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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
Feast of the Flesh
ISBN 9781419913396
Feast of the Flesh Copyright © 2007 A.D. Christopher
Edited by Briana St. James.
Cover art by Syneca.
Electronic book Publication October 2007
This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written
permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.®1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH
This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or
locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used
Feast of the Flesh
Page 1
A.D. Christopher
Chapter One
He’d waited centuries for this night, centuries to find Padraig again. Every year at Samhain he came
through the veil and flew, high above the ceremonies and celebrations, searching for the one soul he
craved more than any other.
And tonight he had found him, his love…the one who had betrayed him and left him to die.
The man didn’t look like Padraig , of course. His hair was not as dark, nor his body as muscle-bound.
But souls could not hide, even if they wanted to.
Caradocsqueezed his eyes shut, trying to force away the images flashing through his mind, but it was no
use. The pictures were burned into his spirit and always would be. Years of remembering had made it
impossible to see anything but Padraig’s face, his smile as he leaned in for a kiss. Centuries later he could
still feel the phantom of his lover’s hand on his shaft, of Padraig’s cock buried deep inside his ass as they
both worked furiously toward their climax.
How many times had they been together like this? How many times had he held Padraig’s cock in his
mouth and felt his love explode over his tongue? How many times had Padriag groaned and sighed and
sworn eternal love?Only to betray him when the new god came.
The devastation of losing his love, his human soul-connection, had sent Caradoc spinning away, so far
from the world of humans he still wasn’t sure how he’d managed to find his way back.
But find it he had, and he’d known someday Padraig would as well. And when he did, Caradoc would
be waiting.
“There will be no escape, my love,” Caradoc whispered, a soft curse swept away by the cool wind.
Forcing a smile to his face, he made his way into the circle. The feast of Samhain —or so it used to be
called—had been a village-wide celebration in Caradoc’s time. Women and men would dance naked
around the ceremonial flames, while children ran wild through the woods, racing the spirits through the
Now it seemed only men were permitted, for this circle, thisdance, was solidly male. Cardoc’s cock
hardened as strong arms brushed against him, as muscled bodies covered with coarse hair spun and
leapt, sometimes crashing together onto the ground, rolling through the dirt with laughter before coming to
their feet again. They danced with holiday abandon, the pure, sexual energy strumming through the crowd
enough to make Caradoc join in their laughter.
He fed upon their desire, their lust for life and merriment, growing stronger than he had been in ages. The
energy buzzed through his veins, tingling across his skin until he felt drunk with it. It had been so very long
since he’d felt this powerful.
Tonight he would put that power to use. He would find Padraig and make him beg for mercy. Find him,
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and take back the life force he knew his love’s soul still held.
Then he would banish him, as Caradoc had been banished, down to the cold Otherworld, to the half-life
he had spent centuries trying to reach after being sent even farther away into the nothingness.
Shivering with anticipation and the pleasure of warm skin pressing against his own, Caradoc forced his
way through the crush of bodies until he reached Padraig . Whatever name this man now claimed,
Caradoc still knew him, and when he reached out and circled the other man’s biceps with his hand he
knew he was right. The touch sizzled, sent a jolt of energy through his system.
Padraigturned around and grinned. Caradoc’s breath caught. He looked so familiar! The wide blue eyes
were the same, the broad, friendly face different but close enough that for a moment Caradoc felt dizzy.
For a split second, all plans for revenge were forgotten as he stared at the man’s soft lips. He fought the
urge to reach out and run his fingertips along them, to slip fingers into the warmth of Padraig’s mouth and
feel the wetness of his tongue.
Padraigknew what he was thinking. The other man’s eyes widened, just a touch,then darkened with
desire. Caradoc knew his body was attractive, even now in modern times. His hair was longer than
current fashion dictated, apparently, but there were other men with dark golden skin and dark eyes
participating in the dance. Without clothes there was nothing else to indicate he didn’t truly belong.
“I’m Patrick,” Padraig said.
Before he could reply, one of the dancers bumped into Caradoc and shoved him forward. His eyes
closed as he felt Padraig’s —Patrick’s—body against his and caught the familiar scent of his skin. He still
smelled of evergreen and spice, and for a moment Caradoc was transported back in time, to those days
when he and his lover would spend hours swimming in the cold mountain lakes before rolling onto the
grass and letting the sun warm them. They would make love all afternoon, until the sun set and the moon
rose in the starry sky.
“Patrick,” Caradoc muttered, bringing his hands to rest on the slightly shorter man’s shoulders and
pressing even closer. They were both a little sweaty from the dancing and the heat of the flames, making
their chests rub slickly against each other. Caradoc heard Patrick’sbreath catch and knew the other man
felt it too. The connection between a god, no matter how minor, and the soul he’d once drawn power
from did not fade. Ideally it would last forever, beyond death, helping reunite the deity and his follower in
the afterworld.
That thought brought him back. He was not here to reconnect, to draw his love back into his circle. He
was here to punish, to enact his vengeance. Tonight Patrick would pay for his betrayal with pain, with
frustrated desire, and perhaps, even with his life.
* * * * *
Patrick couldn’t help himself. As the man—a man whose name he didn’t even know—placed his large
hands on Patrick’s chest, he grabbed them and held them still. He couldn’t remember ever feeling this
kind of connection with anyone, woman or man.
And Patrick usually liked women. Sure, he’d “experimented” a few times with men, but woman were his
preference. He liked breasts and how they felt soft and full in his hand, he liked soft, wet, hidden
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But this man.Patrick’s cock leapt to attention as he looked into the stranger’s deep, dark eyes. He
almost felt he knew this man, like something within him recognized him, and he wanted nothing more than
to explore the connection between them further. Even Patrick’s pleasure in participating in this ancient
ritual, his desire to keep participating, couldn’t dampen his curiosity. He wanted to take this man off into
the forest where several other couples had already wandered, to lick and suck and tease. Wanted to feel
this man’s mouth against his, wanted to feel his mouth suckling his cock as he spent his seed, and to
watch him swallow every last drop.
And the man knew it. His hands stayed where they were, resting on the muscles of Patrick’s chest. “I
am Caradoc ,” he said, in a voice so smooth and deep it sent a shudder through Patrick’s body.
Patrick smiled, trying to hide his confusion. “Are you Irish too? I know it’s not fashionable anymore to
talk about heritage, but my family was always very proud of…” he trailed off. What was he babbling
about? Why was he talking about his family origins? What did it matter now, when so many were dead?
It was just that, for some reason, he wanted to share his past with this man, with Caradoc . It was as if
he were an old friend who had returned from a long journey and needed to be apprised of what had
occurred in his absence. But, surely, that made no sense at all?
Luckily, Caradoc just smiled. “Then we have much to discuss, do we not?”
Patrick nodded, barely realizing he was moving because Caradoc’s hand was sliding lower, his fingertips
trailing gently down the muscles of Patrick’s stomach, almostto where Patrick was already swollen and
“Why do you not come with me into the trees? It’s quieter there. We can…talk.”
Caradoc’scock brushed against his. Patrick’s breath sucked in on a hiss. He looked down. He’d never
thought naked men could be so…so blatantly sexual, so incredibly arousing. Even in his few experiments
he’d never felt like this, never felt his ass pucker and twitch with desire. But Caradoc’s cock seemed to
taunt him, bewitch him. He almost groaned at the thought of how it might taste.
He looked back up and almost fell into the depths of the other man’s eyes. Caradoc grabbed his arm in
a painfully tight grip. “Let us go.”
* * * * *
The darkness of the woods closed around them. They were so far from the clearing that the sounds of
laughter and music had faded, and not even a hint of firelight illuminated their steps. They were walking
solely by the light of them moon, that cold light that had always made Patrick feel lost and empty, as if he
were being judged by the glowing orb and found lacking.
Butterflies started dancing in his belly. What was he doing? Leaving the ritual like that, with a man? But
when he turned around to try to speak, to tell Caradoc he’d changed his mind, those eyes caught him and
held him, rooting him to the spot.
Even more persuasive was the hand Caradoc closed around Patrick’s cock. He stroked him up and
down, just once, but it was enough to convince Patrick that he wasn’t going anywhere.
“I’ve been waiting for this,” Caradoc murmured.“Waiting a long time.”
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