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Introduction to WebDAV BSD 11/2010
Dear Readers!
Some of you might have been concerned about our
magazine, but I wish to assure everyone that we are
still in the game, and staying in it for good.
Editor in Chief:
Zbigniew Puchciński
In this month’s issue we start with second part of
Drupal article, then �nd lots of practical advice
regarding fx. backing up a laptop, or upgrading
FreeBSD with less efort. In main topic Ivan
„Rambius” Ivanov will present basics of WebDAV to
Rob Somerville,Daniele Mazzocchio, Rashid N. Achilov, Joseba
Mendez, Laura Michaels
Lukas Holt, Caryn Holt, Laura Michaels
Special thanks to:
Marko Milenovic, Worth Bishop and Mike Bybee
Art Director:
Ireneusz Pogroszewski
I hope you will �nd this issue to be both interesting
and helpful. And as always – if you have any
comments or inputs, or you think you could
contribute to our magazine, please mail us.
Ireneusz Pogroszewski
Senior Consultant/Publisher:
Paweł Marciniak pawel@software.com.pl
National Sales Manager:
Ewa Łozowicka
I would also like to take this opportunity to wish
you all a merry christmas and happy new year. And
many presents of course. :)
Marketing Director:
Ewa Łozowicka
Thank you!
Executive Ad Consultant:
Karolina Lesińska
Zbigniew Puchciński
Editor in Chief
Advertising Sales:
Zbigniew Puchciński
Publisher :
Software Press Sp. z o.o. SK
ul. Bokserska 1, 02-682 Warszawa
worldwide publishing
tel: 1 917 338 36 31
Software Press Sp z o.o. SK is looking for partners from all over
the world. If you are interested in cooperation with us, please
contact us via e-mail: editors@bsdmag.org
All trade marks presented in the magazine were used only for
informative purposes. All rights to trade marks presented in the
magazine are reserved by the companies which own them.
The editors use automatic DTP system
Mathematical formulas created by Design Science MathType™.
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Get Started
Drupal on FreeBSD – part 2
Rob Somerville
Drupal Content Management System. We are now going to look
at configuration, templates, modules and adding content.
An Absolute Beginner’s Guide To Using
The Command Line Interface In Bsd
Sufyan Bin Uzayr
operating systems such as BSD and OpenSolaris. Introducing a
Linux user to BSD is no big deal, considering the fact that most
BSD versions now employ either KDE or GNOME. Read on as
we bring explore the BSD command line.
Authenticating NAT with authpf
Nicolas Greneche
hosts behind a gateway. It operates on IP packets (layer 3)
by rewriting source address of each one. It should be noticed
that another mechanism called PAT (Port Address Translation)
operates on TCP/UDP ports (layer 4).
How To’s
Backup your laptop from anywhere to
your home server with openvpn, rsync
and ssh
Matias Surdi
system based on standard unix tools and two shell scripts to
backup your laptop from anywhere if you have an internet
connection available.
Xmodmapon the way to writing
hieroglyphs quickly
Juraj Sipos
definition for a keyboard layout in Linux/Unix. Presented is a
sample Xmodmap keyboard map with four keyboard layouts
that users can toggle with by Caps Lock: 1) Standard English
keyboard; 2) IAST keyboard layout for transliteration of Sanskrit;
3) a layout to be defined by users; 4) keyboard layout for
FreeBSD Binary Upgrade
Sławomir Wojtczak (Vermaden)
up to date base system, but as new RELEASE appears its good
to update to get new features and bugfixes.
Introduction to WebDAV
Ivan „Rambius” Ivanov
WebDAV is an extension of the HTTP protocol that performs
remote Web content magagement, thus turning the Web into
writable media.
Managing software with NetBSD’s
pkgsrc packaging system
Eric Schnoebelen
supports far more than just NetBSD. At last count, over 11
distinct operating systems were supported by pkgsrc.
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