09a. White Fang - Activity book.pdf

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White Fang
Activity Book
Exercises written by
Tom Gatehouse
w o r y g i n a l e
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Chapter I
Activities to chapter 1: The Love-Making of the Wild.......................3
A. Read this short version of the chapter. There are 3 things
which didn’t really happen. Find them.
Activities to chapter 2: The Law of Meat...........................................9
Activities to chapter 3: The Makers of Fire......................................13
One day a pack of hungry wolves ran across the forest. At the front ran
two grey leaders and one red she-wolf. They both liked the she-wolf
and snarled at her. The old one-eyed leader killed the younger leader.
Then the she-wolf and One Eye ran together. After some weeks the
she-wolf found a cave near an Indian camp and decided to stay there.
One Eye first went to the camp and then went hunting. When he came
back there were little wolves in the cave. One Eye snarled at them and
went hunting again.
Activities to chapter 4: The Bondage...............................................18
Activities to chapter 5: A New God.................................................23
Activities to chapter 6: The Mad God .............................................28
Activities to chapter 7: The Love Master.........................................33
B. Read these sentences about the story. Decide if they are true or
Key: .................................................................................................39
True False
1. The she-wolf liked the younger leader more.
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2. The two leaders hated each other.
3. The older leader had only one eye.
4. The she-wolf was happy because the two leaders
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were fighting.
5. After the battle, One Eye and the she-wolf travelled
together across the forest.
6. The she-wolf found a cave but One Eye didn’t want
to stay there.
7. When One Eye came back after hunting the cave
ISBN 83 - 89652 - 19 - 6
was empty.
8. The she-wolf was nervous because she thought that
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One Eye wanted to eat the little wolves.
C. Here are some sentences taken from the chapter. Put them in the
order they appear in the story.
4. They were both waiting for the best moment. They knew it would be
5. The old wolf attacked him suddenly and ....................................,
closing his fangs on the younger leader’s neck.
6) The younger wolf snarled painfully and tried to fight back, but his
legs would no longer hold him and he fell to the snow. .........................
7. ...................................... because this was love-making of the Wild.
8. When One Eye .................................... the she-wolf again she didn’t
snarl at him any more.
9. Soon ......................................., running happily side by side
through the snowy woods.
10. Old One Eye ....................................... but he followed her anyway.
11. There they .................................... the Indian camp for some time.
12. Fortunately for the old wolf, ........................................ .
13. So he went hunting .........................., confused.
14. He had been gone for eight hours and hadn’t caught anything when
he finally came back to the cave. And there he ..................................... .
15. She was warning him against eating the small things making tiny
noises. ....................................... so though. He understood.
a. She seemed to be looking for something.
b. In truth, they looked more like skeletons than wolves.
c. He had been gone for eight hours and hadn’t caught anything when
he finally came back to the cave.
d. He tried to persuade her to get up and go searching for food.
e. But if the two leaders were all kindness towards the red she-wolf
they were all hatred towards each other.
f. They knew it would be a battle for life and death.
g. The old wolf attacked him suddenly and without warning, closing his
fangs on the younger leader’s neck.
h. Fortunately for the old wolf, she finally found what she had been
looking for.
i. There they hung about the Indian camp for some time.
j. And there he was in for a surprise.
D.Here are some useful phrases which appear in the chapter. Put
them into the correct sentences.
a. they were best friends
b. in truth
c. hung about
d. in fact
e. came up to
f. she finally found what she had
been looking for
g. from time to time
h. was in for a surprise
i. a battle for life and death
j. was not interested at all
k. without warning
l. she needn’t have done
m. the battle was over
n. she was glad with the battle
o. on his own
E. Without looking at Exercise 4, fill the gaps in these sentences.
Only one word fits into each gap.
1. ................ truth, they looked more like skeletons than wolves.
2. He didn’t even show her his teeth if she happened to run in front of
him. ................ fact, he seemed to like it.
3. ................ time to ................ he also tried to touch her neck with his
4. They were both waiting for the best moment. They knew it would be
a battle for ................ and ................ .
5. The old wolf attacked him suddenly and without ................ , closing
his fangs on the younger leader’s neck.
1. ................................, they looked more like skeletons than wolves.
2. He didn’t even show her his teeth if she happened to run in front of
him. .................................., he seemed to like it.
3. ................................. he also tried to touch her neck with his nose.
6. The younger wolf snarled painfully and tried to fight back, but his
legs would no longer hold him and he fell to the snow. The battle was
................ .
7. The she-wolf was glad ................ the battle because this was love-
making of the Wild.
8. When One Eye ................ up to the she-wolf again she didn’t snarl
at him any more.
9. Soon they were ................ friends, running happily side by side
through the snowy woods.
10. Old One Eye was not interested at ................ but he followed her
11. There they ................. about the Indian camp for some time.
12. Fortunately for the old wolf, she finally found ................. she had
been looking ...............
13. So he went hunting on his ................, confused.
14. He had been gone for eight hours and hadn’t caught anything when
he finally came back to the cave. And there he was ................. for a
15. She was warning him against eating the small things making tiny
noises. She .................. have done so though. He understood.
9. Soon they were best friends running happily side .................. side
through the snowy woods.
10. She seemed to be looking .................. something.
11. There they hung .................. the Indian camp for some time.
12. So he went hunting .................. his own, confused.
13. And there he was .................. for a surprise.
14. She was warning him .................. eating the small things making
tiny noises.
Chapter 2
A. Read these sentences about the story. Decide if they are true or
True False
1. There was only one grey cub in the cave.
2. The she-wolf was glad when the cubs went in the
F. Fill the gaps with the prepositions from the box. You may need
the same preposition more than once.
4. One Eye was killed and eaten by a lynx.
5. The she-wolf was afraid of the lynx.
in at for against on with about without over by
6. The cub was on his own when he first left the cave.
1. .................. truth, they looked more like skeletons than wolves.
2. .................. the front of the pack ran a large gray wolf.
3. He never snarled .................. the she-wolf.
4. ............ her right ran an old one-eyed wolf.
5. They knew it would be a battle .................. life and death.
6. The old wolf attacked him suddenly and .................. warning.
7. The battle was .................. .
8. She was glad .................. the battle because this was love-making of
the Wild.
7. The cub found some chicks and ate them all.
8. The cub ate the mother-bird.
9. When his mother found him, she was angry with
10. The cub didn’t enjoy killing other animals.
direction of the Wall of Light.
3. There wasn’t enough food and all the cubs died.
B. All these actions happened in the story. Put them in the correct
order in which they happened.
6. He was crying at the top of his voice .
7. At first the cubs cried and growled, but then they mostly slept,
8. turning into little skeletons.
9. He saw much killing and began to play his part in it .
a. The cub fought against the mother-bird.
b. The cubs died.
c. The cub’s eyes opened.
d. The she-wolf started to leave the cub on his own in the cave.
e. The cub saw a squirrel.
f. The cub found the chicks.
g. One Eye was killed by the lynx.
h. The she-wolf went to look for One Eye.
i. The cub left the cave.
j. The cub killed a live thing for the first time.
a. was too tired of it and stopped
b. very loudly
c. looked like
d. was too afraid to
e. changing into
f. he was very surprised when he saw
g. at the beginning
h. it could be seen that
i. do it himself
C. Match the sentences.
1. He was different
2. He alone took
3. One of its walls seemed to be made
4. And that was how he learnt more
things about his mother than her warm
soft tongue,
5. He slept little and constantly hunted
6. But the squirrel was just as scared of
7. He picked one
a. as he was of it.
b. of light through which
his father could come and
c. up in his mouth.
d. from his brothers and
e. with no success.
f. after his father.
g. with which she used to
stroke him affectionately.
E. Without looking at Exercise D, fill the gaps with the correct letters.
The number of gaps corresponds to the number of missing letters.
1. He was different f_ _ _ his brothers and sisters.
2. He alone took a_ _ _ _ his father.
3. One of its walls seemed to be m _ _ _ of light through which his
father could come and go.
4. It turned o_ _ that she also had a sharp nose and strong paws.
5. At f_ _ _ _ the cubs cried and growled, but then they mostly slept,
slowly turning i_ _ _ little skeletons.
6. She didn’t d _ _ _ to go in as she knew the lynx as a bad-tempered
creature and a terrible fighter.
7. But to his great s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , he was going through the Wall just
like he had seen his parents go through it before.
8. He didn’t notice that the next step would be on the air ... and the
next moment he was falling head downwards and rolling down the
slope crying at the top of his v_ _ _ _.
9. Finally he g_ _ _ up and left the bird
10. He saw much killing and began to play his p _ _ _ in it.
D. Here are some phrases from the story. Match them with their
1. He alone took after his father.
2. It turned out that she also had a sharp nose.
3. She didn’t dare to go in.
4. But to his great surprise , there was nothing there.
5. Finally he gave up and left the bird.
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