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Table of Contents
Fee x fie x fo x fum..................................................................................................................................17
Astro-age David's Sling...........................................................................................................................20
Heads or Tails We Win, Inc......................................................................................................................27
Invisible Know-How, Inc.........................................................................................................................35
Paper into Gold Alchemists......................................................................................................................45
Can't Fool Cosmic Computer...................................................................................................................56
I dedicate this book to three women: one of the nineteenth and two of the twentieth centuries. First, to
my great aunt, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, who with Ralph Waldo Emerson co-edited the Transcendentalist
magazine, the Dial, and was the first to publish Thoreau--and herself authored Woman in the
Nineteenth Century.
I am sure Margaret would and probably does join in my enthusiastic support and co-dedication of this
book to Marilyn Ferguson, author of The Aquarian Conspiracy, and to Barbara Marx Hubbard, founder
of the Committee for the Future, for their effective inspiration to the young world to do its own
thinking and to act in accordance therewith.
There exists a realizable,
evolutionary alternative
to our being
either atom-bombed into extinction
or crowding ourselves off the planet.
The alternative is the computer-persuadable veering of big business
from its weaponry fixation
to accommodation of all humanity
at an aerospace level of technology,
with the vastly larger,
far more enduringly profitable for all,
entirely new
World Livingry Service Industry.
It is statistically evident
that the more advanced
the living standard,
the lower the birth rate.
It is essential that anyone reading this book know at the outset that
the author is apolitical. I was convinced in 1927 that humanity's most
fundamental survival problems could never be solved by politics.
Nineteen twentyseven was the year when a human first flew alone across
an ocean in one day.(In 1944, the DC-4 started flying secret war-
ferryings across both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. In 1961, jet
airliners put the ocean passenger ships out of business. In 1981, the
world-around airlines flew over a billion and a half scheduled passenger
miles and carried hundreds of millions of ton-miles of freight.) This
was the obvious beginning of the swift integration of all humanity,
groups of whose members for all their previous millions of years on
planet Earth had been so remotely deployed from one another that they
existed as separate nations with ways of life approximately unknown to
one another. It was obvious that the integration would require enormous
amounts of energy. It was obvious that the fossil fuels were
exhaustible. It was obvious that a minority of selfish humans would
organize themselves to exploit the majority's transitional dilemmas. I
was convinced that within the twentieth century, all of humanity on our
planet would enter a period of total crisis. I could see that there was
an alternative to politics and its ever more wasteful, warring, and
inherently vain attempts to solve one-sidedly all humanity's basic
economic and social problems.
That alternative was through invention, development, and reduction to
the physically working stages of massproduction prototypes of each
member of a complete family of intercomplementary artifacts,
structurally, mechanically, chemically, metallurgically,
electromagnetically, and cybernetically designed to provide so much
performance per each erg of energy, pound of material, and second of
time invested as to make it eminently feasible and practicable to
provide a sustainable standard of living for all humanity--more
advanced, pleasing, and increasingly productive than any ever
experienced or dreamed of by anyone in all history. It was clear that
this advanced level could be entirely sustained by the many derivatives
of our daily income of Sun energy. It was clear that it could be
attained and maintained by artifacts that would emancipate humans from
piped, wired, and metered exploitation of the many by the few. This
family of artifacts leading to such comprehensive human success I
identified as livingry in contradistinction to politics' weaponry. I
called it technologically reforming the environment instead of trying
politically to reform the people. (I explain that concept in great
detail in the latter part of this book. I also elucidated it in my book
Critical Path, published in 1981 by St. Martin's Press.)
Equally important, I set about fifty-five years ago (1927) to see what
a penniless, unknown human individual with a dependent wife and
newborn child might be able to do effectively on behalf of all
humanity in realistically developing such an alternative program.
Being human, I made all the mistakes there were to be made, but I
learned to learn by realistic recognition of the constituent facts of
the mistake-making and attempted to understand what the uncovered
truths were trying to teach me.
In my Philadelphia archives there are approximately forty thousand
articles published during the last sixty years which successively
document my progressive completions of the whole intercomplementary
family of scheduled artifacts. These livingry items include the
Tensegrity: The continuous-tension/discontinuous-compression structuring
principle of Universe (i.e., stars not touching planets, electrons not
touching their atomic nuclei) introduced to planet Earth to replace the
continuously compressioned, secondarily tensioned structuring in present
world-around engineering theory. Designed, 1929; prototyped, 1929.
The Dymaxion House: The autonomous, mass-producible, air-deliverable
dwelling machine weighing only 3 percent of its equivolumed and
equipped, conventional counterpart, single-family dwelling. Designed,
1927; modeled, 1928; helicopter-delivered, 1954.
The one-piece, 250-pound bathroom: Designed, 1928; prototyped, 1936; mass-
produced in polyester fiberglass in West Germany, 1970.
Synergetics: Exploration and publishing of the fourdimensional
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