends his movement on the encounter marker:
Inset in the wall is a large metal wheel with a crank
handle attached to it. This looks like it is the water
shutoff valve for this part of the sewers. Although it
appears pretty rusty, it still seems to be functional.
A hero may perform a prolonged Melee (5) action on
the encounter marker to turn the water flow off or on.
This action cannot be normally disrupted. However, a
monster that is on the encounter marker, if it is
unattended, may spend a combat action to remove one
progress token from this action.
If turning the water flow either off or on is completed, a
monster may still spend combat actions (a total of five)
in order to reverse the process at a later time.
If a hero comes within 3 spaces of the encounter
In the far corner of the room, you can make out the
bloody, desecrated remains of some poor soul. You
sure hope it isn't Brandy. Aside from being a total
waste of pulchritude, you'd have to curse the Overlord
for making your quest an automatic failure.
If a hero ends his movement on the encounter marker:
If anyone completes turning off the water:
You examine the body. Yuck! Nope... this sure isn't
Brandy – it looks more like one of those beastmen.
Hmmm... You wonder if it's got any loot.
Free Brandy!
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The Sewers of Tamalir ~ Quest I
A hero may perform a prolonged Ranged (3) action on
the encounter marker to search the body. This action
may be disrupted. This must be a continuous action,
and each hero must perform this action separately –
they cannot combine progress tokens.
A hero who is adjacent to Brandy may perform a
prolonged Melee (6) or Ranged (6) action in order to
free her from her chains. This action may be disrupted.
This must be a continuous action, and each hero must
perform this action separately – they cannot combine
progress tokens.
If a hero completes searching the body:
If a hero completes freeing Brandy:
Darn... No money. On the bright side, you do find a
Brandy looks frightfully embarrassed throughout most
of the process, but you finally free her from the
chains. “Thanks,” she says with a pretty smile.
The party receives the red runekey. Replace the
encounter marker with a bone heap. There is no further
effect for searching the bone heap.
Brandy may now move freely. She has the standard
statistics for a villager: 6 wounds, 1 armor, and 4
If the glyph in the room has been activated, she may
leave that way. Otherwise, she must either wait, or try
to take the long way out. Note that if a monster kills
Brandy, the heroes lose.
Area 3
This large chamber is split by a number of walls and
arches. In front of the first archway is another sewage
canal, while a pit lays beneath the far archway,
creating a natural barrier to a dark alcove.
From the dark bowels of the room comes a deep,
rumbling voice. “Who dares intrude on Otho?” The
hulking form of an ogre rises from a sturdy throne
situated in the far left of the room. “Otho want to eat
juicy wench in peace!”
You aren't sure in what sense he meant that, but you
are sure that it doesn't bode anything pleasant for
Brandy in any case.
If Otho is killed (and stays dead):
“Aw, crap,” says the ogre, and expires.
If the heroes fail in their quest:
Oops. Looks like you'll be needing to find a new
watering hole. And it also sucks that all the other
adventurers know about this little incident.
If the heroes succeed in rescuing Brandy:
The master ogre here is Otho. He has the same statistics
as an ordinary master ogre, except that his armor is +1
and he has 2 extra wounds. Be sure to place a throne
beneath Otho after reading the description.
Good job! All the other adventurers cheer as you
return with Brandy in tow, and Wort actually does
give you drinks on the house for the rest of the night.
And they come quickly since Brandy is back – she's
such a fine girl. Heh... And one lucky hero just may
be able to reap the fruits of a very grateful wench...
When a hero crosses past the mud:
Back in the far alcove, you can make out the form of a
woman chained to the wall. It's Brandy! And the
monsters haven't been very kind to her clothing;
they've torn her skirt and ripped her bodice to reveal...
uh... You'd probably better concentrate on Otho and
his minions.
The heroes gain 4 conquest tokens for freeing Brandy.
They have finished their quest.
Replace the encounter token with a villager to represent
Brandy. She cannot be attacked by any monsters unless
she has been freed.
Free Brandy!
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