Burning Wheel - Lost Atlantean Setting.pdf

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Lifepaths of Man:
Lost Atlantean Setting
Last of His Kind
The Lost Atlantean represents a race of men now long gone—a relic from a
dead civilization. In his youth, he wanders through the present in a near
daze, unable to reconcile what he sees with the whispers and chanting that
echo in his head. After years of study, he has learned all there is to know
about Men and their culture. There is only one thing left to do—subjugate
it. Mortal history is little more than a tale of a squabbling pack of dogs, better
to lead the pack than to be torn asunder by the ceaseless infighting. First he
conquers the flesh, but then the voices in his head erupt in a chorus of chants
and obscure hymns, and he realizes that for ultimate power he must conquer
the mind and ultimately the soul.
And so his journey to godhead begins…
Time Stat Res
Born Doomed
6 yrs
Skills: 3 pts General
Traits: 1 pt: Immortal, Exotic Visage, Healthy (v2)
6 yrs +1 M 3 —
Skills: 5 pts: Obscure History, Reading, Scribner, Doctrine of Dead Gods
Traits: 1 pt: Faith in Dead Gods, Extrovert
7 yrs +1 M, P 3 Outcast
Skills: 6 pts: Inconspicuous, Foraging, Streetwise, Appropriate Languages, Etiquette
Traits: 1 pt: Alienated
Grave Robber 2
8 yrs +1 M/P 10
Skills: 3 pts: Tomb-wise, Artifact-wise, Appraisal
Traits: 1 pt: Thirst for Knowledge, Pariah
Flesh Eater 2
6 yrs +1 M
Skills: 3 pts: Anatomy, Corpse-wise, Falsehood
Traits: 1 pt: Hunger for Flesh, Recluse
20 yrs +1 M 15 Outcast, City-Dweller
Skills: 6 pts: Ancient History, History, Obscure Languages, Symbology, Herbalism
Traits: 1 pt: Quick Study
3 yrs +1 P 8 Outcast
Skills: 7 pts: Riding, Mounted Combat, Sword, Brawling, Armor Training
Traits: 1 pt: Brutal
Warlord 5
10 yrs +1 M, P 30
Skills: 3 pts: Command, Bow, Intimidation
Traits: 1 pt: Thirst for Power, Imposing, Dispassionate, Riddle of Steel
Conqueror 6
5 yrs +1 M, P 100
Skills: 2 pts: Interrogation, Administration
Traits: 1 pt: Commanding Aura
Taught by the Ghosts
of Long Dead Gods 1
Wanderer 2
Scholar of Ancients 3
Reaver 4
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Hedonist 7
5 yrs +1 M
Skills: 3 pts: Philosophy, Seduction
Traits: 1 pt: Jaded, Contemplation
Demagogue 8
10 yrs +1 M 50
Skills: 3 pts: Oratory, Doctrine of Self-Deification
Traits: 1 pt: Booming Voice, Unmistakable Cadence, The Nature of Power
Demi-God 9
20 yrs +2 M, P 200
Skills: 2 pts: Meditation
Traits: 1 pt: Aura of Holiness, Dreamer
1: Taught by the Ghosts of Dead Gods requires Born Doomed
2: These lifepaths require Taught by the Ghosts of Dead Gods
3: Scholar of the Ancients requires Grave Robber
4: Reaver requires Flesh Eater
5: Warlord requires Reaver
6: Conqueror requires Warlord
7: Hedonist requires Conqueror, Warlord or Scholar
8: Demagogue requires Conqueror and Scholar
9: Demi-God requires all of the lifepaths in the setting
Lost Atlantean Lifepath Traits
Many of the lifepaths contain self-explanatory character traits, whereas
other traits are straight from the Character Burner. The new die and call-
on traits that require description follow:
The Lost Atlantean cannot die from age or sickness, however age does
weigh upon him to some degree. Rather than enjoying eternal youth like the
elves, the Lost Atlantean simply stops aging when other men would die. Thus
he will reach an age of frailty and white hair, but he may maintain (or regain)
his strength through a vigorous lifestyle.
Use the standard Age and Stat Pool Chart for men for the Lost Atlantean.
Exotic Visage
Lost Atlanteans are possessed of a queer beauty and though familiar,
always seem from a distant land.
If your campaign’s racial stock is white-skinned and bearded, the Lost
Atlantean might bear beautiful chocolate-colored smooth skin, broad
features, coupled with shining eyes and straight hair. If your campaign is
replete with dusky-skinned beauty, then the Atlantean might bear fine
alabaster features in slightly distorted proportion. Whatever it may be, it
must be exotic!
This alternate version of the Healthy trait allows the character to round
up when factoring his Health.
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Faith in Dead Gods
This trait is similar to the Faithful trait, but with certain differences. See
the Faith in Dead Gods section for a complete description.
Though something of an outcast, Lost Atlanteans possess a power of will
that others don’t. The character may reduce his aptitude for learning Social
skills by one.
Quick Study
Character may reduce his Perception Aptitude by 1.
The Riddle of Steel
“This you can trust boy… but flesh is stronger than steel.”
After years governing men and breaking their bodies, the Atlantean loses
his taste for martial and worldly affairs. Abandoning his previous pursuits.
he takes solace in the pleasures of the flesh and endless hours of
The Nature of Power
This is a key revelation that the Atlantean arrives at as his worshippers
flock to his words. The sword is weak, the power is in the mind.
Finally the voices return and the Dead Gods speak to him in echoing
whispers sent across indigo gulfs of time and life.
Lost Atlantean Skills
Doctrine of Dead Gods
Root: Perception Skill Type: School of Thought
Wandering through empty and forgotten temples of his forefathers, the
Atlantean learns to interpret the reliefs and sigils that adorn the walls. As
he learns, an echo forms in his head—the voices of the dead gods begin to
speak to him rumbling across broken aeons.
Root: Perception Skill Type: Academic
As a wanderer, the Atlantean travels from nation to nation in a vain search
for his home. Opening this skill allows the Lost Atlantean to choose two
additional languages at his Perception root (in addition to the two languages
that come for free when starting a character).
Obscure Languages
Root: Perception Skill Type: Academic
The Lost Atlantean is forced to learn many dead and obscure languages
as he studies the lost and fallen ruins of long gone civilizations.
Doctrine of Self-Deification
Root: Perception Skill Type: Sch. of Thght
After long years of wandering, searching, study and battle, the Atlantean
may come to realize that he is indeed a vessel of the Dead Ones. He is destined
for godhead. Belief in his ways is belief in the ancient ways.
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Root: Will Skill Type: School of Thought
Meditation is a way for a character to calm and center herself. It is both
rest and a method for divining solutions to problems via deep thought.
While meditating a character is nominally aware of her surroundings—
she is aware of changes in her environment like noise or the presence of
someone come to interrupt her. She may also make Perception/Observation
tests to detect Stealthy characters come to molest her.
Meditation can be used in place of sleep for rest. Each hour of meditation
counts as an hour of rest for the purposes of recovering from wounds and
Tax. This is an Ob 1 test plus 1 per additional hour meditated. Meditating
for 4 hours is an Ob 4 test. Failing the test indicates that the character has
fallen asleep.
While meditating a Sorcerer can maintain any spells he is currently
sustaining. (She must still retest Tax as per The Power Still Flows Through
Her rules on page 130 of The Burning Wheel.)
In addition, Meditation can be used to “center” oneself before undertaking
a task. This centering allows the character to FoRK his meditation skill into
the test, regardless of the type of skill it is! It can be a Martial, Academic,
Physical, or even Social skill test.
In order to center, a character must spend one action per obstacle point
of the test to be undertaken. If the obstacle of the test is equal to or less than
the character's Meditation skill, the centering is automatic. If the test obstacle
is greater than the Meditation exponent, then the character must test his
skill. Artha, of course, may be spent on these tests.
If the test being centered for requires a series of rolls, the centering counts
for the duration.
Obstacles for martial contests and versus tests are equal to the opponent's
Centering tests count toward advancement.
Thus a character with a G3 Meditation preparing for a fight with an
opponent with a B4 Boxing skill must spend 4 actions centering and pass
an Ob 4 Meditation test to earn his FoRK die. Artha will need to be spent!
This centering would count as a Challenging test for advancement
A character with a B5 Meditation skill attempting to center while starting
a fire on a rainy night (Ob 4 test) would not have to test. He would spend
4 actions centering prior to testing his Firebuilding skill with the addition
of his Meditation FoRK.
This would count as an Difficult test for advancement.
A character with a B4 Meditation attempting to center before using his
Falsehood on a character with a Will of B4 would not have to roll the dice.
He'd just need a few seconds to center before taking the test.
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Faith in Dead Gods
The heir to ancient and forgotten traditions, the Lost Atlantean learns from
whispering ghosts secrets of his ancestry and his power. But the ghosts truly
only bring more questions, merely hinting at things past and days to come.
The gods of Atlantis are long fallen, given way—pushed aside, perhaps
even murdered—by the new gods of men. But even in death their power still
resonates across time and civilization. It was the priests and slaves of these
now dead gods who gave ancient men knowledge of fire, soil and stone. Such
heritage maybe forgotten, but its roots still grow beneath the modern cities
and temples. A faded echo of power still rumbles through the bowels of
humanity, and it is to this frequency which the Atlantean is attuned.
Faith in Dead Gods uses mechanics similar to Faith. However the power
of these gods is diminished, and faith in them only grants the Atlantean
miraculous power over himself. But this is due only to one special quality:
Belief. It is belief that is needed to rejuvenate the dessicated bodies of these
divine creatures—like blood infused into a dying heart. Once the Atlantean
unlocks this mystery, he may affect both himself and those who believe in
the Dead Gods. He may heal the believing sick, and bend the minds of the
believing wayward. However, he has no dominion over non-believers and
apostates— he cannot affect them with the power of the dead ones .
Starting Faith in Dead Gods
This faith ability begins play a bit differently than standard Faith. The
trait grants a B2 Faith in Dead Gods. Advance it one step for each of the
following traits or skills the Atlantean possesses: Doctrine of Dead Gods, The
Riddle of Steel, Contemplation, The Nature of Power, and Dreamer.
The shade of Faith is that of the Atlantean’s Will.
Faith in Dead Gods in Play
This faith ability may only affect the user/caster and other believers. These
believers must have an appropriate belief that clearly states they adhere to
the doctrine the Atlantean preaches.
This ability acts like and advances as Faith.
The Limitations of Faith in Dead Gods
The Atlantean may not call for Intercession, Miracle, Purification,
Hindrance or Consecration.
The Twists of Faith
Lost Atlanteans may also manifest their faith in manners appropriate to
the Dead One’s idiom. For example, if the Atlantean is a Demagogue of the
Snake God, he may use his faith to hypnotize his followers, bending their
will to his. He may also learn to take on the form of his patron, transforming
himself into a gigantic snake. So much better to comprehend the mysteries
Hypnotism (Ob = Victim’s Will) — This requires the Atlantean to his Exotic
Visage and Unmistakable Cadence to lull and lure his prey to let down
her defenses and become one with the Dead Ones and lost Atlantis.
Sublime Transformation (Ob 5) — The priest of the Old Ones may assume
his patron’s mantle, absorbing the physical qualities and the senses of the
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