metodyka semestr II.doc

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Alternatives to PPP [Presentation-Practice-Production]


Harmer’s elements for successful lg learning:


Engage>>>Study>>>Activate  sequence              E S A


Three models of lesson suggested by Harmer:


1.       Straight Arrows sequence:

ESA     Engage>>>Study>>>Activate:

-          Ss practice in a controlled way;

-          good procedure for lower level Ss.


2.       Boomerang sequence:


-          T responds to Ss` needs;

-          appropriate for intermediate and advanced levels.


3.       Patchwork sequence:


-          a mixture of procedures and mini- procedures; a variety of short tasks building up to a whole;

-          at more advanced levels.


Four kinds of lesson by J. Scriviner:


1.       Logical line:

A >>> B >>> C>>> etc.

-          similar to PPP;

-          one clear aim to the whole lesson;

-          step by step clearly prepared sequence of activities.


2.       Topic umbrella:



·         TOPIC is the organizing principle/ focal point of work;

-          a variety of separate activities linked by TOPIC (all skills);

-          a number of different aims, e.g. vocab, grammar, etc.


3.       Jungle path:



-          responding to Ss` needs;

-          T works with people, not prepared plans.


4.       RAG – BAG:


- made up of a number of unconnected activities;

-          variety but also ‘bittiness’;

-          each activity has its own aim;

-          no overall aim for the lesson;

-          used mainly for revision.

Project work


Paraphasing Legutke, PROJECT WORK is task and theme-centered maodel of teaching and learning(learning by doing) and a joint process of negotiation, experiential and holistic = dualism, in which the balance between the product and process orientation schould be preserved.



-          autonomy;

-          challenging;

-          creativity;

-          freedom;

-          interdisciplinary;

-          peer-learning;

-          cooperative learning;

-          integrated skills;

-          responsibility;

-          learner-centered;

-          investigative;

-          egalitarian.



1.        encounter (meeting people in other country);

2.       text = authentic materials; looking for info based on texts, modifying it and presenting;

3.        correspondence:

-          snail mail

-          Internet chatrooms.




process-oriented becuse you learn by doing, you have to experience it to get some knowledge about, e.g. negotiation process, social/cultural differences;


PRODUCT-ORIENTED because you have to have some kind of result, no matter if it is written text or a video film, you produce sth = that is your task.



We learn how to work in a group, but at the same time we work individually. I think that what is most important- it is the fact that we learn “how to live” in a society, how it works and that you have to put a lot of effort to see satisfactory results. The same problems we solve in our lives, so thanks to project work we have some practice to real life problems.


Stages of a project:

·         opening

·         topic orientation

·         research and data collection

·         preparation of data presentation

·         presentation (final, end product)

·         evaluation (assessors= peers and teacher)

·         follow- up (e.g. mistakes).




Teaching pronunciation


“ Pronunciation should be an integral part of an English teaching programme from the earlt stages, just as the teaching of strucyures and vocabulary.”

                                                                                                                                                          (TEFL: 207)




“Communicative efficiency” suggetsed by Harmer, means that it is enough to be understood, efficient, other name= INTELLIGIBILITY.



To teach PRONUNCIATION means to teach:

-          sound

-          stress

-          intonation

-          rhythm.



Tasks for improving pronunciation (Ur):

-          imitation of the teacher;

-          varied choral drills;

-          self-correction by listening to one’s recordings;

-          jazz chants;

-          tongue twisters;

-          clear explanation & information on the side of the teacher.




·         model (a teacher, a tape);

·         transcription/ phonetic symbols:





The teacher shouldn’t teach pronunciation every single time and put big stress on it because Ss may feel discouraged to speak. It should be done rather by the way.















Large heterogeneous classes

HETEROGENEOUS= mixed-level, mixed-ability, mixed-proficiency classes.




·       independence;

·         creativity;

·         lg competence;

·         tempo/ pace;

·         discipline;

·         motivation;

·         cultural background;

·         learning styles;

·         L1;

·         intelligence;

·         world knowledge;

·         learning experience;

·         age/ maturity;

·         gender;

·         personality;

·         interests;

·         educational level.



A D V A N T A G E S :

-          boosted motivation;

-          peer-learning;

-          varied options;

-          increase in knowledge;

-          awareness;

-          tolerance;

-          cooperation;

-          creativity;

-          innovations;

-          professional development.

D I S A D V A N T A G E S:

-          discipline;

-          lazy Ss;

-          attention to individuals limited;

-          correction;

-          T never satisfies everybody;

- &...

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