Metodyka 2 rok egzamin pytania.doc

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1. Name the steps the T takes to teach receptive skills and explain each :

a.        Lead-in (to familiarize with the topic pre-teaching vocabulary, pre-listening, introduction to topic, discussion, pics etc.)

b.       (optional) pre-task work: looking through worksheet, work on vocab, prediction etc.

c.        setting the task (has to be set in clearly)

a.        task: cd, video, text - Ss don’t have to understand everything

d.       feedback (checking if the task is done correctly) Ss to Ss, Ss to T,..

e.        conclusion/ follow-up activities (tasks connected with the text) to do sth with the text



a.        jumbled sentences  

b.       jigsaw reading –looping info. 

c.        Summaring? General questions

d.       matching headlines with paragraphs

e.        true/false 

f.         multiple choice questions, open-ended


3. Differences between authentic & non-authentic texts :

Authentic texts are written for native speakers (prepared). They should prepare Ss for real life reading. Non-authentic are specially written for teaching purpose. They present new grammar structures (which is repeated). Lg there is always correct & Ss have to understand everything, In non-authentic texts can appear mistakes & Ss don’t have to know everything.


4. 4 ideas on how to make listening more effective :

-    ensure that Ss know what to do before the task     

-    give Ss as useful & interesting tasks as its possible                                              

-    let Ss compare their answers before checking them

-    play the recording as many times as it’s needed


5. Explain :

-    extensive reading : fluent, whole text for the 1st time –creating predictions & looking for general info  an entire piece/ for pleasure/ on Ss’ own

-    presentation texts : non-authentic texts presenting new grammar structures, new structures, vocab, functions, designed for lg lrns, concentrates on the lg , very word has to be understood.

-    no overt response to the listening passage : listening for entertainment (videos, films, songs)

-    accuracy-oriented activ. : activities in which correctness is the most important

-    fluency-oriented activ. : fluency, not correctness is the most important

-    jumbled text : sentences or paragraphs of the text are in wrong order


6. Your motto :
T is like a road sign. Ss need only clues to go further


7. 2 methods for introducing grammar (explain each) and give another names for them :

-    deductive (covert, explicit) – from rule to examples

-    inductive (covert, implicit) – from examples to rule


8. Which method with which Ss ?

-   deductive : weaker Ss                                                                           

-   inductive : stronger


9. Model of introducing new grammar :

-   presentation / demonstration = lead-in             

-   elicitation                           

-   explanation                           

-   accuracy reproduction                                          

-   immediate creativity


10. 4 different kinds of drills : ??

-   cue- response drills                           

-   repetition??             

-   situational ??                           

-   rejaher ??

-   meaniningful drills

-   cotrolled drills


11. 4 cons of drilling :

-   non-authentic    

-   non-communicative  

-   T-centered             

-   words stay in short memory


12. 4 tips on how to make drills more effective :

-   make them interesting =lively, stimulate                           

-   let Ss drill with each other

-   use visual aids                                                                     

-   no overuse drills


13. Explain :

-   implicit technique – from examples to rule

-   explicit technique – from rule to example

-   peer correction – Ss correct each other

-   overt technique = explicit technique



14. Differences between errors and mistakes :

-   errors : imperfect production caused by the lack of knowledge, ‘competence error’

-   mistakes : slips of the tongue, not caused by the lack of knowledge,  “performance error”


15. 3 main causes of errors – explain :

-   overgeneralization (overused rules esp. by children)  

-   negative transfer (from L1)

-   teacher induced errors (caused by the bad model of the T )


16. What’s the key principle for responding to errors during speaking activities :

During fluency-oriented activities we should use delayed correction (after the speech) and during accuracy-oriented active. We should respond to mistake/error immediately.


17. 4 examples how T can show incorrectness :

-   repeating (could u repeat)

-   expressions (facial e, gestures)

-   questioning (other Ss)

-   echoing (phrase produced by a Ss)             

-   denial (“it’s wrong !!, u’re stupid! “)


18. What types of errors are you familiar with :

-   lexical (vocabulary)             

-   syntactic (grammar)             

-   phonological (pronunciation)

-   global & local                            

-   interpretive/ receptive             

-   productive/pragmatic


19. 3 ways of correcting mistakes in the class (who corrects?)

-   T-correction                           

-   self-correction                           

-   peer-correction                                         


20. In eclectics how are errors perceived ?

Errors are part of the process of learning, they are its stage/step


21. Elements of the lesson plan (8)

-   topic                           

-   aims of the lesson                           

-   anticipated problems/solutions             

-   stages

-   procedure             

-   mode of interaction                           

-   aids                           

-   time


22. 4 ways of varying the lesson according to P.Ur

-   stir/settle activities             

-   mood                           

-   organization             

-   pace (varied)

-   mode & skills

-   difficulty

-   topic

-   active/passive


23. Explain :

-   skimming : reading for general info               b) scanning : reading for detailed info

-   extensive reading : an entire piece/ for pleasure/ on Ss’ own

-   jigsaw reading : pooling info -> 2 texts (different)

-   no-overt response to the listening passage – listening for entertainment



24. 4 examples of TMM : posters, flashcards, pictures, copies with tasks


25. What are discovery technique and why are they used ?
Discovery techniques are used to force Ss to learn ; they have to figure out how lg works; e.g. we give Ss text and have to find new grammar structure and check how it works by themselves.


26. 6 techniques for presenting and practicing grammar :

-   time line                                         

-   songs                           

-   personalization ?             

-   charts

-   notes                           

-   presentation texts

-   Stories

-   Examples of lg



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