Burning Wheel - Burning Empires Mukhadish.pdf

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Like Kerrn, Mukhadish are a creation of the Vaylen Eugenicists.
These creatures represent the pinnacle of the art for Vaylen—not
because they are excellent in any one area, but because they are
pliable, adaptable and easily controlled.
The Mukhadish are the result of a patchwork of assorted DNA.
Cross-sections from human sources plus a half-dozen other alien
species created this masterpiece of Vaylen scientific achievement.
Mukhadish are giant creatures, taller than Kerrn, and stronger.
By design, Mukhadish are more docile than their Kerrn predecessors.
They accept the Naiven implantation with considerable ease. They
are hermaphroditic and dim-witted. While they have an aggressive
streak, Mukhadish look for someone to give them instructions.
This makes them very useful.
Mukhadish Characters
Since Mukhadish are born and bred to be slaves, they do not make
the best leaders. This is reflected in their lifepaths. They do not
start with the necessary skills to be a leader. This limits their
usefulness in conflicts and in the big picture. They are fun and
challenging characters to play, but they are more often found in
a support role—as a bodyguard, for example—than as the leader
of a faction.
Mukhadish Common Traits
All Mukhadish characters must take the following traits: Bred for Slavery,
Gigantic Stature, Naiven Tube, Pug, Rending Claws and Tough.
Bred for Slavery Dt
Mukhadish were designed to be a cheap, docile labor pool. Their stat maximum
exponents are: Per 5, Will 3, Agi 4, Spd 5, Pow 8, For 8.
Gigantic Stature Dt
Mukhadish stand three to four meters tall and two meters across the shoulder.
When factoring their starting attributes, they must have a minimum Power
exponent of 6 and a minimum Forte exponent of 6. Mukhadish may always
start with a Power or Forte exponent of 7 or 8 if they choose. Starting exponent
maximums don’t apply to these stats.
Naiven tube Dt
Mukhadish were designed to be Vaylen. Thus, in service of that design
goal, the Vaylen sculptors fashioned a tube into the Mukhadish’s physique.
The tube is concealed beneath a flap of skin and provides direct access
to the creature’s brain for a Naiven worm. No surgery is required; a
Naiven may simply crawl into the Mukhadish’s brain and take over.
Pug Char
The Mukhadish possess a strange pug face and leathery skin that is oddly
reminiscent of Earth-born fruit bats.
rending Claws Dt
Mukhadish have tough, rigid and
sharp nails at the end of their
long fingers. When using a Close
Combat Overbearing action, the
Mukhadish player may choose to
conduct a Hand to Hand action
simultaneously and thereby do
damage to his opponent via an
unarmed attack as he takes him
tough Dt
Round up when averaging Power
and Forte to determine the Mortal
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c haracTer B urner
Wild Mukhadish are fairly rare in the
Empire. Their herds are generally found
only on worlds where great battles
were lost. Mukhadish Cows, pregnant
and ready to birth and infest the world,
ended up stranded after a battle. In the
absence of a supply of Naiven, their
offspring grew without having been hulled. They grew wild and free,
forming herds. Generally docile, they live peaceably in the shadow of
the survivors’ settlements.
N ame
t ime R esouRces
c iRcLes s tat
Born Wild
5 yrs
Skills: 2 pts: General
Traits: 1 pt
3 yrs
+1 P
Skills: 3 pts: Physical Training, Infiltration
Traits: 2 pts
Requirements: If chosen, this must be the second path and may only be
taken once.
5 yrs
+1 M, P
Skills: 4 pts: Hunting, Man-wise, Village-wise
Traits: 1 pt
Requirements: Manhunter requires Bogey
10 yrs
+1 M
Skills: 1 pt: General
Traits: 2 pts: Solitary, Philosophical, Addled, Slow
Wild Cow 7 yrs 0 1 +1 M/P
Skills: 4 pts: Child Rearing, Den-wise, Conspicuous
Traits: 1 pt: Cud Chewer, Defensive
Requirements: None. Mukhadish are hermaphrodites and may be both male
and female throughout their lives.
Brute 6 yrs 1 1 +2 P
Skills: 5 pts: Intimidation, Close Combat, Cow-wise, Bull-wise
Traits: 1 pt: Brute
Requirements: Manhunter, Alpha or Leg Breaker
Wild Bull 8 yrs 2 1 +1 M, P
Skills: 4 pts: Wasteland-wise, Cow-wise, Extortion
Traits: 2 pts: Boor
Requirements: Brute
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The criminal underworld of the various urban hive worlds raise
Mukhadish in captivity to be thugs and pets. Some Mukhadish escape
and manage to find life as laborers, others wander lost in the underbelly
of society. This setting is native by default, just like the Outcast and
Criminal setting.
N ame t ime R esouRces c iRcLes s tat
Born in Captivity 4 yrs 0 0 —
Skills: 1 pt: Dark Shattered Underbelly-wise. 2 pts: General.
Traits: 1 pt
Lost 5 yrs 0 0 +1 M/P
Skills: 7 pts: Undercity-wise, Physical Training, Drain-wise, Infiltration,
Hunting, Rat-wise
Traits: 1 pt: Abandoned, Feral, Accustomed to the Dark
Requirements: If chosen, this must be the second or third lifepath. If taken
as the second, it may be taken more than once.
Lifter 6 yrs 1 1 +1 P
Skills: 5 pts: Back-Breaking Labor, Repair, Fire Control, Crate-wise
Traits: 1 pt: Obedient, Patient, Fearless
Requirements: Pet, Shudra, Forlorn
Leg Breaker 5 yrs 0 1 +1 P
Skills: 5 pts: Intimidation, Close Combat, Extortion, Bone-wise
Traits: 1 pt: Yes, Boss
Requirements: Lifter or Ox
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c haracTer B urner
Gun 6 yrs 1 0 +1 M/P
Skills: 4 pts: Squad Support Weapons, Streetwise, Gun-wise
Traits: 1 pt: Shark-Toothed Smile, Sharp Dresser
Requirements: Leg Breaker
Pit Monster 5 yrs 0 0 +1 P
Skills: 5 pts: Close Combat, Conspicuous, Intimidation, Exotic Weapons-wise
Traits: 1 pt: Broken, Aggressive, Berserker, Light Sensitive
Requirements: Manhunter, Monstrosity, Tortured or Alpha
Monstrosity 6 yrs 0 0 —
Skills: 6 pts: Conspicuous, Circus-wise, Cage-wise, Trains-wise, Begging
Traits: 2 pts: Freak, Enraged, Defeated, Brute
Requirements: May not be the second lifepath
Pet 8 yrs 1 1 +1 M
Skills: 4 pts: Master-wise, Ugly Truth, Mansion-wise. 1 pt: General.
Traits: 2 pts: Tragic, Gentle
Some cultures breed Mukhadish and keep them as slaves. This setting
is available when Servitude and Serfdom is available.
N ame
t ime R esouRces
c iRcLes s tat
Born to the Vats
4 yrs
Skills: 1 pt: General
Traits: 1 pt
Tortured 3 yrs 0 0 —
Skills: 1 pt: No skills; skill point must be spent on other lifepath skills.
Traits: 3 pts: Broken, Numb
5 yrs
+1 P
Skills: 2 pts: Back-Breaking Labor
Traits: 1 pt
5 yrs
+1 P
Skills: 3 pts: Repair, Fire Control
Requirements: Tortured or Lifter
Cow 7 yrs 0 1 +1 M/P
Skills: 5 pts: Child Rearing, Den-wise, Inconspicuous, Conspicuous
Traits: 1 pt: Breeder
Requirements: None. Mukhadish are hermaphrodites and may be both
male and female throughout their lives.
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