2004.03_Installing the 2.6 Kernel-a Step-by-Step Guide.pdf

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Kernel 2.6 Installation
Chief Installer
Improved support for multimedia
applications, enhanced system per-
formance, better hardware support,
and the new IPsec security module to
improve system security. There are
many good reasons to start using the
latest kernel now. We show you how
with a step by step guide.
32 MByte archive: the new kernel’s
figures are certainly impressive [1],
although configuring and installing the
kernel is certainly non-trivial. That said,
if you have some experience of compil-
ing and configuring the 2.4 kernel, you
should have no difficulty finding your
way around in 2.6. A word of warning to
kernel newbies, however. A kernel
update is a far-reaching system modifica-
tion that will punish any unconsidered
The following article points out
a direct path to a functional kernel
2.6. Tuning the kernel to reflect your sys-
tem environment requires a bit more
patience. For additional information,
refer to the Post-Halloween Document by
Dave Jones at [2] (a useful resource) and
also the kernel mailing list archive at [4].
In contrast to many projects on this
scale, no special tools are required to
build your own kernel. Useable versions
of the required ingredients – a compiler,
an assembler, and make – are available
on nearly any Linux system. If in doubt,
Kernel 2.6 under Suse
SuSE 9.0 is kernel 2.6 ready. A 2.6 test kernel
is supplied with the distribution, and newer
versions will be available at [7]. However, the
/usr/sbin/hwbootscan may cause some
issues in combination with a 2.6 kernel. You
should disable the program in this case. To
do so, disable the HWBOOTSCAN_BIN vari-
able in line 20 of the /etc/init.d/hwscan
script as follows.
The kernel 2.6 supplied with the distribution
makes it easier for you to build your own ker-
nel, as the existing configuration can be
used as a template. Use rpm to install the
test kernel (YaST cannot do this). Then copy
the 2.6 kernel configuration file to the direc-
tory with the current Linux sources:
cp vmlinuz-2.6.0-test5-5- U
default.config /usr/src U
After copying the file, re-run make menucon-
fig . This simply adds any new options
automatically to the kernel configuration.
For this, and the following steps, ensure that
the developer tools, GCC, make, ncurses and
Qt3-devel for make xconfig are installed
After configuring the kernel, follow steps 5
through 8 as defined in the text. You may
need to edit /etc/modprobe.conf after load-
ing some modules.
Suse stores additional entries in the
/etc/modprobe.conf.local file. The syntax
for this configuration file is described in
the manpages ( man modprobe.conf ).
Eva-Katharina Kunst is a journalist,
and Jürgen Quade a professor at the
Hochschule Niederrhein. Both have
been keen Open Source supports
since the early days of Linux.
March 2004
Installing the kernel 2.6 – a step-by-step guide
F ive million lines of code packed in a
Kernel 2.6 Installation
Step 1
Check modutils,
configure modprobe
Non Debian systems can
download a current ver-
sion of the modutils from
[3], for example 3.0-pre5.
Expanding the program
package will create a
directory that contains a
README file with a
slightly terse description
of the most important
details. For one thing, the
file tells you that you will
need to run the following
New Configuration Files
The new modutils require a new configu-
ration file: /etc/modprobe.conf . If this file
is not available on your machine, you
should use ./generate-modprobe.conf
/etc/modprobe.conf to create it. If you are
a fan of the device filesystem, you will
also want to copy modprobe.devfs to the
/etc/ directory.
After fulfilling these requirements, you
can continue with step 2 (see Figure 1).
This means retrieving the 2.6 kernel
sources off the Web. The welcome page
of the kernel archive [1] lists the current
versions. To access the full sources rather
than a patch, ensure that you click on the
F (for Full), which is hiding on the right
of 2.6.1-test11 (see Figure 2). Store the
sources in the /usr/src directory (Step 3):
Step 2
Load kernel sources
Step 3
Unpack sources
"tar xvfj linux-2.6.0.bz2"
Step 4
"make menuconfig"
Step 5
"make all"
Step 6
Install kernel
(with Lilo or Grub)
Step 7
Install modules
"make modules_install"
./configure -- U
make moveold U
# Only for the first U
make install
Step 8
Boot and test
cd /usr/src
tar xvfj /tmp/ U
Figure 1: Eight steps to your own kernel. Kernel newbies may need
to get used to performing steps 4 through 8 more than once.
you can install the developer packages. It
does not really matter whether you use
GCC version 2.95, 3.2, or 3.3, and make
version 3.80 to compile and build the
kernel. Kernel 2.6 is fairly insensitive to
version numbers. When we compiled the
kernel on our Debian system, we were
equally successful with all three com-
piler versions.
In contrast, modutil dependencies
need to be taken seriously (step 1 in Fig-
ure 1). The modutils are responsible for
loading and unloading the kernel mod-
ules, but the Linux developers have
completely re-designed this mechanism.
Kernel 2.6 modules need the latest ver-
sion of the insmod to load.
The new insmod will call the older
variant if necessary. This explains why
the older insmod.old version needs to be
kept. You can easily find out whether a
2.6 aware version of this program is
installed. If you find a program called ins-
mod.old below /sbin/ or /usr/local/sbin ,
insmod should be able to handle the new
kernel. Fortunately, many current distrib-
utions take care of this (for example Suse
8.2 and 9.0). If this is not the case,
Debian (or Knoppix) users can launch
apt-get to install the new modutils.
The original program,
/sbin/insmod , is moved to /sbin/insmod.
old . The new /sbin/insmod calls the pre-
vious version, if your system boots a
kernel 2.4, but follows the new specifica-
tion when loading kernel 2.6 modules.
The same applies to the /sbin/rmmod
and /sbin/modprobe programs.
The most difficult and time-consuming
step (number 4) follows immediately
after unpacking the archive: the kernel
configuration. In our opinion, make
menuconfig is best suited to this task
(see Figure 3). The command creates
and launches an ncurses-based configu-
apt-get install U
Figure 2: The kernel archive has a complete collection of kernel versions. The welcome page has a link to
the current kernel. Previous versions are accessible via the links in the table at the top.
March 2004
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Kernel 2.6 Installation
through the menu, the process can take a
good two or three hours. But that is
nothing in comparison to the more than
5 million lines of code that this process
If you have a previous working 2.6
kernel configuration (see the “Kernel 2.6
under Suse” box), you should base your
new configuration on it. Otherwise, go
for a minimalist approach: Select only
those components that you require
urgently. Once you have the kernel run-
ning, you can add new features and
drivers at any time later.
Figure 3: Configuring the kernel has become a lot more understandable despite the number of options
available for 2.6. The picture shows the menuconfig configuration tool at work.
After storing your settings in the configu-
ration file, you can go on to generate the
kernel. Debian or Knoppix users should
refer to the “Steps 5 through 7 on
Debian” box.
All other users should enter make all
in the source directory (step 5). You can
ignore any warnings displayed on
screen. On a system with a lot of mem-
ory, and a 2.6GHz Intel processor, you
can expect to see the prompt again in
about 10 minutes.
If the kernel generation process quits
unexpectedly, you will need to inspect
the output to discover the cause and
then re-configure the kernel (by calling
make menuconfig ). Ensure that you dis-
able the troublesome component.
ration program that you can run in any
normal console window. A graphical
variant based on Qt is also available (see
Figure 4): To use this version, enter
make xconfig .
default configuration for the processor
type ( Processor type and features menu)
and the accompanying system architec-
ture. Watch out for filesystems: If you are
a Suse user, you will definitely need Reis-
erFS support . If you do not need specific
components (such as the SCSI subsys-
tem), you should disable them.
Help is available for almost every
point. The first time you work your way
Despite a mass of new options, the con-
figuration process has become more
intuitive. Make sure that you change the
Steps 5 through 7
on Debian
The unstable version of Debian (Sarge)
offers a number of kernel 2.6 downloads.
But tuning and building a kernel that will
provide optimal support for your system
does require a few manual steps. After com-
pleting the configuration (step 4) call
make-kpkg in the source code directory:
./make-kpkg kernel_image
This script generates the kernel and mod-
ules (step 5) and creates the Debian
kernel_image package in a directory below
the source directory (typically /usr/src/ ).
Before you install this (steps 6 and 7), you
should add a new option to your boot
loader. When you run dpkg -i kernel-image-
Kernelversion.deb to install the image
package, the Debian installer also launches
lilo . This should introduce lilo to the new ker-
nel, and allow the boot loader to display this
boot option.
Figure 4: The Qt-based xconfig provides a useful overview. The configuration areas are shown on the
left, the individual options at the top, and below them the help texts for the current parameter.
March 2004
Kernel 2.6 Installation
If everything worked out fine, the in-
stallation – steps 6 and 7 – are next.
Installing the modules is easy. Just call
make modules_install , and the modules
will appear in a new directory called
/lib/modules/2.6.1-test11/ a few minutes
later. But you will need to copy the
kernel manually to your /boot/ directory:
boot loader, don’t forget to run lilo when
ever you install a new kernel.
graphics adapters are just one example.
For more information see [8].
Check the boot messages next. Run-
ning dmesg allows you to review older
messages. If some issues are found, go
back to step 4. If not, you have a work-
ing kernel 2.6. Well done!
Test Boot
So let’s boot the machine. If the kernel
fails to complete the boot process, you
will have to evaluate the output on the
console. These messages almost always
provide the reason why the kernel has
failed to boot. In many cases, a required
driver will be missing, and that could
prevent access to the hard disk, or the
root filesystem, for example.
If the screen simply stays blank, trou-
bleshooting may be tricky. This is
typically an issue with the framebuffer
device. There are two things you can do:
•Remove the vga=XXX option from
/etc/lilo.conf , or enable vga=normal .
• Check whether the CONFIG_VT option
is set to y in the kernel configuration
file, /usr/src/linux-2.6.1-test11/.config .
If you succeed in booting the new kernel,
you may need to create a few device dri-
vers for any of your components that the
default kernel does not support. nVidia
cp /usr/src/linux-2.6.1-test11 U
/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot U
[1] Kernel sources: http://www.kernel.org
[2] Dave Jones,“The Post-Halloween
Document”: http://www.linux.org.uk/
[3] New modutils: http://www.kernel.org/
[ 4] Linux Kernel mailing list: http://lkml.org
[5] Lilo: http://lilo.go.dyndns.org/
[6] Grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/
[7] Kernel 2.6 packages for Suse 9.0:
[8] nVidia kernel modules:
The boot loader should have an option
for the new kernel when you fire up your
machine. For lilo [5] this means editing
/etc/lilo.conf , and for grub [6] the
/boot/grub/menu.lst file. Add a new
entry with the name of the kernel (for
example /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.1 ) and a
symbolic name for the menu item. You
only need to do this once.
If you later add a new driver to the
kernel, it is typically unnecessary to edit
lilo.conf and menu.lst . If you use the lilo
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