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Version 1.3, July 2001
Allen Hatcher
Copyright c
2001 by Allen Hatcher
Paper or electronic copies for noncommercial use may be made freely without explicit permission from the author.
All other rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Vector Bundles
1.1. Basic Definitions and Constructions ............ 1
Sections 3. Direct Sums 5. Pullback Bundles 5. Inner Products 7.
Subbundles 8. Tensor Products 9. Associated Bundles 11.
1.2. Classifying Vector Bundles ................. 12
The Universal Bundle 12. Vector Bundles over Spheres 16.
Orientable Vector Bundles 21. A Cell Structure on Grassmann Manifolds 22.
Appendix: Paracompactness 24.
Chapter 2. Complex K-Theory
2.1. The Functor K(X) ....................... 28
Ring Structure 31. Cohomological Properties 32.
2.2. Bott Periodicity ........................ 38
Clutching Functions 38. Linear Clutching Functions 43.
Conclusion of the Proof 45.
2.3. Adams’ Hopf Invariant One Theorem ........... 48
Adams Operations 51. The Splitting Principle 55.
2.4. Further Calculations ..................... 61
The Thom Isomorphism 61.
Chapter 3. Characteristic Classes
3.1. Stiefel-Whitney and Chern Classes ............ 63
Axioms and Construction 64. Cohomology of Grassmannians 69.
Applications of w 1 and c 1 72.
3.2. The Chern Character ..................... 73
The J–Homomorphism 76.
3.3. Euler and Pontryagin Classes ................ 83
The Euler Class 87. Pontryagin Classes 90.
1. Basic Definitions and Constructions
Vector bundles are special sorts of fiber bundles with additional algebraic struc-
ture. Here is the basic definition. An n dimensional vector bundle is a map p : E
B , such that the
following local triviality condition is satisfied: There is a cover of B by open sets
U for each of which there exists a homeomorphism h : p 1 U
n taking
U . Such an h is
called a local trivialization of the vector bundle. The space B is called the base space ,
E is the total space , and the vector spaces p 1 b are the fibers . Often one abbrevi-
ates terminology by just calling the vector bundle E , letting the rest of the data be
implicit. We could equally well take
g R
n by a vector space isomorphism for each b
in place of
as the scalar field here, obtaining
the notion of a complex vector bundle .
If we modify the definition by dropping all references to vector spaces and replace
n by an arbitrary space F , then we have the definition of a fiber bundle: a map
p : E
B such that there is a cover of B by open sets U for each of which there
exists a homeomorphism h : p 1 U
F taking p 1 b to
F for each
U .
Here are some examples of vector bundles:
(1) The product or trivial bundle E
n with p the projection onto the first
(2) If we let E be the quotient space of I
under the identifications 0 ;t
1 ;
t ,
S 1 which is a 1 dimensional vector
bundle, or line bundle . Since E is homeomorphic to a Mobius band with its boundary
circle deleted, we call this bundle the Mobius bundle .
(3) The tangent bundle of the unit sphere S n in
R !
I induces a map p : E
1 , a vector bundle p : E
S n
and we think of v as a tangent vector to
S n by translating it so that its tail is at the head of x ,on S n . The map p : E
S n
n 1
S n
together with a real vector space structure on p 1 b for each b
p 1 b to
then the projection I
where E
Chapter 1
Vector Bundles
sends x;v to x . To construct local trivializations, choose any point b
S n and
S n be the open hemisphere containing b and bounded by the hyperplane
through the origin orthogonal to b . Define h b : p 1 U b
U b
p 1 b
U b R
n by
x; b v where b is orthogonal projection onto the tangent plane
p 1 b . Then h b is a local trivialization since b restricts to an isomorphism of
p 1 x onto p 1 b for each x
U b .
(4) The normal bundle to S n in
1 , a line bundle p : E
S n with E consisting of
pairs x;v
S n
such that v is perpendicular to the tangent plane to S n at
x , i.e., v
tx for some t
2 R
. The map p : E
S n is again given by px;v
x .As
in the previous example, local trivializations h b : p 1 U b
U b R
can be obtained
by orthogonal projection of the fibers p 1 x onto p 1 b for x
U b .
(5) The canonical line bundle p : E
! R P n . Thinking of R P n as the space of lines in
through the origin, E is the subspace of
P n
consisting of pairs `;v
` . Again local trivializations can be defined by orthogonal
projection. We could also take n
` , and p`;v
and get the canonical line bundle E
! R P 1 .
(6) The orthogonal complement E ? f
2 R
P n
of the canonical
! R P n , p`;v` , is a vector bundle with fibers
the orthogonal subspaces ` ? , of dimension n . Local trivializations can be obtained
once more by orthogonal projection.
An isomorphism between vector bundles p 1 : E 1
B and p 2 : E 2
B over the same
E 2 taking each fiber p 1 b to the cor-
responding fiber p 2 b by a linear isomorphism. Thus an isomorphism preserves
all the structure of a vector bundle, so isomorphic bundles are often regarded as the
same. We use the notation E 1
E 2 to indicate that E 1 and E 2 are isomorphic.
For example, the normal bundle of S n in
n 1
is isomorphic to the product bun-
dle S n
by the map x;tx
x;t . The tangent bundle to S 1
is also isomorphic
As a further example, the Mobius bundle in (2) above is isomorphic to the canon-
ical line bundle over
, via e i ;ite i
e i ;t , for e i
S 1
and t
2 R
P 1 is swept out by a line rotating through
an angle of , so the vectors in these lines sweep out a rectangle 0 ;
P 1
S 1 . Namely,
with the
two ends
g R
g R
identified. The identification is 0 ;x
x since
rotating a vector through an angle of produces its negative.
B is the union of the zero vectors in
all the fibers. This is a subspace of E which projects homeomorphically onto B by
p . Moreover, E deformation retracts onto its zero section via the homotopy f t v
The zero section of a vector bundle p : E
tv given by scalar multiplication of vectors v
E . Thus all vector bundles over
B have the same homotopy type.
One can sometimes distinguish nonisomorphic bundles by looking at the comple-
ment of the zero section since any vector bundle isomorphism h : E 1
E 2 must take
let U b
h b x;v
with v
line bundle. The projection p : E ?
base space B is a homeomorphism h : E 1
to the trivial bundle S 1
Basic Definitions and Constructions
Section 1.1 3
since the complement of the zero section
in the Mobius bundle is connected while for the product bundle the complement of
the zero section is not connected. This method for distinguishing vector bundles can
also be used with more refined topological invariants such as H n in place of H 0 .
We shall denote the set of isomorphism classes of n dimensional real vector
bundles over B by Vect n B , and its complex analogue by Vect n
B . For those who
worry about set theory, we are using the term ‘set’ here in a naive sense. It follows
from Theorem 1.8 later in the chapter that Vect n B and Vect n
B are indeed sets in
the strict sense when B is paracompact.
For example, Vect 1 S 1 contains exactly two elements, the Mobius bundle and the
product bundle. This will be a rather trivial application of later theory, but it might
be an interesting exercise to prove it now directly from the definitions.
A section of a bundle p : E
B is a map s : B
E such that ps
1 , or equivalently,
B . We have already mentioned the zero section, which
is the section whose values are all zero. At the other extreme would be a section
whose values are all nonzero. Not all vector bundles have such a nonvanishing section.
Consider for example the tangent bundle to S n . Here a section is just a tangent vector
field to S n . One of the standard first applications of homology theory is the theorem
that S n has a nonvanishing vector field iff n is odd. From this it follows that the
tangent bundle of S n is not isomorphic to the trivial bundle if n is even and nonzero,
since the trivial bundle obviously has a nonvanishing section, and an isomorphism
between vector bundles takes nonvanishing sections to nonvanishing sections.
In fact, an n dimensional bundle p : E
p 1 b for all b
B is isomorphic to the trivial bundle iff
;s n b are linearly independent in
each fiber p 1 b . For if one has such sections s i , the map h : B
;s n such that s 1 b;
E given by
P i t i s i b is a linear isomorphism in each fiber, and is continuous,
as can be verified by composing with a local trivialization p 1 U
hb;t 1 ;
;t n
n . Hence h
is an isomorphism by the following useful technical result:
E 2 between vector bundles over the same
base space B is an isomorphism if it takes each fiber p 1
1 b to the corresponding
fiber p 1
2 b by a linear isomorphism.
P roof : The hypothesis implies that h is one-to-one and onto. What must be checked
is that h 1
is continuous. This is a local question, so we may restrict to an open set
B over which E 1 and E 2 are trivial. Composing with local trivializations reduces
to the case of an isomorphism h : U
n of the form hx;v
x;g x v .
the zero section of E 1 onto the zero section of E 2 , hence the complements of the zero
sections in E 1 and E 2 must be homeomorphic. For example, the Mobius bundle is not
isomorphic to the product bundle S 1
it has n sections s 1 ;
L emma 1.1. A continuous map h : E 1
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