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Microsoft Word - lesson_73
Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
Countable and uncountable nouns
Much and many
much is used with uncountable nouns eg. “I haven’t got much time”
many is used with countable nouns eg. “There are many people in this room”
Scissors, trousers, glasses etc. – there are words in English that have only plural forms
Some and any
some is used in positive sentences with both countable and uncountable nouns eg. “There is
some milk left”; “There are some apples in the basket.“
any is used in questions and negative sentences with both countable and uncountable nouns
eg. “There isn’t and milk left”; “Are there any apples in the basket?;
Countable/uncountable – some nouns can be countable or uncountable depending on their
Paper – Paper is made from wood (material) or I have many papers to read (documents)
Glass – Can I have a glass of water (an object) or You can see through glass (material)
To make uncountable nouns countable you need to modify them by using a phrase meaning Òa
piece ofÓ :
water a glass of water
furniture a piece of furniture
cheese a slice of cheese
chocolate – a bar of chocolate
Choose the correct option. (Wybierz właściwą opcję)
1. How much/How many milk is left
2. Here is/are your trousers
3. I put some/any coffee into the cake
4. We need a/some glass to repair the smashed window
5. He has never got much/many time
6. The news she told us was/were really bad
7. It is a specious room with not much/many furniture in it
8. I have the juice, can you bring some/a glass
9. After the summer heats there wasn’t some/any water left
10. The advice she gives me is/are always good
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Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
Put one word in each gap where necessary. (Wstaw po jednym słowie w lukę tam
gdzie to konieczne)
1. I did the washing but I haven’t got ……… iron
2. If you go to the shops remember to buy ……… loaf
3. We are waiting for ……… information about her
4. To be an athlete you need to have ………very good health
5. She was in Brasil ……… years ago
6. Tom is very good at ………driving
7. As his family were poor he didn’t get ………good education
8. I always buy ……… paper on my way home
9. We really need ……… advice
10. We moved here last week so we don’t know ……… people in the
Rewrite the sentences using the word given. (Przepisz zdania używając podanych
1. I will tell you what I would do if I were you
2. All my trousers are dirty
3. There is little milk in the fridge
4. I have to wash my hair
5. You can take these scissors
6. The lecture had little information in it
7. What is the price of this house?
8. All the people went home
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Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
Complete each phrase with a word from the box. (Uzupełnij wyrażenia słowami z
Loaf box carton cup drop packet glass bunch pinch tube bar tin
1. a …………of cigarettes
2. a …………of toothpaste
3. a ………… of sardines
4. a …………of juice
5. a …………of chocolates
6. a …………of chocolate
7. a …………of flowers
8. a …………of bread
9. a …………of water
10. a …………of coffee
11. a …………of rain
12. a ………… of salt
V. Read the text and complete the gaps. Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij luki.
Abertay University, Dundee, has become 1….. first in the country to offer a degree in
computer hacking.
The university has stressed that the BSc (Hons) in Ethical Hacking & Countermeasures is a
course to aid organisations fight growing computerbased crime, 2….train future criminals.
As computerbased crime is now costing businesses 3… to £270,000 a year, Abertay
University feel this course is a very appropriate and necessary degree to offer, and students
4…. graduate will not have to look too hard for a job.
The course structure will involve learning 5…. to break through the most sophisticated IT
security systems, with students accessing knowledge to help advise companies on the best
way 6…… protect their systems. However, the university acknowledges that these skills
would be priceless to criminals and terrorists.
A spokesman from Abertay University explained, "That is a concern that has been expressed.
7…., the students will be thoroughly vetted to make sure we are not recruiting any known
criminal." They continued to explain that hacking skills would not 8…. introduced
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Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
immediately. "There will be two years or so during which we can keep a very close 9…. on
them to see what type of people they are".
The only academic in the country with an ethical hacking qualification, Colin McLean, will
teach the course. McLean believes 10…. is a great need for hacking skills to be passed on,
"These days there's such a large reliance on computers for most aspects of a company's work,
and legislation means responsible steps have to be taken to make sure data is secure." he goes
on, "Specialist companies are employed to go in and test computers for any kind of security
flaw and we are looking to prepare undergraduates11….. jobs in that area".
McLean also stressed that an extremely strict selection process will take 12……, to guarantee
that the correct applicants are accepted onto the course. Focus 22/06/2006
1. the – the first – pierwszy (liczebniki porządkowe poprzedza się przedimkiem
określonym the)
2. not – to aid organisations …not train criminals – aby pomóc organizacjom …nie
szkolić przestępców
3. up – up to – aż do
4. who – students who graduate – studenci, którzy ukończą naukę (do osób odnosi się
who a do rzeczy which)
5. how – learning how to break through – uczyć się jak się przedrzeć
6. to – best way to protect najlepszy sposób aby chronić (to = in order to wprowadza
okolicznik celu)
7. However – jednakże (po however zawsze jest przecinek)
8. be – haking skills would not be introduced – umiejętności hakerskie nie byłyby
wprowadzane (strona bierna zawsze ma element czasownika to be)
9. eye – keep a close eye on sth – mieć coś na oku
10. there – there is (plural: there are) – znajduje się
11. for – prepare sb./sth for – przygotować na/do czegoś
12. place – take place – mieć miejsce
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Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
VI. Match the words from the text with their translations (połącz słowa z tekstu z ich
1) degree
2) involve
3) sophisticated
4) security
5) access
6) acknowledge
7) priceless
8) vetted
9) reliance
10) flaw
stopień naukowy
1. How much
2. are
3. some
4. some
5. much
6. was
7. much
8. a
9. any
10. is
1. an
2. a
3. some
5. some
8. a
9. some
10. any
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