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360º ARC
A sweeping omnidirectional attack, this attack follows the same rules as regular Arc attacks. hese attacks target everything around the model
360º rather than the normal 180 degree.
Acid efects take place on a successful hit regardless of whether or not it caused a loss of HP. Place an Acid Counter next to the afected Unit.
During the following Lingering Efects phase any Unit with an Acid counter resolves a PW 4 attack as the acid eats away lesh and armor. If
the test is passed then the Unit loses the counter. Acid is not a cumulative efect.
See Core Rules pg 27.
A Blast (X) label in its RN or Notes speciies a Blast weapon. Each is given an accompanying number, e.g. BL (3). he number speciies the
radius in inches that the Blast afects from the target Point of Impact. All Units whose Bases are at least partially within the Blast radius sufer
the efects of the attack.
Weapons with this ability are intensely ruthless versions of their ilk, and cause damage over multiple turns. he efects of Bleeding take place
upon a successful hit, regardless of whether or not the attack resulted in actual damage. Upon a successful attack, place a bleeding counter
next to the victim of the attacker’s weapon. During subsequent Lingering Efects phases, any miniature with bleeding counters is subject to the
loss of an additional Health Point. he controlling player rolls D20 in an attempt to stop the blood loss. On a 10 or less remove the Bleeding
Counter. On an 11 or more the miniature loses 1 HP that turn from blood loss. he Bleeding counter remains on the efected miniature until
the unit passes a bleeding test. Bleeding attacks never stack; in the case of two separate Bleeding attacks, only one counter is placed. Bleeding
does not afect units with the “Non-Living Unit or tough as nails” ability. Bleed is not a cumulative efect.
A Unit hit by a weapon with Blind gains 1 Blind counter. Units with a Blind counter sufer -2 to Ranged Assault and Close Assault TN’s.
Also all RA Range penalties are doubled (Under normal circumstances therefore –1 per 4” becomes –2 per 4”). All Blind counters are lost at
the end of a Unit’s Activation.
NOTE: Blind counters do not ‘stack’ and their corresponding penalties are therefore not cumulative.
Weapons with this ability induced virulent blood pathogens into the enemy Unit. If an enemy Unit is hit regardless if it is wounded or not it
receives a Blood Pathogen counter. During the Lingering Efects Phase any Units with a Blood Pathogen counter must make a PW 4x2 hit.
On a failed Armor save no wound is sufered but the Unit is automatically KP and loses 1 AP during their next activation. If the Armor save
is made the power of the attack is reduced by 1 for the following Lingering Efects Phase. Once the Power of the Attack reaches PW 0x2 the
Unit is no longer afected by Blood Pathogens. he efects of Blood Pathogens are not cumulative, but may stack with other loss of AP efects.
his Weapon ability does not afect Non Living Units or Units with the Blood Cult SA.
Weapons with this capability can ire short bursts instead of single shots. All Ranged Assaults made with a single AP must be at the same
target. When using Burst Fire you must make all the attacks listed in that Attack Group and you must roll for all attacks even if the target is
removed from play during the Burst.
Example – A Weaponsmith’s ‘God’s Wrath’ rile has the Burst Fire
ability. he Weaponsmith’s Attack Group 3 shows it can make 3 Ranged
Assaults for 1 AP. All of these 3 shots must be at the same target Unit and the Weaponsmith must roll for all 3 attacks to check for Malfunction even
if the 1st or 2nd shot results in the target being removed from play.
A CA or RE attack from a Weapon with this ability may not be
Apocalypse Version June 2011
Weapons with this Ability cause searing wounds, usually through intense heat, cold, or other such efects. hese weapons fuse nerve, bone,
and vessels in such an extreme way that any regaining of HP due to Healing Abilities or Regeneration is not possible if lost a
weapon with this Ability. he ‘Numb’ ability is still efective on Units with Cauterized wounds however.
Weapons with this capability ire fully automatic instead of single shots. A Full Auto weapon is speciied by a Full Auto (FA) (X) label in its
Notes and is given an accompanying number e.g. FA (2). he number speciies the distance in inches that the Full Auto afects from the initial
target Unit. All Units whose bases are at least partially within the Full Auto distance are afected by the attack. A Full Auto weapon has an
Attack Arc of 360°. All Full Auto attacks are considered to occur simultaneously. Make a separate To Hit roll for each Unit afected by the
attack. Resolve To Hit rolls by initial target, then closest to furthest Unit from the attacker. Cover, Partial Cover, and Completely Obscured
apply to Full Auto attacks. Units must be within the weapons Range to be afected by a Full Auto weapon. A Unit may not aim a Full Auto
weapon. Full Auto weapons ignore ‘Firing Into A Close Assault’ rules. A Unit using a Full Auto weapon is never the target of their own Full
Auto distance, unless they have Malfunctioned. A Full Auto weapon may only Malfunction on the initial To Hit roll.
Electrical discharges tend to gravitate toward the object with the greatest conductivity. Template attacks with Conduction deal normal damage
to all Units under the template, as normal. he Unit with the highest Armor (AR) value under the template sufers an additional Power
Multiplier to the damage roll and causes Cauterized damage, i.e. PW 9 becomes 9X2, Power 9X2 become 9X3, etc. In the case of a tie for
highest Armor, the Caster chooses who takes the Conduction damage.
Example – A Banger’s ‘“God’s Fury” Machine Pistols has the Full Auto Ability (FA 2). he Banger ires at a Broodling (A). Measuring 2” from
Broodling (A), Broodling’s B, C, D & E bases are within the FA (2). Broodling (B) is Completely Obscured behind a large rock, so no To Hit roll is
made. Broodling (C) is in Cover behind a large bolder and gains a –4 TN. Broodling (D) is in Partial Cover from Broodling (A) and gains a –2
TN. Broodling (E) is 10” from the Banger and out of range of the attack, so no To Hit roll is made.
If a weapon with this ability successfully hits its target, all additional attacks during this activation from the same weapon automatically hit. A
MAL check is required for each use of this automatic hit ability. Units may not parry the automatic hit from a Crush attack. NOTE: Target
still makes armor save.
he ammo for this weapon is hooked and barbed allowing it to stick into the target. Hooked weapons also trail a cable or rope so that the
hook can be used to pull the target prone. Once the target is hooked the iring model may spend an AP to knock the target prone. Each AP
will cause another damaging hit from the weapon as well as a KP equal to the (X) on the ability. For each Hooked counter on the target add
+2 to the KP check. If a model is hooked by a weapon it may not move beyond the range of the weapon unless it removes the counter irst.
Once hooked there are only three ways for the target to remove the counter. 1) If the hooking model ires the weapon at another target remove
its hooked counter from the original target. 2) If the iring model is killed remove any hooked markers. 3) A model hooked may spend an AP
to remove the barb. his results in a second hit from the weapon. Roll AR save to prevent the damage.
Example: A Wasteland Warrior engages a Bane. he WW shoots his zip gun into the Bane and scores a hit. he Bane rolls a save on the
armor test from the shot. he WW uses his second AP to try and pull the Bane prone. he KP test fails but the Bane has to make a second save vs the
pw 3 hit from the gun. he WW decided to use his last AP to try a 3rd time to pull the Bane down. his time he succeeds in pulling the Bane to the
ground. he Bane is fortunate enough to have his armor hold up to the damage but is now prone.
If a Unit with this WA hits and the target passes it’s Armor save, the attacking Unit may detonate the explosive tip. he target unit takes a PW
4x2. Detonate may only be used once per activation.
A weapon with this ability will entangle a Unit on a successful hit. An Entangled target is considered Knocked Prone (for the purposes of
target numbers & movement only). An entangled Unit may not spend AP to use an attack group. An Entangled Unit may spend 1AP to
remove the efect of entangle. Entangle is a cumulative efect, but may not stack more than the Unit has AP.
Weapons with this Ability cause larger amounts of Damage than normal weapons. he number in parentheses after ED is the amount of HP
lost to a successful attack. I.e. ED (2) = 2 HP lost due to a failed Armor save, ED (3) = 3 HP lost due to a failed Armor save and so on.
his ability laces a weapon with chemical compounds designed to induce overwhelming fear and anxiety within anything it injures. Any Unit
hit by a weapon with the Fear Toxin ability receives a Fear counter. No saving throws may be attempted against this counter, and it remains
for the duration of the game. Fear Toxin does not afect Units with the “Non-Living Unit” ability.
he Fire Ability will have a number in parentheses following it in the weapons statistics e.g. Fire (10). If a Unit is hit with a Fire attack the
player irst works out the attack as normal then if the Target Unit is still in play it is ‘On Fire.’ and receives a On Fire counter. When the unit
activates, a unit that is ‘On Fire’ may then attempt to extinguish the lames. he Unit irst spends 1 AP to make the attempt; this AP is lost
regardless of success or failure. he player then rolls 1 d20. he TN to put out the Fire is the number in parentheses from the weapon that
caused the ire. You may repeat this attempt for as many AP’s as the Unit has. If the roll to extinguish the ire fails the unit takes an automatic
PW 7 hit. If the roll to extinguish the ire is successful, remove the On Fire counter. Fire is not a cumulative efect. A Unit not attempting to
extinguish the lames takes an automatic PW 7 hit.
If a Unit in a Squad is Dying as a result of an attack from this weapon, immediately give the squad a Panic counter.
A Unit with this WA ingests Puds into it’s victim. During the Lingering Efects Phase a Unit that ws ingested makes an Armor Save with
no PW modiiers. On a failed save the Unit takes a wound. On a Critical Failure the victim automatically dies and X Puds burst from the
victim’s corpse, where X was the Units HP stat. Units that have been ingested with Puds may not Regenerate. Upon reaching 0 HP the Unit
is dead, but the body remains on the battleield. In the next LE phase a Pud erupts from the corpse. Remove the Unit from the game. Units
with Fortitude still remain in play. his ability only afects Living Units, units with Acid Blood do not afect the ingested Puds.
hese weapons are extremely unstable. Kaboom! is followed by a number, which indicates the number needed for the ability to take efect.
When a Kaboom! Unit is hit by a CA or RA weapon the player controlling the Unit must roll D20. On a roll of the Kaboom! number or
higher the weapon explodes into a 3” Blast (BL2). Any unit under the template is treated as if the weapon that exploded has made a successful
Ranged Assault on them. A Kaboom! Unit that rolls a MAL is considered to have hit themselves with the weapon and thus must check for
Kaboom! NOTE: A Kaboom! Roll is necessary with each successful hit on the Unit, irrelevant of damage caused.
Example A Firestorm hits a squad of three Golab’s. After working out the attacks, all Golab’s take 1 damage, and receive an On Fire counter. he
Golab squad activates. Golab #1 spends 1 AP to extinguish the lames, and rolls a 14, he spends another AP, and rolls a 15, he spends his last AP and
rolls a 13, he then resolves a PW 7 hit, rolls a 14 and is dying.
Golab #2 activates and spends 1AP to extinguish the lames, and rolls a 12, he removes the On Fire counter and inishes his activation. Golab #3
activates and chooses not to attempt to extinguish the lames. He resolves a PW 7 hit, rolls a 10, saves; and retains the On Fire counter.
Knock Back (KB) weapons create such force that opponents are sent staggering back. On a successful attack, before the Armor save, a Unit
with this ability rolls a d20. If the number that was rolled is less than or equal to the KB number in parenthesis, the Unit is then knocked
back directly D20/2”. For every size larger the attacking Unit is than the target Unit, add 2 to the KB target number. For every size smaller
the attacking Unit is than the target Unit, subtract 2 from the KB Target Number. If the target hits an equal, or larger sized Unit, it stops in
BtB contact, is knocked Prone and immediately resolves a PW attack equal to 1/2 the distance in inches (round down) knocked back. If the
target hits dangerous/impassible terrain, or a small linear obstacle it stops in BtB contact, is knocked Prone, and immediately resolves a PW
attack equal to ½ the distance in inches (round down) the distance knocked back. A knocked Back Unit moves over Units of a smaller size,
knocking them Prone. If the Unit being knocked back ends on top of a smaller sized Unit, push the smaller sized Unit back to make room for
the knocked back Unit. (Pushed Units are not knocked Prone) Unit(s) moved out of CA as a result of a Knock Back action do not require any
type of Break test and are not subject to the free attack for breaking combat. Prone Units are knocked back ½ distance. After completing
all efects of Knock Back, resolve the initial Armor save. Knock Back weapons do not gain Ganging Up bonuses. NOTE: A 20 always fails
and a 1 always succeeds, no matter what size the Units are. RA Weapons with KB work exactly like CA weapons with KB. An On Hold Unit
may attempt to evade a Unit that has been knocked back.
his ability laces a weapon with chemical compounds designed to induce overwhelming delusions and hallucinations within anything it
injures. Any Unit hit by a weapon with the Frantic Toxin ability receives a frantic counter. When the Unit next activates, make a PS test at –4.
Frantic Toxin does not afect Units with the “Non-Living Unit” ability. Frantic Toxin is not a cumulative efect.
Successful test: If the test is equal to or under the Units PS stat, remove the frantic counter.
Failed test: Make a scatter roll. he Unit must expend all AP necessary to move in the direction of the scatter die. he Unit is not considered
breaking from close assault. If the Unit comes to base-to-base contact with another Unit, it will use it’s remaining AP, to attack the Unit (this
is not considered a charge) with a randomly determined attack group with the range CA or RE, and end their activation. Units moving of
the table are subject to the movement of table rules. he Unit will end its activation if it reaches terrain it cannot move through. he Unit
will move into dangerous terrain. Remove the frantic counter. Frantic Toxin does not afect Units with the “Non-Living Unit” ability.
Apocalypse Version June 2011
Apocalypse Version June 2011
Example: Jordan activates his Gazelle and charges Scott’s Soul Searcher #1 with Dual Kick. Jordan rolls a 10 for the KB. Jordan rolls an 18. he
Soul Searcher is Knocked Back 9”. he Soul Searcher moves over two Spear Slaves before hitting Soul Searcher #2 after
traveling 4”. he Spear Slaves are Knocked Prone. Soul Searcher #1 is Knocked Prone, and resolves a PW 2 attack. Soul Searcher #1 now resolves
the initial PW 5x2 (4x2 +1 PW for charge) Armor save.
A Pierce weapon is so powerful it is capable of puncturing through its intended target and skewering those unlucky enough to be on the other
side. If a Unit loses a HP to a Pierce attack it continues on past the target Unit with a chance to hit any Units directly behind it in a straight
line from the attacking Unit. Roll To Hit for the next Unit directly behind the original target Unit. Each hit beyond the irst sufers a -2 PW
penalty as the projectile loses momentum. Extra Range modiiers apply if any extra target passes a 4” threshold and Cover modiiers also apply
except the Cover supplied by the initial target Unit. he Pierce attack continues to the maximum efective range of the weapon. If the 2nd
Unit is wounded the weapon continues on in the same way to the next Unit along the same straight line. If one of the To Hit rolls fails or the
weapon fails to wound one of the target Units the Pierce stops and can not afect any other Units. Pierce will not punch through solid terrain
features like walls, buildings, hills, etc. NOTE: Aiming a Pierce weapon will only gain the Aim beneits for the initial target Unit, the bonus
for Aiming will not count when making To Hit rolls for the 2nd or subsequent target Units
A weapon with the Pin Ability can attempt to keep a target Unit down with its face in the dirt. All Pin weapons also have the KP Ability (See
KP for details on how it works). If a weapon with Pin successfully Knocks Prone an opponent, it automatically Pins them. If a Unit is already
Knocked Prone a successful roll to hit causes damage as normal for the weapon and a Pin.
Example: Jordan activates his Gazelle and charges Mike’s Golab with Dual Kick. Jordan rolls a 10 for the KB. Jordan then rolls a 10. he Golab
is moved back 5” and it moves over Buzzblades #1 & #2, stopping on top of Buzzblade #3. Buzzblades #1 & 2 are Knocked Prone. Buzzblade #3
is pushed back to allow room for
Golabs base. Buzzblade #3 pushes back into Bone Doc, Bone Doc is pushed back to allow room for Buzzblade #3’s base. Golab now
resolves the initial PW 5x2 (4x2 +1 PW for charge) Armor save.
A Knock Prone (KP) weapon is capable of knocking the opponent to the ground. he Ability is followed by a number in parentheses. his
number is the TN needed to successfully KP the target. A KP roll is made for every successful hit regardless of damage (If an opponent has
any Abilities that may reverse the successful hit they may make that attempt before the KP roll). If the attacking player rolls equal to or under
the TN, the target Unit has been Knocked Prone, and the Unit is marked as Prone. For every size larger the attacking Unit is than the target
Unit add 2 to the KP target number. For every size smaller the attacking Unit is than the target Unit subtract 2 from the KP target number.
NOTE: A 20 always fails and a 1 always succeeds, no matter what size the Units are. RA Weapons with KP work exactly like CA weapons
with KP
• Once a Unit is Pinned the Pinning Unit may spend an AP to causes an automatic Hit on the Pinned Unit. Damage is worked out as normal
for the weapon with the Pin Ability.
• When a Pinned Unit wants to break a Pin it must roll to “Break the Pin”. To make a Break from Pin roll the Pinned Unit irst spends the 1
AP for the attempt (this AP is lost regardless of success or failure). he Pinned Unit then makes a Close Assault against the Pinning Unit. his
CA attempt is free and can cause no damage. If the To Hit roll is a success the Pinned Unit has Broken the Pin If the Pin is Broken successfully
the Unit automatically stands up but is still in CA with the Pinning Unit. A Break from CA Test is needed if the Unit wishes to move out of
BtB contact. Any failure means that the Unit has failed and is still Pinned. In addition, if the Break Test fails the Pinning Unit may roll to hit
with the Pinning weapon so see if damage is dealt from the Pinned Unit trying to get up, this roll is free and costs no AP. A Pinned Unit may
try to Break the Pin as many times in a Turn as it likes assuming it has the 1 AP necessary for each attempt.
• A Pinned Unit may not take any actions other than to try and Break the Pin (Although if it so chooses a Unit may elect to take no actions).
• If a weapon with Pin also has the RE ability the Pinned Unit may not be in BtB contact when they break the Pin. If this is the case they are
not considered to be in Close Assault and may act as normal. If a Unit that is Pinning another Unit is attacked in Close Assault it may choose
one of two options.
• Hold the Pin – In this case the Pinning Unit counts as Prone against all CA attacks made against it.
• Release the Pin – In which case the Pinning Unit counts as free and may turn to face the attack if it is otherwise able to do so.
NOTE: A 20 always fails and a 1 always succeeds and causes a successful KP and Pin.
Weapons with a ‘Nozzle’ are weapons that can choose either the Spray or Stream template.
NUMB A and B
his ability prevents friendly Units from being Removed from Play immediately upon Dying. Instead, friendly Dying Units receive a Dying
counter and remain on the Battleield until they next activate, or take twice their original HP in Damage. Numb can be used in 1 of 2 ways.
A Weapon with Numb is capable of injecting a combination of various steroids, stimulants and other synthesized narcotics. While these are
generally used to help wounded allies overcome mortal injuries for short periods of time the dosages can be adjusted so that the weapon can
be used Ofensively, desensitizing an opponent and making them sluggish and soporiic. In Game circumstances it is normally assumed that
when using the weapon on a Unit from your own Force it is used Defensively but when on a Unit from another Force it is used Ofensively.
You must state before using the weapon if you wish it otherwise. Numb is not a cumulative efect.
When used Defensively Numb is able to help a Unit temporarily overcome what would normally be a mortal injury. he Unit must be in base
to base contact with the injured Unit and must spend an AP to use the Ability. he wounded Unit is then automatically given a ‘Numbed
Wound’ counter (No Armor Save necessary). Any Unit with a Numbed Wound counter receives 1 HP but also a –2 penalty to all TN’s except
Armor Saves from the efects of the drugs. If a Numbed Wound counter is removed for any reason then the HP is immediately lost (as is the
–2 penalty).
Numb can also be used on enemy Units. In this case make a CA attack as normal, including Armor Saves. If a Unit takes Damage from a
Numb weapon it receives a ‘Numb’ counter as well as the normal efects of the attack. Any Unit with a Numb counter receives a –2 penalty
to all TN’s except Armor Saves. If a Numb weapon has a RN of other than CA then it can also be used at Range. Follow all normal Ranged
Assault rules for these attacks, including Armor Saves, regardless of whether the weapon is being used Ofensively or Defensively. NOTE:
‘Numbed Wound’ (and ‘Numb’) counters are removed at the end of the game. If any Units are reduced to 0 HP, as a result of the loss, then
they are counted as casualties for Victory Points purposes. A friendly unit may only be afected by this ability once per game.
Whenever a weapon with this Ability successfully hits an enemy Unit, they immediately lose 1 AP. (If the Unit has 0 AP due to other reasons
than Paralyzing Poison; carry this penalty over to the next Game Turn). Paralyzing Poison is a cumulative efect, and does not afect Units
with the “Nonliving Unit” Ability. Paralyzing Poison is subject to “Immunity to Poison” Paralyzing Poison does not remove free AP gained
from charging. A Unit may not have more Paralyzing Poison Counters than they have AP.
his Ability represents a Ranged Assault weapon that can be used in Close Assaults. Normally this is a pistol with which the Unit has practiced
close quarters ighting. As the Unit does not manually power these weapons they do not beneit from the PW bonuses in certain circumstances.
Point Blank weapons do not gain PW bonuses for Charging, Ganging Up (Or any variant such as Superior Ganging Up, Tandem Fighting
etc.) or Berserk. hey do not receive a PW bonus for attacking from the Rear or from the Ability ‘Hatred’. NOTE: Point Blank weapons with
an RF number share their RF between RA and CA Attack Groups. he RF listed is for the total number of attacks you can make per Game
Turn regardless of whether they are Ranged or Close Assaults or how many Attack Groups the weapon is listed in.
he Poison Ability is followed by a number in parentheses, this is the strength of that particular Poison e.g. Poison (4). If a Unit is hit by
a Poison weapon it receives a Poison counter. During the lingering efects stage Units must make a Poison test (see below) for each Poison
counter they have. Poison counters do stack, but a Unit may only have as many Poison Counters as the current Number of HP they have.
A Poison test is a d20 roll. he base TN for Poison tests is the strength of the Poison subtracted from ‘20’, the Unit must roll equal to or lower
to avoid failing. A failed Poison Test results in the loss of 1 HP and the Unit keeps the counter. If the test is passed then the Unit loses the
counter. Wounds caused by failed Poison tests class as Cauterized. NOTE: Unless otherwise speciied nothing afects Poison Tests.
Example: A Soul Searcher is hit twice by a Squad of Shades. and receives two Poison (5) counters. During the next lingering efects stage he must make
2 Poison Tests. he TN for these Tests is 15. He rolls for both Tests and gets a 9 and a 17. he Searcher therefore loses 1 HP and keeps 1 Poison counter.
Units that have a weapon with the Parry Ability may elect to parry a Close Assault attack. To make a Parry the player rolls D20 equal to or
under their highest AS statistic on a weapon with the Parry Ability. If successful, the attack has not hit, no Armor save is necessary and no
special efects of the attacking weapon are taken. If the Parry fails the Unit still gets its normal Armor (AR) save. Ranged Assaults cannot be
Parried (Reach attacks however can be parried as normal). You may only make one Parry attempt per attack regardless of how many weapons
with the Parry Ability a Unit possesses. NOTE: You may not attempt to Parry a Critical Hit. A Critical Parry failure results in exactly the same
penalties as a Critical Armor Save. You may only Parry attacks to your front Arc.
Weapons with power drain use enormous amounts of energy. his makes it impossible for more than one of these weapons to be used in an
activation. Only one power drain weapon may be used per activation.
Apocalypse Version June 2011
Apocalypse Version June 2011
Reach weapons represent large axes, long poles, whips or any weapon capable of a limited reach. his allows a Reach (RE) weapon to make
Close Assault (CA) and short Ranged Assault (RA) attacks. All Reach attacks that originate from the target Unit’s Rear gain +1 to the Assault
and +1 to the PW.
Smoke Clouds partially block Line of Sight and provide Cover. A Unit making a Ranged Assault where the LOS to the target Unit crosses the
Smoke Cloud template sufers a –4 penalty to the TN To Hit. If a Unit’s base is completely within in the Smoke Cloud any Close Assaults it
makes have a -4 penalty to the TN To Hit. During each Lingering Efects phase, roll 1 d20 for each Smoke Cloud template, on a roll of 11+
the Smoke has dissipated and the template is removed.
REACH CLOSE ASSAULT – Resolve as a normal CA except RE weapons make “Breaking from CA” harder. In order to Break from CA
without being attacked by a Unit with a Reach weapon, the Breaking Unit must make 2 successful checks. If either fail, the Breaking Unit is
attacked as normal. Only one free attack generates even if both attempts fail.
NOTE: he size of the Smoke Cloud template is the Blast number in the weapons statistics.
A Stun weapon is capable of disorienting an opponent. Whenever a weapon with this Ability successfully hits an enemy Unit, they immediately
lose 1 AP. (If the Unit has 0 AP due to other reasons than Stun; carry this penalty over to the next Game Turn). Stun is not a cumulative efect.
REACH RANGED ASSAULT – A weapon with Reach will have RE followed by a number in parentheses in the RN ield of the weapons
statistics e.g., “RE (4).” he number in parentheses is RA range, in inches. Reach Ranged Assaults resolve as a normal RA, see below, and
they also may use the “Fire from Hold” action. RE weapons may RA when in BtB contact with an enemy Unit. hey may also make Ranged
Assaults over Units of equal or lesser Size with no penalty and they ignore the “Target Priorities” and “Firing into CA” rules.
NOTE: If an Ability like Pin or KP are on a RE weapon from Ranged Assault, if the Unit “Breaks the Pin” or stands from the KP they are
not considered in BtB contact
A Toxic Cloud is a Smoke Cloud efect that remains in play. During the Lingering Efects Phase the owning player of the Cloud rolls a D20,
on an 11 or more the cloud is dissipated, otherwise it remains in play. While it remains in play any Non-Toxic Cult Unit that enters the
cloud or begins their activation in the Cloud receives a Poison (4) counter. Likewise if a Non-Toxic Cult Unit remains in the cloud for every
AP spent, they receive a Poison (4) Counter. Units with Non-Living, Enviro Filters and Toxic Cult ability are immune to this Cloud Efect.
Toxic Cloud does not stack with other Smoke Cloud Efects in regards to RA and CA penalties.
Weapons with this ability may only be used to attack Units in your Rear arc.
After a successful Armor save from an attack with this ability, the ammo bounces of in a random direction. Roll a scatter die and the ammo
travels in that direction. he irst unit, enemy or friendly, that is in the path of the saw blade takes a PW 3x2 hit. To determine the distance
of the ricochet subtract the Distance from the attacker to the target from the RN of the Attack.
Weapons with this Ability are scathing and corrosive in nature. If a Rot weapon hits a Unit it receives a Rot counter. During the Lingering
Efects stage, Units must make a Rot test for each Rot counter they have. On a roll of 11+, a Rot counter is removed. A Unit with a Rot
counter is at –2 AR for each Rot counter. Rot is a cumulative efect, this efect Triggers on a successful Hit.
Weapons with this ability shake the ground when they hit, causing Units to lose their footing. Center a BL(3) in the front arc of a Unit with
this ability (within 1”). All Units (Except ones with the Tremor weapon Ability) in the area of efect sufer KP (14)
he art of throwing a Pud as a weapon is something that only the Pud hrowers themselves have truly mastered, as the Puds themselves don’t
truly enjoy it when they ‘re hurled across the battleield. hrough discipline and training, the Pud hrowers have gleaned a proper technique,
able to use these beasts as very efective projectiles. A Pud hrower may spend 1 AP to throw a Pud:
•A Pud cannot be thrown into Close Assault.
•he Player picks a Point of Impact (PoI) within the range of the weapon. Standard PoI rules are used (DF 3).
•If the Pud lands on an enemy Unit. Place the Pud Unit in BtB contact with the enemy Unit (within either the front or back arc; depending
upon the direction the attack came from). Immediately resolve a automatic hit from the Pud (PW 4x2). his is an inherent ability and does
not interfere with their normal activation for the turn.
•If the RA attack misses roll a Scatter Roll to ind where the new Point of Impact is. Divide the number rolled by 2 (rounding down) to ind
the number of inches the Pud scatters, place the Pud. he maximum a Pud can scatter is half the distance between the Attacking Unit and
PoI(rounded down). If a Pud Scatters to a point further than maximum scatter the extra distance is ignored and the Pud is placed at the point
of maximum scatter.
•If the Pud lands on top of a friendly Unit. Place the Pud in BtB contact with the friendly Unit (within either the front or back arc; depending
upon the direction the scatter came from). he controller chooses the inal facing of the Pud.
•If the Pud scatters on an enemy Unit. Place the Pud Unit in BtB contact with the enemy Unit (within either the front or back arc; depending
upon the direction the attack came from). Immediately resolve a automatic hit from the Pud (PW 4x2). his is an inherent ability and does
not interfere with their normal activation for the turn.
•If a Pud scatters of of the table edge, they will be placed at the point on the battleield nearest to the table edge. he controller chooses the
inal facing of the Pud.
•If a Pud scatters in hazardous terrain, the Pud is placed with their base touching the edge of the terrain closest to the inal scatter point.
(Controller chooses facing)
A weapon with this ability causes a loss of 1 AP if the target unit makes a successful Armor check.
Crystal shards are highly unstable mineral pieces that the Slaves use as weapons. Some have mastered the ability of using these crystal shards
as explosive antipersonnel mines. A Unit with Scatter Shards may spend 1AP to scatter a 1” radius shard ield on the battleield. touching the
base of the Unit. his ability is automatic and no To Hit roll is required although the player must still roll to see if the shards Malfunction.
Units in a Close Assault may not use this ability until they have left the combat. Any Unit that passes through a Shard Field at any point
during their movement must make an AS test to prevent the crystals from exploding. Simply roll equal to under the Unit’s highest AS stat.
A failed test means the Field has exploded and the Unit must make a successful armor test against the shards PW, or sufer damage indicated
on the weapon’s listing. If successful in rolling the AS test, the Unit moves uneventfully through the Shard Field. However, if the Unit should
again move through the Shard Field, a new test must be taken. Shard Fields do not stack with each other; thus, a Unit that moves through two
diferent (and overlapping) Shard Fields simultaneously will only be required to test once, and if failed take damage once. Any Shard Field
that is overlapping another Shard Field that detonates, will itself detonate, and in turn will detonate any Fields touching it. Only the Unit that
moves through the Field must make the test, if other Units are inside the Field when it detonates they also take damage from the Field. Once a
Field detonates remove it from play. Shard Fields may be targeted by RA and RE attacks. In order to do so a Unit need only pass a PS check,
if the check is passed the Shard ield my be targeted with a DF 3. If hit the Shard Field automatically explodes and any Units in the Field take
a hit as if they failed passing through the ield itself. AoE attacks that cause damage due to the attack automatically set the Shard Fields of.
When these weapons, made from shards of crystal, malfunction they send crystal shrapnel out in all directions. his shrapnel afects any Unit
holding the weapon as well as any Unit in BtB contact with them. he Unit malfunctioning and any Units in BtB contact with them are
therefore hit by the weapons normal malfunction efect.
With a deafening roar Mongo slams his two Uber Bloks together. he impact of the massive strike spreads outwards and sweeps his foes before
him or knocks them to their feet. Such is the intensity of the attack that Mongo must spend 1 AP before he is able to make any attacks after
the competition of this attack. he AP he spends ends his activation whether he has AP to spend or not. All Units Friendly or Enemies are
afected by the attack. Units two Unit sizes or smaller are automatically afected by Knocked Back (KB). Units One Unit Size or smaller are
automatically Knocked Prone (KP). Units the same size or larger are not afected. Regardless of Unit size all Units in the Arc are afected by
An attack with this WA may only be used against Prone targets.
Apocalypse Version June 2011
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