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I. Read the advertisements of modern gadgets and do the exercises. Przeczytaj reklamy
wspþczesnych gadŇetw i wykonaj ęwiczenia
Remote Control Daleks are invading our warehouse again!
Following their sell-out last year, we are now pleased to have new stocks
available of the hugely popular Radio Control Daleks.
Each Dalek has full function radio control movement (left, right, forward
and reverse), a powered rotating head with flashing lights, and also several
authentic Dalek voice commands! Available in Silver, Black or Grey, the Daleks are on two
different frequencies so you can run two at once.
These are detailed, fully licensed replicas - no skimping on size either as they stand 12"
(30cm) tall!
If you're looking for a unique and inexpensive gift or a weird and fun
conversation piece for your desk at work, then check out The Eggling - a real
plant that you can hatch from an egg! The precious little Eggling looks and feels
like an extra large egg, but crack its top and discover a garden ready for sowing !
Extremely popular in Japan, where it originated, the Eggling is made of white
porous ceramic and comes with a terracotta tray and seed pack of either herbs or
flowers. Four types of herbs (basil, italian parsley, mint, thyme) and flowers (chrysanthemum,
lobelia, phlox, petunia) are available - or even use your own seeds . Cultivation is easy - all the
plants grow for up to five months in the Eggling's fortified peat mixture, after which the
Eggling can be planted directly in soil. Egglings are packaged individually in a gift box, and
supplied as a pair comprising one herb and one flower. Each egg is approximately 5cm high
and 4cm diameter
Gupi is a high-tech, electronic guinea pig that looks, feels and acts like
the real thing. Gupi provides a combination of interactive fun and the
emotions of a real pet! Gupi is not just for kids though - it was recently
recommended as an ideal gift of Dads on the Richard & Judy TV show!
Gupi has a mind of its own and is so smart it can walk around the house without bumping into
anything or falling down stairs. If you put Gupi in a maze, you can be assured that it will find
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
its way out.
Gupi is also very playful and will react to noises, light and touch. When held and pet he
becomes more friendly and when ignored gets more skittish and will run to darker areas of
the run when startled .
If you pet Gupi, it will feel loved and will be happy, but if you don't play with Gupi, it
becomes lonely and retreats to a dark place. Gupi will react differently depending on its
When Gupi gets hungry you can feed him (recharge his batteries) through a little carrot, and
then he's ready for a lot more fun.
These Powerballs use the gyroscope principle of a rotating inner ball inside a
solid outer ball to create forces in all directions to exercise your wrist muscles.
Move your hand further away from your body, and the Powerball's forces work
on the whole length of your arm. To use, just wind the short "starter cord"
around the centre ball, and then pull. Once you have started it spinning , the idea is to move
your wrist to increase the speed of the centre ball, which if done correctly increases the
gyroscope effect.
It does take some practice to get going - the first few times we tried, the ball just stood still
after about 30 seconds - but eventually you get the hang of the "rocking" motion required to
get the thing moving. After a little practice, its possible to bring your new Powerball up to
15,000rpm at which point it's exerting almost 40lbs of pressure on your limbs and is traveling
at nearly 250 revolutions per second - no batteries, no motor, just pure gyroscopic power - the
fastest human propelled device ever created! From: gadgets.co.uk
A - Remote Control Daleks
B - The Eggling
C Î Gupi
D Î Powerballs
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
Which gadget...?
1. Is available in different colours? ÈÈÈÈ.
2. is delivered in pairs? ÈÈÈÈ.
3. shows feelings? ÈÈÈÈ.
4. is controlled by radio waves? ÈÈÈÈ.
5. reacts to the surroundings? ÈÈÈÈ.
6. is difficult to operate at first? ÈÈÈÈ.
7. doesnÓt require electricity? ÈÈÈÈ.
8. has flashing lights? ÈÈÈÈ.
9. is used to exercise? ÈÈÈÈ.
10. comes from another country? ÈÈÈÈ.
11. is natural? ÈÈÈÈ.
12. was also produced last year? ÈÈÈÈ.
13. was advertised on TV? ÈÈÈÈ.
2. Look athe underlined words in the text and match them with their definitions
below. Spjrz na podkreĻlone sþowa w tekĻcie i poþĢcz je z poniŇszymi
1. a machine or tool that does a special job ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
2. a straight line from one side of a circle to the other side, passing through the
centre of the circle ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
3. to use your power, influence etc in order to make something happen
4. the number of radio waves, sound waves etc that pass any point per second
5. When an egg breaks, letting the young bird, insect etc come out:
6. a small plant that is used to improve the taste of food, or to make medicine
7. a black substance formed from decaying plants under the surface of the
ground in some areas, which can be burned as a fuel, or mixed with soil to
help plants grow well ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
8. to move, drive, or push something forward ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
9. complete and total ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
10. to turn with a circular movement around a central point ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
11. a small, hard object produced by plants, from which a new plant of the same
kind grows ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
12. excited or frightened very easily ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
13. to plant or scatter seeds on a piece of ground: ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
14. to turn around and around very quickly ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
15. suddenly surprised or slightly shocked ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
16. a supply of a particular type of thing that a shop has available to sell
17. unusually good and special ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
18. a large building for storing large quantities of goods ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
19. very strange and unusual, and difficult to understand or explain
20. the part of your body where your hand joins your arm ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
3. Use the words to complete the sentences. Uzupeþnij zdania wyrazami z
poprzedniego ęwiczenia
1. A really ÈÈÈ. thing happened last night, I still canÓt believe what I saw
2. Each person's fingerprints are ÈÈÈ.
3. He owns a boat ÈÈÈ. by a small motor
4. I was so drunk that in my eyes the room started to ÈÈÈ.
5. I was ÈÈÈ. to see Amanda
6. It was a beautiful horse but so ÈÈÈ. you couldnÓt even touch it
7. My mother's life was ÈÈÈ hell.
8. She had a gold watch on her ÈÈÈ
9. ÈÈÈ the seeds in late March
10. Sprinkle the dish with chopped fresh ÈÈÈ
11. Sunflower ÈÈÈ are used to produce oil
12. The company makes ÈÈÈ to detect carbon monoxide.
13. The ÈÈÈ of the Earth is about 13,000 km
14. The Earth ÈÈÈ on its axis once every 24 hours
15. The eggs take three days to ÈÈÈ
16. The last delivery of goods is waiting in our ÈÈÈ
17. There is a lot of ÈÈÈ in this soil and thus the plants grow well
18. They ÈÈÈ considerable influence within the school
19. This station broadcasts on three different ÈÈÈ
20. We have a huge ÈÈÈ of quality carpets on sale
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
4. Rewrite the sentences so that they contain the given word and have the
same meaning. Przepisz zdania tak, aby zawieraþy podany wyraz i zachowaþy
1. He demanded to see the manager
2. LetÓs go to the cinema
3. Her disability made it impossible for her to study
4. Tom is not allowed to go out after midnight
TomÓs parents ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ. out after midnight
5. IÓm sure it was Kate I saw last night
6. We did all we could to save her
7. Ðhave you done your homework?Ó my mother asked me
My mother asked meÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ..homework
8. He is proud of his son
9. It seems that they are having problems
10. It is believed that Columbus was the first European in America
Columbus ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ the first European in
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