Synergistic Fungistatic Effects of Lactoferrin in Combination with Antifungal Drugs against Clinical Candida Isolates.PDF

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Nov. 1999, p. 2635–2641
Vol. 43, No. 11
Copyright © 1999, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
Synergistic Fungistatic Effects of Lactoferrin in Combination
with Antifungal Drugs against Clinical Candida Isolates
Section of Pharmacokinetics and Drug Delivery, Groningen University Institute for Drug Studies, University Centre for
Pharmacy, 9713 AV Groningen, 1 and Section of Medical Microbiology, University Hospital Groningen,
9713 GZ Groningen, 2
The Netherlands
Received 9 November 1998/Returned for modification 7 January 1999/Accepted 3 August 1999
ml 2 1 . Interestingly, in the combination
experiments we observed pronounced cooperative activity against the growth of Candida by using lactoferrin
and the three antifungals tested. Only in a limited concentration range was minor antagonism detected. The
use of lactoferrin and fluconazole appeared to be the most successful combination. Significant reductions in the
minimal effective concentrations of fluconazole were found when it was combined with a relatively low
lactoferrin concentration (1 mg/ml). Such combinations still resulted in complete growth inhibition, while
synergy of up to 50% against several Candida species was observed. It is concluded that the combined use of
lactoferrin and antifungals against severe infections with Candida is an attractive therapeutic option. Since
fluconazole-resistant Candida species have frequently been reported, especially in HIV-infected patients, the
addition of lactoferrin to the existing fluconazole therapy could postpone the occurrence of species resistance
against fluconazole. Clinical studies to further elucidate the potential utility of this combination therapy have
been initiated.
Since its discovery in 1839 by Langenbeck (16), the genus
Candida has been shown to be the causative agent of many
infections in an increasing range of anatomical sites and clin-
ical settings. In normal healthy individuals, the yeast Candida
is classified as a commensal organism that can colonize both
internal and external surfaces. Under these circumstances, an
equilibrium between the host and the yeast microflora ensures
the avirulent, commensal status of this microorganism. This
equilibrium is attained not only by specific immune responses
but also by nonspecific factors that are secreted in saliva or
mucosal secretions, such as immunoglobulin A, lysozyme, lac-
toferrin, and histatins (25, 27, 31). A range of predispositions,
of which the most common is an immunocompromised status
of the patient, can affect the equilibrium. For example the
onset of candidosis in people infected with human immunode-
ficiency virus (HIV) is considered to be closely related to
manifestation of AIDS and AIDS-related diseases. In fact, it
represents one of the factors that is used by the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention to define AIDS (7). Although
Candida albicans has been implicated in the early stages of
AIDS, infections due to C. glabrata and C. krusei are becoming
more widespread in late-stage AIDS (13).
Before the emergence of the HIV epidemic, oral mycotic
infections were treated with polyene antifungals, such as am-
photericin B or nystatin, and with azoles, such as clotrimazole
or miconazole. The high relapse rate in HIV-positive patients
and reported toxic side effects of amphotericin B led to the use
of azoles as the first line of treatment (10, 17). Because keto-
conazole and itraconazole are not as readily absorbed, their
use has been limited. Although fluconazole has become the
agent of choice in antimycotic therapy, its widespread use has
resulted in an increase in resistance of Candida to its antifungal
efficacy (1, 30). In addition, the use of 5-fluorocytosine as
antimycotic has led to resistant strains of Candida being clin-
ically significant as well (14). Because of the rising incidence of
failures in the treatment of mycoses in the case of severely
immunosuppressed patients, there is a need for the develop-
ment of new therapeutic agents that support the antifungal
activity of antimycotics (41).
As mentioned, saliva contains several nonspecific defense
factors. Among them is lactoferrin, an iron-binding glycopro-
tein present at relatively high concentrations (up to 12 mg/ml)
in many exocrine fluids (33). The protein has broad-spectrum
antimicrobial properties against bacteria, yeasts, and viruses
and is considered to play an important role in the host defense
against infections on mucosal surfaces and in colostrum and
milk (4, 6, 12, 15, 33, 37, 38).
The anti- Candida activity of lactoferrin, first reported by
Kirkpatrick et al. (15), is commonly attributed to its ability to
bind and sequester environmental iron (6, 33). Yet the iron-
free form of lactoferrin (apo-lactoferrin) is able to kill both C.
albicans and C. krusei , by mechanisms related to alterations in
cell surface permeability (24, 37). Moreover, lactoferricin B, a
* Corresponding author. Present address: Yamanouchi Europe BV,
Clinical Pharmacology Research Department, Elisabethhof 1, 2353
EW Leiderdorp, The Netherlands. Phone: 31-71-5455283. Fax: 31-71-
5455276. E-mail:
† Present address: Yamanouchi Europe BV, Bioanalysis and Drug
Metabolism Section, 2353 EW Leiderdorp, The Netherlands.
Because of the rising incidence of failures in the treatment of oropharyngeal candidosis in the case of
severely immunosuppressed patients (mostly human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]-infected patients), there is
need for the development of new, more effective agents and/or compounds that support the activity of the
common antifungal agents. Since lactoferrin is one of the nonspecific host defense factors present in saliva that
exhibit antifungal activity, we studied the antifungal effects of human, bovine, and iron-depleted lactoferrin in
combination with fluconazole, amphotericin B, and 5-fluorocytosine in vitro against clinical isolates of Candida
species. Distinct antifungal activities of lactoferrin were observed against clinical isolates of Candida . The
MICs generally were determined to be in the range of 0.5 to 100 mg
peptide produced by enzymatic cleavage of bovine lactoferrin,
was found to have a lethal effect on Candida species through
direct interaction with the cell surface (3).
The need for reducing the development of microbial resis-
tance has led to experiments in which the cooperative effects of
lactoferrin and currently used treatments were assessed. This
resulted in an increased resistance to apo-lactoferrin-mediated
cell death when physiological concentrations of apo-lactoferrin
and sub-MICs (concentrations causing substantial but incom-
plete growth inhibition) of antifungal drugs or agents were
tested (23). However, others showed that combining lactofer-
rin and several antifungals led to a decrease in the concentra-
tion of lactoferrin required to inhibit the growth of Candida ,
whereas the combination of lactoferrin and clomitrazole even
resulted in synergistic anti- Candida activity (41). In the present
study we investigated in vitro the antifungal effect of lactoferrin
combined with some common antifungal agents against several
clinical isolates of Candida . Potential cooperative or synergistic
anti- Candida activity with lactoferrin and antifungals would
enable a lower dose of standard antimycotics during antimy-
cotic therapy and might at the same time decrease the induc-
tion of drug-resistant species.
microplate reader (El X 800; Bio-Tek Instruments, Inc., Winooski, Vt.) after re-
suspension of the contents of the wells with a multichannel pipette. Any bubbles
were removed with the tip of a sterile needle. For any wells not producing a visual
or spectrophotometrically measurable increase in turbidity after 48 h, the ab-
sence of growth was confirmed by inoculating 20
l of the well contents onto
SDA and then incubating for 5 days at 35°C in air.
The MIC was defined as the lowest concentration of antifungal agent that
substantially inhibited the growth of Candida after 24 h, according to the rec-
ommendations of the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards
(NCCLS) for the antifungal agents used (22). All experiments were performed in
Synergy experiments. The combined effects of bovine lactoferrin and flucon-
azole, amphotericin B, or 5-fluorocytosine against the growth of Candida species
were examined under the same experimental conditions used for determination
of the MICs. A dilution matrix (eight by eight) with eightfold drug dilutions,
which also included the drugs used individually, was prepared. The results of the
turbidity measurements at 630 nm were used to calculate the inhibiting effects of
the drug combinations on Candida growth. Maximum Candida growth was set at
0%, and complete inhibition of Candida growth was set at 100%. The results
obtained are presented as growth inhibition curves. In addition, for character-
ization of drug-drug interactions, a three-dimensional analytical method was
used according to the method described by Prichard and Shipman (32). This
experimental design was used to identify regions at which significant drug inter-
actions occurred. In brief, theoretical additive interactions were calculated from
the dose-response curves of the individual drugs. The theoretical calculated
additive interactions, representing the predicted additive interactions, were then
subtracted from the experimental interactions, obtained via the effects of the
drug combination on the turbidity measurements at 630 nm, to reveal dose-
response ranges of greater-than-expected interactions (synergy). The resulting
surface would appear as a horizontal plane at 0% inhibition above the calculated
additive surface if the interactions were merely additive. Any peaks above this
plane would be indicative of synergy. Similarly, any depressions below the plane
would indicate antagonism. For example, a combination of 0.5 mg of lactoferrin
per ml and 100
Microorganisms. Three C. albicans strains, four C. glabrata strains, and one C.
tropicalis strain, isolated from the oral cavity and differing in their susceptibilities
to the antifungal agents amphotericin B, fluconazole, and 5-flurocytocine, were
obtained from the routine microbiology laboratory of the University Hospital
Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands. C. albicans ATCC 10231 was used as
a control in all susceptibility tests. All strains were stored on Sabouraud dextrose
agar (SDA) slopes (Oxoid, Unipath Ltd., Basingstoke, United Kingdom) at 4°C.
Assay media. For the experiments we used Sabouraud liquid medium (SLM)
(pH 5.6) (Oxoid, Unipath Ltd.) and RPMI 1640 medium (with L -glutamine,
without NaHCO 3 , and supplemented with 2% glucose; pH 7.0) (Gibco BRL,
Paisley, Scotland). These media were prepared according to the manufacturer’s
instructions. RPMI 1640 was used when the antifungal activity of 5-fluorocy-
tosine was studied. All other compounds were assayed in SLM.
Antifungal agents. Bovine lactoferrin and human lactoferrin (both from Nu-
mico Research B.V., Wageningen, The Netherlands) were dissolved in assay
medium at appropriate concentrations. Iron-free lactoferrin (apo-lactoferrin)
was prepared from bovine lactoferrin by overnight dialysis against 0.1 M citric
acid by the method earlier described by Masson et al. (19) and dissolved in assay
medium at appropriate concentrations. Fluconazole (Diflucan I.V.; Pfizer B.V.,
Capelle aan den Yssel, The Netherlands) and 5-fluorocytosine (Ancotil; Roche
Nederland B.V., Mijdrecht, The Netherlands) were dissolved in assay medium at
appropriate concentrations. Amphotericin B (Fungizone; Bristol-Myers Squibb
Company, Woerden, The Netherlands) was prepared to a concentration of 5
mg/ml in sterile water and was further diluted in assay medium. All suspensions
were prepared in sterile glass tubes before addition to the microtiter plate.
In order to exclude the antifungal activity of endotoxins present in the lacto-
ferrin preparations, the anti- Candida effect of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (Bio-
whittaker, Inc. Walkerville, Md.) alone was tested in a range of 1 to 1,000 pg/ml
in our assay system as well.
Inoculum. The yeast isolates were grown on SDA for 24 h at 35°C in air.
Suspensions were made by isolating five colonies from these cultures. These were
suspended in 10 ml of SLM and mixed while being incubated for 18 h at 35°C in
air. From this culture, a 1:10 dilution in SLM was incubated for 5 h, resulting in
a culture in its growth phase. This was vortex mixed, and the turbidity was
adjusted to the density of a 0.5 McFarland barium sulfate turbidity standard at
530 nm, resulting in a concentration of 1
50% would
indicate that the specified drug combination in this specified concentration range
would cause a 50% synergistic antifungal effect. In other words, the growth of the
Candida isolate is inhibited more efficiently (namely, 50% more efficiently) with
the specified drug combination. Likewise, a peak of
g of fluconazole per ml resulting in a peak of
25% would indicate an
antagonistic antifungal effect of the specified drug combination, meaning that the
growth of the Candida isolate is inhibited less than was expected on the basis of
the individual dose-response curves (namely, 25% less efficiently).
10 6 cells per ml as
previously described (29). From this, the test inoculum was prepared to a con-
centration of 1
10 6 to 5
Inhibition of Candida growth. The activities of various forms
of lactoferrin (bovine and human lactoferrins and bovine apo-
lactoferrin) against several clinical isolates of C. albicans , C.
glabrata , and C. tropicalis were determined and compared to
the susceptibilities of Candida species to currently used anti-
mycotics. The MICs were determined, according to the recom-
mendations by the NCCLS (22), after 24 h of incubation of the
Candida species with the antifungal agents and are presented
in Table 1.
Since the antifungal activity of human lactoferrin was com-
parable to or even less than that of the bovine variant (results
not shown), we continued all other experiments with bovine
lactoferrin because of its better availability. Bovine lactoferrin
and bovine apo-lactoferrin exhibited equivalent antifungal ac-
tivities. The MICs found for these two variants were all in the
same range and for the Candida species tested in SLM medium
were in the range of 0.5 to 100 mg/ml (Table 1).
The antifungal activities of the other currently used antimy-
cotics in our test system were comparable to those obtained
earlier from the microbiology services of the University Hos-
pital, which supports the accuracy of our test system (results
not shown).
Because lactoferrin is able to bind LPS (8), we wanted to
exclude the contribution of LPS to the antifungal activity of
these milk proteins. We noted that at concentrations of up to
1,000 pg of LPS per ml no killing of Candida species occurred.
Cooperative or synergistic activity. From the panel of clin-
ical isolates we chose four Candida species, depending on their
susceptibility to the tested antifungals, to be examined for the
combined activity of lactoferrin and fluconazole, amphotericin
10 4 cells per ml by a 1:100 dilution in SLM.
Confirmation of the inoculum size was done by using a model C Spiral Plater
(Spiral Systems, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio). One hundred microliters was automat-
ically plated out onto SDA and incubated for 18 h at 35°C in air, and the
concentration was calculated according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Assay format. To each well of a sterile 96-well plastic flat-bottom tray with
matching covers (Corning Costar, Cambridge, United Kingdom), 50
10 4 to 5
l of test
inoculum was added. Appropriate concentrations of the antifungal agents to be
tested were added to the wells (75 to 150
l). Controls were included for the
determination of the growth characteristics of each Candida species without the
presence of an antifungal agent. The final volume per well was adjusted to 200
l with the assay medium used (SLM or RPMI).
Incubation, growth curves, and end point criteria. After inoculation, plates
were incubated for 24 h at 35°C in air without agitation. Turbidity measurements
were performed at 0 h, hourly at 18 to 24 h, and 48 h at 630 nm in an automated
V OL . 43, 1999
TABLE 1. MICs of several antifungal agents against Candida species
Isolate b
Lactoferrin (bovine)
Amphotericin B
C. albicans
C. albicans
C. albicans
C. albicans
C. glabrata
C. glabrata
C. glabrata
Y110 c
C. glabrata
Y140 c
C. tropicalis
a The MIC was defined as the lowest concentration of the antifungal agent that substantially inhibited the growth of Candida after 24 h, according to the
recommendations of the NCCLS for the antifungal agents tested (22). All experiments were performed in quadruplicate.
b Isolate 10231 is an ATCC strain; all other isolates are clinical, mostly oral, Candida isolates.
c The isolate was tested in RPMI medium instead of SLM.
d —, not determined.
B, and 5-fluorocytosine. For this we used a dilution matrix with
eight- by eightfold drug dilutions and we measured the effects
on Candida growth. The results are presented as calculations
of the effects of both compounds on the inhibition of Candida
species and also are represented by so-called synergy plots, in
which the actual experimental dose-response values were com-
pared with the theoretical dose-response values (see Materials
and Methods). For an additive interaction of the two antifun-
gals, the actual experimental dose-response curves should co-
incide with the theoretical ones (with no exclusion of Candida
growth inhibition), but any peaks above or below these values
(above or below baseline [0%]) would be indicative of syner-
gistic or unwanted antagonistic interactions, respectively.
Combination of fluconazole and lactoferrin. The combined
effect of fluconazole and lactoferrin against the growth of Can-
dida isolate Y110 is shown in Fig. 1. It was found that this
Candida strain was completely inhibited in its growth by using
g/ml and 31 mg/ml, respectively (Table 1). This implies
that a complete inhibition of growth is possible with lower
concentrations of antimycotic than could be extrapolated from
the MICs. This applies to other combinations of lactoferrin
and fluconazole as well (Fig. 1). Several combinations of flu-
conazole and lactoferrin resulted in a clear synergistic anti-
Candida effect against Y110, as shown in Fig. 2. Effects above
baseline from
50% were observed. For example, a
combination of 0.5 mg of lactoferrin per ml and 100
fluconazole per ml resulted in 50% synergistic effects, whereas
25 mg of lactoferrin per ml in combination with 3.3
fluconazole per ml induced only a 5% extra anti- Candida ef-
fect. In the range of the MICs of both compounds, synergistic
effects were not evident. This was expected because concen-
trations of fluconazole in the range of its MIC should be
capable in themselves of complete Candida growth inhibition.
Importantly, no antagonistic anti- Candida activity between lac-
toferrin and fluconazole was observed for this isolate.
Y127, a rather lactoferrin-insensitive Candida isolate (MIC
of 98 mg/ml), was completely inhibited by using 10 mg of
g of fluconazole per ml in combination with 10 mg of
lactoferrin per ml, whereas their MICs against this isolate were
FIG. 1. Combined inhibitory effects of lactoferrin and fluconazole on the
growth of C. glabrata isolate Y110. Presented is the top elevation of a three-
dimensional dose-response graph (concentration of fluconazole versus concen-
tration of lactoferrin versus percent growth inhibition). The amount of inhibition
of the Candida growth is indicated by the bar at the right.
FIG. 2. Combined inhibitory effects of lactoferrin and fluconazole on the
growth of C. glabrata isolate Y110. The graph demonstrates the amount of
synergy (i.e., potentiation of inhibition above expected additivity) observed with
the combination of the two compounds. Presented is the front elevation of the
synergy plot. The amount of synergy is indicated by the bar at the right.
FIG. 3. Combined inhibitory effects of lactoferrin and fluconazole on the
growth of C. albicans isolate Y127. Presented is the top elevation of a three-
dimensional dose-response graph (see the legend to Fig. 1). The amount of
inhibition of the Candida growth is indicated by the bar at the right.
FIG. 5. Combined inhibitory effects of lactoferrin and amphotericin B on the
growth of C. glabrata isolate Y110. Presented is the top elevation of a three-
dimensional dose-response graph (see the legend to Fig. 1). The amount of
inhibition of the Candida growth is indicated by the bar at the right.
lactoferrin per ml in combination with 1
g of fluconazole per
g/ml (Fig. 3). For
this species, antagonistic effects along with synergistic effects
on Candida growth inhibition were found, in the range of
g of fluconazole per ml) resulted in a complete inhi-
bition of Candida growth. The cooperative activities of flucon-
azole and lactoferrin tended to be slightly antagonistic (10%)
with minor amounts of both compounds (0.005 mg of lactofer-
rin per ml and 0.3
40% (20% antagonism to 40% synergism). For example, a
combination of 1 mg of lactoferrin per ml and 0.05
fluconazole per ml resulted in about 20% antagonistic effects;
in other words, 20% less inhibition of Candida growth was
found than theoretically could be expected on basis of the
individual inhibitory effects of lactoferrin and fluconazole. In
contrast, 25 mg of lactoferrin per ml in combination with 0.5
g of fluconazole per ml) but were clearly
synergistic (50%) with concentrations of 0.5 mg of lactoferrin
per ml and 10
g of fluconazole per ml.
Combination of amphotericin B and lactoferrin. Efficient
inhibition of the Candida growth was also observed with the
combination of amphotericin B and lactoferrin against isolate
Y110. A complete inhibition of the Candida growth was ob-
served with 0.5 mg of lactoferrin per ml and 0.1
g of fluconazole per ml induced as much as 40% extra growth
inhibition (Fig. 4).
Likewise, Y111, one of the more lactoferrin-sensitive strains,
was efficiently inhibited by combinations of lactoferrin and
fluconazole. A reduction of more than 50% of the MICs of
g of ampho-
tericin B per ml (Fig. 5). In addition, both moderate antago-
nistic (10%) and also synergistic (30%) inhibition of the
Candida growth was demonstrated with certain concentration
ranges (Fig. 6).
In the case of isolate Y127, the combination of lactoferrin
and amphotericin B did not result in a pronounced decrease in
the required concentrations of lactoferrin or amphotericin B to
obtain complete Candida inhibition. Complete inhibition of
the Candida growth could be obtained only with concentra-
tions of amphotericin B or lactoferrin close to their MICs. Yet,
slightly antagonistic (10%) as well as synergistic (30%) effects
of this combination against Y127 could be observed. The 30%
synergistic effects were detected with 30 mg of lactoferrin per
ml in combination with 0.1
g of amphotericin B per ml, which
is only a small decrease from the MIC of amphotericin B itself
Combination of 5-fluorocytosine and lactoferrin. A combi-
nation of 5-fluorocytosine and lactoferrin resulted in an effec-
tive inhibition of the growth of isolate Y110. A 100% growth
inhibition was observed with 0.0008
g of 5-fluorocytosine per
ml (a decrease of 30-fold compared to its established MIC) in
combination with 0.02 mg of lactoferrin per ml. This combina-
tion of antifungals did demonstrate a clear synergistic activity
against Y110 of 50% with 0.025
FIG. 4. Combined inhibitory effects of lactoferrin and fluconazole on the
growth of C. albicans isolate Y127. The graph demonstrates the amount of
synergy (i.e., potentiation of inhibition above expected additivity) observed with
the combination of the two compounds. Presented is the front elevation of the
synergy plot. The amount of synergy is indicated by the bar at the right.
g of 5-fluorocytosine per ml
in combination with 0.01 mg of lactoferrin per ml. Yet, minor
antagonistic effects of 5% on the growth inhibition were also
ml, while the MIC of fluconazole was 10
both compounds against this isolate (1 mg of lactoferrin per ml
with 10
V OL . 43, 1999
FIG. 6. Combined inhibitory effects of lactoferrin and amphotericin B on the
growth of C. glabrata isolate Y110. The graph demonstrates the amount of
synergy (i.e., potentiation of inhibition above expected additivity) observed with
the combination of the two compounds. Presented is the front elevation of the
synergy plot. The amount of synergy is indicated by the bar at the right.
fungal activities of the various lactoferrins and some common
antifungals alone. We found that lactoferrin is able to inhibit
the growth of several Candida species and that the MICs of this
milk protein commonly varied between 0.5 and 100 mg/ml. The
potential mechanisms by which lactoferrin inhibits the growth
of yeasts were discussed by Nikawa et al. (24) earlier. Struc-
tural changes in the microbial cell wall, indirect effects on
enzyme activation, an increased generation of metabolic by-
products of aerobic metabolism, iron deprivation, and combi-
nations of these factors were mentioned as possible explana-
tions for the fungicidal activity of lactoferrin. The differences in
activity against different Candida species detected in the
present study can be explained by an unequal effectiveness of
lactoferrin due to differences in cell wall composition, sensitiv-
ity for enzyme activation, or the need for iron in the distinct
Candida species (24).
Several studies demonstrated the antifungal activity of the
iron-free from of lactoferrin, apo-lactoferrin, whereas in the
same studies the native form of lactoferrin did not show any
effect on Candida growth inhibition (15, 24). However, in our
present study we showed that both apo-lactoferrin and lacto-
ferrin were able to inhibit the growth of several clinical isolates
of Candida , albeit to different extents. Since the potential
mechanism for the antifungal activity of lactoferrin, as well as
that of apo-lactoferrin, is not likely to be directed to a single
phenomenon (24), the observed differences in activity between
these two proteins can also be explained by unequal effectivi-
ties of the proteins against different Candida species, due to
differences in cell wall composition, sensitivity for enzyme ac-
tivation, or the need for iron in the distinct Candida species.
In an earlier experiment we determined the LPS content of
lactoferrin (5 pg/mg of protein). In our present experiment we
found that 1,000 pg of LPS per ml was not able to kill the
Candida species. Because concentrations of lactoferrin of up to
100 mg/ml do contain 500 pg of LPS per ml, we can therefore
assume that the milk protein itself predominantly causes the
inhibition of Candida species.
In the literature there is no consensus with regard to the
inhibitory potency of lactoferrin against Candida species. In-
hibition of Candida growth has been tested with protein con-
centrations of as low as 20
g of 5-fluorocytosine per ml in combina-
tion with 0.01 mg of lactoferrin per ml.
The C. tropicalis isolate Y140 is a 5-fluorocytosine-resistant
isolate (see also Table 1). We investigated antifungal effects
against Y140 with only a combination of 5-fluorocytosine and
lactoferrin. Unfortunately, a complete inhibition of Candida
growth could not be observed; only 90% inhibition was
reached. In addition, only moderate synergistic effects of 15%
with 10 mg of lactoferrin per ml and 10
g of 5-fluorocytosine
per ml and antagonistic effects of 10% with 0.001 mg of lacto-
ferrin per ml and 45
g of 5-fluorocytosine per ml were seen.
C. albicans and other Candida species are common patho-
gens that frequently cause oral infections in immunocompetent
and immunocompromised individuals due to the suppression
of local as well as systemic defense mechanisms (34). Due to
the increased incidence of fungal infections, a collection of
broad-spectrum antifungal agents has been introduced. For
example, HIV-infected patients who undergo several episodes
of oral thrush have been extensively treated with fluconazole,
one of the available triazoles. Yet, fluconazole-resistant Can-
dida species have been observed even in patients who did not
have an azole treatment history. These patients were rather
severely immunocompromised (low CD4 count or C2 or -3
category of HIV infection) (39). An attractive therapeutic op-
tion in these circumstances might be a combination of active
agents with different modes of action.
Earlier studies already showed that intrinsic components of
the host defense system are capable of killing several Candida
species, such as histatins and several saliva proteins, like ly-
sozyme and lactoferrin. These products therefore represent
attractive choices to be used in combination with the common
antifungal drugs, since the availability and toxicity of the en-
dogenous agents are of no concern.
We focused our attention on lactoferrin, since it was dem-
onstrated that this milk protein not only is able to inhibit the
growth of several bacteria and Candida species but also has
important activity against several viruses (HIV, herpes simplex
virus, and human cytomegalovirus) (12, 18, 38).
Prior to the combination experiments, we tested the anti-
g/ml, while sub-MICs (concentra-
tions of antifungal agents causing substantial but incomplete
growth inhibition of Candida )of100
g/ml have been reported
(41). However, exact MICs often were not determined. In
addition, the varying experimental conditions, such as differ-
ences in medium composition, pH, incubation temperature,
incubation time, and end point criteria, as well as the variable
use of human versus bovine lactoferrin and of iron-free lacto-
ferrin (apo-lactoferrin) versus iron-containing lactoferrin,
make a useful comparison of the present results with those
reported earlier difficult.
The multiple fungistatic mechanisms of lactoferrin make this
protein a promising compound for combination therapy. A
synergistic fungistatic activity of a combination of drugs can be
anticipated in particular when the drugs used have different
mechanisms of action. The drugs tested in combination with
lactoferrin in this study have distinct modes of activity. Flucon-
azole inhibits ergosterol synthesis by the inhibition of micro-
somal cytochrome P450. 5-Fluorocytosine is converted either
to 5-fluorouridine triphosphate, a precursor for cellular RNA,
or to 5-fluorodeoxyuridylic acid, a potent inhibitor of thymidy-
late synthase, both of which inhibit DNA synthesis by the
fungus. Amphotericin B, on the other hand, interacts with
ergosterol in the plasma membranes. In addition, recent pub-
lications suggested that the antifungal activity of amphotericin
B might also be mediated by oxidative damage (28, 36). At first
observed with 0.001
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