(4 KB) Pobierz
 |                   AMIDEDOS - AMIBIOS DMI Editor for DOS                   |
 | Copyright (C)2008 American Megatrends Inc. All Rights Reserved.  Ver.1.32 |
 | Usage: AMIDEDOS <DMS File Name>                                           |
 |          Or                                                               |
 |        AMIDEDOS <Command>                                                 |
 |          Or                                                               |
 |        AMIDEDOS [Option1] [Option2]...                                    |
 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
 | Commands:                                                                 |
 | ---------                                                                 |
 |  /ALL [FileName]     Output SMBIOS stringd to screen/file.                |
 |  /DMS [FileName]     Create configuration file.                           |
 |  /DUMP # [#] [#]...  Read Type # data.                                    |
 |  /DUMPALL [FileName] Output all SMBIOS data to screen/file.               |
 |                                                                           |
 | Options:                                                                  |
 | --------                                                                  |
 |  /IV ["String"]  Read/Write BIOS version in Type 0.                       |
 |  /ID ["String"]  Read/Write BIOS release date in Type 0.                  |
 |  /SM ["String"]  Read/Write System manufacture in Type 1.                 |
 |  /SP ["String"]  Read/Write System product in Type 1.                     |
 |  /SV ["String"]  Read/Write System version in Type 1.                     |
 |  /SS ["String"]  Read/Write System Serial number in Type 1.               |
 |  /SU [16 Bytes]  Read/Write System UUID in Type 1.                        |
 |  /SU AUTO  Generates system UUID automatically and update Type 1.         |
 |  /SK ["String"]  Read/Write System SKU number in Type 1.                  |
 |  /SF ["String"]  Read/Write System family in Type 1.                      |
 |  /BM ["String"]  Read/Write Baseboard manufacture in Type 2.              |
 |  /BP ["String"]  Read/Write Baseboard product in Type 2.                  |
 |  /BV ["String"]  Read/Write Baseboard version in Type 2.                  |
 |  /BS ["String"]  Read/Write Baseboard Serial number in Type 2.            |
 |  /BT ["String"]  Read/Write Baseboard Asset Tag  in Type 2.               |
 |  /CM ["String"]  Read/Write Chassis manufacture in Type 3.                |
 |  /CT [1 Byte]    Read/Write Chassis type in Type 3.                       |
 |  /CV ["String"]  Read/Write Chassis version in Type 3.                    |
 |  /CS ["String"]  Read/Write Chassis Serial number in Type 3.              |
 |  /CA ["String"]  Read/Write Chassis Tag number in Type 3.                 |
 |  /CO [4 Bytes]   Read/Write Chassis OEM-defined value in Type 3.          |
 |  /OS [<Number> <"String">]  Read/Write OEM string in Type 11.             |
 |  /SCO [<Number> <"String">]  Read/Write Sys. Configuration Op. in Type 12.|
 |                                                                           |
 | Note:                                                                     |
 |  1. The expression enclosed by <> means it is a mandatory field.          |
 |  2. The expression enclosed by [] means it is an optional field.          |
 |  3. A command without parameter means it is a read command.               |
 |  4. A command with necessary parameter means it is a write command.       |

To retreive the HP screen at boot for your HP Mini 110,

boot from DOS using this HP DMI TOOLKIT (the "how to" documentation and all necessary tools are inclued).

amidedos /sm "Hewlett-Packard"
amidedos /sp "HP Mini 110"
amidedos /bm "Hewlett-Packard"
amidedos /bp "HP Mini 110"
amidedos /cm "Hewlett-Packard"

for serial number,

amidedos /ss "your serial number"
amidedos /bs "your serial number"
amidedos /cs "your serial number"

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