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ISSUE 392 | OctObEr 2010
A Dungeons & Dragons ® Roleplaying Game Supplement
C ontents
5 CleriCs: earthDomain
By Mike Mearls
There is great power in stone and tree, earth and root. Clerics who draw upon
the earth domain learn to brandish that power in service to their deities.
26 ClassaCts: FeywarDens
By Robert J. Schwalb
Fey wardens are charged with preserving lands touched or otherwise
inf luenced by the Feywild, and they are often aided by minor fey creatures.
10 homelanD: everwatCh
By Robert J. Schwalb
All heroes come from somewhere. Everwatch is a city on the edge of
habitation, with secrets to keep and plenty of conf lict. It could be your home.
30 BazaaroFtheBizarre: illumianeChoes
By Robert J. Schwalb
The illumian race is gone, but the words of power which led to their
downfall still echo through the ruins of their dead world.
17 ChannelDivinity: KorD
By Matt Sernett
From a throne of storms, Kord looks down upon all and sees weakness. But
gladiators, soldiers, and mercenaries know that Kord favors those who fight
for themselves.
33 winningraCes: enrageDhalFlings
By Derek Guder
Despite half lings’ happy-go-lucky reputations, their desire for revenge when
wronged can be as powerful as any race’s.
36 winningraCes: essentialselves
By Matt Sernett
One school of wizardry stands at the root of many legends of elven prowess
with magic—Tanathriel, the Castle of Dreams.
23 ClassaCts: Beastmasters
By Stephen Radney-MacFarland
Armed with this article, beastmaster rangers will have two new beast
companions to choose from--the horse and the simian--and new powers for
all of the beast companions.
41 FiCtion: theForgeoFXen’DriK
By Kay Kenyon
Genesis forges are forbidden by the Treaty of Thronehold, but Xen’drik is far
from Khorvaire and its law.
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4 eDitorial
By Steve Winter
Lots of people seem to want to write for Dragon
Magazine. Here’s what we’re looking for.
52 ampersanD
By Bill Slavicsek
Bill discusses upcoming releases in the Essentials
line, boardgames, and more.
57 Design&Development:
By Richard Baker and Bruce R. Cordell
Prepare for your first foray into Gamma Terra
with a look behind the curtain, courtesy of the
new game’s lead designers.
Illustration by Ralph Horsley
61 ConFessionsoFaFull-timewizarD
By Shelly Mazzanoble
D&D’s “Player-in-Chief ” survives the apocalypse
... again! She’s a survivor.
66 D&Dalumni : gammaworlD
By Bart Carroll
As we look forward to all-new Gamma World
adventures, it’s worthwhile looking back at
Gamma World editions of the past.
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E D I T Or I A L
What Do You
Oc t ob e r 2010
Steve Winter
Want From Me?
One of the jobs I do is plowing through the Dragon
and Dungeon submissions inbox (submissions@
wizards.com, if you’re curious), or the slush pile as
it’s affectionately known in publishing. Many editors
I’ve known dislike reading the slush, but I enjoy it.
In fact, I’d say it’s one of my favorite parts of the job.
Everything that comes in ‘over the transom’ these
days gets read by me. I try to respond to everything,
even if that response usually is nothing more than
“Thanks for the submission. This one isn’t quite what
we’re looking for right now.”
That response often leads to a follow-up note from
the writer asking “what are you looking for right now?”
The answer I send back is, “I’m looking for article
ideas that make me sit up and go ‘wow’.”
I suppose that a lot of writers find that answer
not very helpful. From my perspective, it’s the best
answer to give. The reasons for that are more numer-
ous than I can cover in one short editorial, so I’ll
cover just two this time around and delve into others
in upcoming blogs. (And I’ll make this resolution: to
post at least two blog entries per month letting people
know what’s going on in the magazines.)
First and foremost, we see many proposals that are
more of the same: an arcane controller ‘with a twist’, a
divine leader striker ‘with a twist’, an elf psion ‘with a
twist’, etc. If that’s your angle, then the twist needs to
be amazing—it needs to make me sit up and go ‘wow’.
The second and related sale-stopper is new class
and/or race combinations which are too narrow
and specific: a dwarf arcane barbarian controller, a
wilden divine bard defender/striker, etc. We look for
articles that will have wide appeal. An article on a
Senior Art Director
Jon Schindehette
Web Production
bart carroll
Contributing Authors
richard baker, bruce r. cordell,
Derek Guder, Jared Hindman,
Kay Kenyon, Stephen radney-
MacFarland, Shelly Mazzanoble,
Mike Mearls, rob Schwalb,
Matt Sernett
goliath psion leader from a distant corner of Faerûn
is going to lose readers who don’t play goliaths, don’t
play psions, don’t play leaders, or don’t play a For-
gotten realms campaign. Not all of them perhaps;
someone who doesn’t care about goliaths, psions, or
leaders but eats up Fr may still read that article. But
as it narrows its focus, it narrows its appeal, and fewer
people find it interesting.
Finally, most proposals of these types involve a
dozen new feats and powers. For quite a while, 4E
needed new feats and powers to complement the
new classes and races in the Player’s Handbooks . Now,
the DDI Compendium contains thousands of both
feats and powers. Less-experienced players are over-
whelmed by choices, and even many experienced
players can’t keep track of all the subtle differences
between them.
That’s not to say we won’t run more feats and
powers; we will. Gaps still exist. Some character
archetypes can still benefit from f leshing out. But
expanding the feats and powers library is not going to
be our #1 focus going forward.
What is? I’ ll delve into that in the blog. And
I think I’ ll begin with the hot-button topic of
crunch vs. f luff. As always, send your thoughts to
Jeremy crawford,
Stephen Schubert
Miranda Horner
Cover Artist
ralph Horsley
Contributing Artists
Howard Lyon, Slawomir Maniak,
Steve Prescott, craig J. Spearing,
Publishing Production
Angelika Lokotz, Erin Dorries,
christopher tardiff
Web Development
Mark Jindra
Executive Producer,
D&D Insider
christopher Perkins
Director of RPG R&D
bill Slavicsek
Special Thanks
Josh Dillard, chris tulach, chris Youngs
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H eroes of tHe f allen l ands :
Earth Domain
By Mike Mearls
Illustration by Ralph Horsley
The lords of the earth preach patience, endurance,
and fortitude in the face of overwhelming odds. Your
duty is to be like the rock of the earth to your allies
and community, a reliable source of support and
strength. While others crumble in despair, you stand
tall, strong, and resolute. In so doing, you bring out
the best in your allies.
Your body and soul gain the core characteristics
of earth: resolution, endurance, and persistence. By
focusing your efforts, you enable your allies and your-
self to fight through pain.
D eities
Few gods that grant these powers are linked solely
to the earth. Moradin is a patron of the dwarves
and blacksmiths, and many of his warpriests
embrace this domain. The evil deity Torog, trapped
within the Underdark, features some priests who
take this domain because of its link to their god’s
B enefits
The following benefits apply to a warpriest who
selects the earth domain. An earth priest is rewarded
by having a high Constitution score. The prayers and
abilities granted by this domain excel at reducing the
damage you and your allies suffer. They also over-
whelm your enemies, knocking them prone through
brute force.
tM & © 2010 Wizards of the coast LLc. All rights reserved.
Oc t ob e r 2010 | Dragon 392
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