Masculin féminin.txt

(43 KB) Pobierz
00:00:01:/SubEdit b.3875 (
00:00:14:Argos, Svenskfilmindustri,|Sandrews, Anouchka...
00:00:17:...present in light and shadow... of the 121 French language|films of which only 3 or 4 get made
00:00:32:Never do...
00:00:38:...two glances meet... trace...
00:00:48:...of life, silence...
00:01:00:The light dims
00:01:25:...does the setting of this story...
00:01:31:...without end...
00:01:35:...tell of the monotony...
00:01:40:...tell of the toil...
00:01:46:...every day...
00:01:54:Nameless this boy from Marseilles...
00:01:59:...tells it twenty-four hours a day...
00:02:04:...tells it with others...
00:02:12:...sharing life...
00:02:17:...unable to be alone...
00:02:24:No trace anywhere...
00:02:56:Excuse me, but aren't you|Madeleine Zimmer?
00:02:59:Yes, why? Do you know me?
00:03:01:I've seen you here before
00:03:04:Could be
00:03:10:A friend of mine, Robert Poiccard...
00:03:14:...knows someone called Dumas|who knows you
00:03:18:Yes, Marcel
00:03:36:He said this Dumas might find me a job
00:03:40:- On the magazine?|- I didn't know he worked on a magazine
00:03:44:If it's Marcel Dumas you mean, he does
00:03:58:Do you work for this magazine, too?
00:04:02:I used to be in the picture department,|but now I want to be a singer
00:04:06:Why, are you looking for work?
00:04:10:Well, I've just finished my|military service
00:04:14:Did you enjoy it?
00:04:16:Sixteen months without comfort,|money, love or leisure
00:04:19:Subjected to absolute authority|twenty-four hours a day
00:04:24:Just like modern society,|in other words
00:04:27:Sixteen months which confirm that|for a young Frenchman...
00:04:30:...even relative freedom is|difficult to achieve... the face of established authority|when he's had the wrong education
00:04:39:Sixteen months of obedience|likely to become permanent...
00:04:42:...since the military and industrial|systems co-exist happily
00:04:46:Discipline and finance|share the same logic
00:04:50:It doesn't sound much fun.|Now you're at a loose end?
00:04:56:Not exactly, but I'd like a change
00:05:02:I often have to work under adverse|conditions. I'm at Napthachemicals now
00:05:08:What's that?
00:05:10:It's the big white building|near Citro�n's
00:05:13:I've met some great guys there;|the working class in Paris is O.K.
00:05:19:They talk a lot; maybe that's|what's wrong with the Party
00:05:24:There aren't all that many militants,|really
00:05:28:Working conditions are to blame
00:05:32:The bosses have cut down on breaks,|to step up production
00:05:37:So a worker isn't his own man any more
00:05:41:It's work, eat, sleep, and|that's my lot, thank you
00:05:46:I'm meeting Marcel here, actually;|what's your friend called?
00:05:52:You're a bitch!
00:05:54:I'm sick of your insults!
00:05:56:That's your look-out, you slut;|you don't know what you want
00:06:01:Yes, I do!
00:06:03:Let go of Patrick, I'm taking him!
00:06:09:Find someone else to slave for you
00:06:58:- Everything O.K.?|- No
00:07:00:- What's wrong?|- Everything's wrong till ten o'clock
00:07:10:- It's five past ten now|- Everything's O.K., then
00:07:19:Still on night shift?
00:07:20:Haven't you seen the papers?|We're on strike
00:07:27:- With union backing?|- The communists, anyway
00:07:31:What do the anti-communist creeps say?
00:07:35:I know... the same as the Catholics
00:07:40:While I think of it, sign this
00:07:49:"The undersigned, deeply concerned|at the imprisonment...
00:07:53:"...of eight members of the world of|arts and letters in Rio de Janiero...
00:07:59:"...for expressing their disagreement|with official policy...
00:08:04:"...protest against this violation of|freedom of thought in Brazil...
00:08:10:"...and demand the liberation of|the eight prisoners"
00:08:17:Last week it was Madrid. What next?
00:08:23:Athens, Baghdad, Lisbon
00:08:25:What do you earn now?
00:08:32:FROM THE DEAD
00:08:36:Have you asked about the room?
00:08:41:I can't; I was meaning to tell you
00:08:47:Still sleeping in your car?
00:08:51:Yes, I'm still at Soissons
00:08:54:Did you see me the other day in|the Place Clichy? I shouted
00:09:01:Yes, but I was with my cousin
00:09:04:- Making out?|- It's pretty heavy going
00:09:09:Have you seen that girl again?
00:09:12:Madeleine? I can't be bothered|with her any more
00:09:16:Given up screwing, have you?
00:09:24:- The Sports Palace?|- The other side of town
00:09:34:- The Sports Palace?|- The other side of town
00:09:39:- What are you doing?|- Putting myself in his place
00:09:46:Nothing happened
00:09:52:So to put yourself in his place|doesn't make you understand someone
00:10:01:Watch this
00:10:07:May I take some sugar?
00:10:25:Not bad
00:10:27:What, her breasts?
00:10:29:I'll try
00:10:35:May I take some sugar?
00:10:50:- I'm off|- See you on Friday
00:11:15:Paris today; what do young girls|dream about?
00:11:19:But which girls?
00:11:21:The checkers at Simca who are|too tired after work to make love?
00:11:27:Eighteen-year-old manicurists and|hairdressers whoring in posh hotels?
00:11:34:Schoolgirls who know their Bergson|and Sartre and nothing else...
00:11:39:...because their parents|shut them up at home?
00:11:43:The average Frenchwoman doesn't exist
00:12:22:Marcel told me it was all right
00:12:32:- How about the pay?|- He said he'd see on Tuesday
00:12:43:It's the twenty-third today
00:12:46:So what?
00:12:50:What about the twenty-third?
00:12:54:You said we could go out on|the twenty-third
00:12:57:I never said that
00:13:10:I never said that
00:13:15:I think you're an awful liar
00:13:20:I don't agree
00:13:24:- Why "Ha-ha"?|- I don't know; don't you ever lie?
00:13:32:Well, sometimes, naturally,|but not often
00:13:36:How come?
00:13:44:With you, sometimes
00:13:46:Why do you lie to me?
00:13:59:Don't I appeal to you?
00:14:03:It isn't that
00:14:08:Do you think my nose is too big?
00:14:12:Not at all
00:14:21:Why do you want to go out with me?
00:14:26:Because you're pretty,|because of tenderness...
00:14:34:Doesn't anything else about me|interest you?
00:14:39:Yes, everything
00:14:42:Your hair, eyes, nose, mouth, hands...
00:14:48:By going out, you mean|sleeping with me?
00:14:55:Tell me the truth
00:15:05:How old are you?
00:15:17:Are your parents alive?
00:15:25:- Do you see them often?|- Now and again
00:15:42:- Do you often go out with girls?|- Now and again
00:15:45:Yes, I'd really like to sleep with you
00:15:51:- How about you?|- I've never thought about it
00:15:55:But now that I've asked you?
00:16:01:Why did you say we'd go out|on the twenty-third?
00:16:05:That was a lie
00:16:07:Why? I believed you
00:16:11:I know it wasn't nice, but...
00:16:21:Do you sometimes go out with girls|at night?
00:16:24:I told you I did
00:16:31:- What kind of girls?|- Girls I like
00:16:35:Girls like me?
00:16:42:Have you been with whores, too?
00:16:45:Once in a way; but I find them cold|and depressing
00:16:50:- I don't want to know|- I didn't mean anything
00:16:54:Why say it, then?
00:16:56:I don't know; it's what I think
00:17:01:What do you do when you're alone in|the evenings? What about tonight?
00:17:07:I've a whole lot of photographs|to sort for the magazine
00:17:17:- What kind of photographs?|- Some fashion shots we took
00:17:27:You said you were trying to become|a singer now
00:17:32:I can do both, can't I?
00:17:35:I still sort and classify photographs
00:17:38:- Of you?|- No, never
00:17:46:Are you going out with somebody|tonight?
00:17:49:I saw you with a big, tall bloke|the other night
00:17:53:I just happened to run into him
00:17:57:That's not true
00:18:00:It is true... it is
00:18:02:- Where did you go?|- Just to a caf�
00:18:08:- What did you talk about?|- My record
00:18:17:Are you afraid I'll make love to you?
00:18:22:- Is that why you won't go out with me?|- Could be
00:18:27:Why should you be afraid?|I think you're lovely
00:18:32:It makes me uneasy
00:18:36:I think you have very classy breasts
00:18:42:It's important, you know
00:18:51:Look me in the eyes
00:18:55:What are you thinking of|at this very moment?
00:19:02:You have to be thinking something.|Now, looking at me?
00:19:06:- I'm looking|- But what are you thinking?
00:19:12:What is the centre of the world|for you?
00:19:15:The centre of the world?
00:19:18:Our first real conversation, and|you ask such amazing questions
00:19:25:It's quite an ordinary question.|What's your answer?
00:19:31:Love, I suppose
00:19:37:That's odd. I'd have answered: Me
00:19:46:Does that seem funny to you?
00:19:54:Don't you feel you're the centre|of the world?
00:19:58:Yes, of course, in a way
00:20:01:In what way?
00:20:03:Living, being, seeing|with your own eyes...
00:20:07:...speaking with your own mouth,|thinking with your own head
00:20:20:Do you think one can live alone?|Always alone?
00:20:24:No, I don't think one can,|it's impossible
00:20:29:Without tenderness you'd|shoot yourself
00:20:41:Look me in the eyes
00:20:50:Would it please you if I said|I might love you some day?
00:20:55:Of course it would
00:21:06:The coming December elections|raised great hopes on the Left
00:21:11:I was now twenty-one. Robert and I|stuck posters everywhere
00:21:17:Meantime, I made progress|with Madeleine
00:21:20:She introduced me to Elisabeth
00:21:22:Robert was interested in Catherine...
00:21:25:...probably a virgin, but|good militant material
00:22:33:Great guns in Vietnam, eh?
00:22:37:Killing lots of communists there?
00:22:42:Burning the place with napalm?|Terrific!
00:22:50:Peace in Vietnam
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