
(26 KB) Pobierz
{1147}{1206}Look, Howard.|The one in the gold hat, remember?
{1208}{1256}Yeah, the man in the train robbery.
{1258}{1314}They'll think whoever was here is gone.
{1423}{1483}Some want to go back down|the mountains, others want to stay...
{1485}{1551}and use this site as headquarters|to raid the villages.
{1552}{1583}How about pouring it into them?
{1585}{1669}- Bumping off as many as we can, real fast?|- No, let's hold our horses.
{2149}{2179}We are federales.
{2190}{2242}You know, the mounted police.
{2251}{2307}If you are the police,|where are your badges?
{2309}{2377}Badges? We ain't got no badges.
{2402}{2443}We don't need no badges.
{2445}{2504}I don't have to show you|any stinking badges.
{2506}{2556}Better not come any closer.
{2628}{2678}We didn't try to do you any harm.
{2686}{2740}Why don't you try to be|a little more polite?
{2746}{2818}Give us your gun|and we'll leave you in peace.
{2829}{2874}I need my gun myself.
{2912}{2963}Throw that old iron over here.
{2965}{3020}We'll pick it up and go on our way.
{3022}{3092}You go anyway without my gun,|and go quick.
{3152}{3208}All right.
{3772}{3848}Look here, amigo, you got the wrong idea.
{3862}{3939}We don't want to get your gun|for nothing. We want to buy it.
{3968}{4049}Look, I have a gold watch|with a gold chain...
{4061}{4098}made in your own country.
{4104}{4204}The watch and the chain,|they're worth at least 200 pesos.
{4219}{4259}I'll change it for your gun.
{4285}{4352}You better take it.|That's a good business for you.
{4357}{4406}You keep your watch, I'll keep my gun.
{4416}{4507}Oh, you'll keep it? You will keep it?|We won't get it?
{4513}{4538}I'll show you.
{6497}{6534}Anybody get hurt?
{6570}{6608}Looks like we won that round.
{6627}{6721}- That guy with the gold hat, ain't he...|- We spotted him, too. The train robber.
{6725}{6783}- Maybe they got enough?|- I doubt it.
{6785}{6867}Since they know there's four guns,|they'll be more determined than ever.
{6868}{6966}- What do you suppose they'll pull next?|- No telling. All we can do is sit tight.
{6995}{7062}Cody, are you all right?
{8264}{8290}He's dead.
{8332}{8380}Got it right through the neck.
{8412}{8440}One less gun.
{8560}{8615}Chopping wood for camp, that's funny.
{8639}{8698}If they're up to what I think they are,|it ain't funny.
{8699}{8752}- What's that?|- They're building moving barricades.
{8754}{8782}An old Indian trick.
{8784}{8859}They crawl and push the barricades.|You can't see where to shoot.
{8861}{8967}I'd be willing to trade my share of the|mine right now for a few hand grenades.
{8969}{9017}You'd better get to your posts.
{9577}{9623}They're beating it.
{9804}{9873}- What do you make of that?|- Your guess is as good as mine.
{9893}{9951}Wait a minute,|this may be some trick to lure us out.
{9952}{10038}I don't think so. They ain't|good enough actors for this kind of a trick.
{10445}{10502}Hey, partner. Up here.
{10505}{10565}Here's a sight if there ever was one.
{10839}{10922}Federales. Look at them.|I could kiss every one of them.
{10924}{11009}They must've gotten it from the villagers|there were bandits headed here.
{11011}{11058}Why don't they wait here,|make a fight of it?
{11060}{11098}They know all the tricks that's why.
{11099}{11180}With us behind and the federales facing|them, they wouldn't have a chance.
{11182}{11222}Go get them, sick them, tie them.
{11224}{11297}Chew them up and don't spit them out.|Swallow them.
{11299}{11322}Am I happy.
{11324}{11391}Tell you the truth,|I was already eating dirt.
{11431}{11472}I wonder who he is.
{11528}{11570}And if he's got any folks.
{11571}{11602}Supposing he has?
{11603}{11653}Let's take a look at his belongings.
{12172}{12206}A few hundred pesos.
{12235}{12306}Name's James Cody. Dallas, Texas.
{12340}{12406}A letter from Dallas, too.|It must be his home.
{12424}{12463}Reckon she's his girl.
{12514}{12543}Not bad.
{12587}{12655}"Dear Jim: Your letter just arrived.
{12662}{12758}"It was such a relief to get word|after so many months of...
{12841}{12906}"I realize, of course, that...
{12915}{13030}"there aren't any mailboxes|that you can drop a letter in...
{13051}{13110}"out there in the wild."
{13120}{13155}You better read it.
{13171}{13239}"But that doesn't keep me|from worrying about you.
{13272}{13381}"Little Jimmy is fine, but he misses|his daddy almost as much as I do.
{13389}{13452}"He keeps asking,|'When's Daddy coming home? '
{13474}{13543}"You say if you do not make|a real find this time...
{13545}{13582}"you'll never go again.
{13594}{13672}"I cannot begin to tell you|how my heart rejoices...
{13686}{13743}"at those words, if you really mean them.
{13759}{13819}"Now I feel free to tell you...
{13824}{13889}"I've never thought|any material treasure...
{13903}{14007}"no matter how great, is worth the pain|of these long separations.
{14053}{14126}"The country is especially lovely this year.
{14141}{14221}"It's been a perfect spring.|Warm rains and hardly any frost.
{14236}{14289}"The fruit trees are all in bloom.
{14305}{14359}"The upper orchard looks aflame...
{14363}{14426}"and the lower, like after a snowstorm.
{14445}{14494}"Everybody looks forward to big crops.
{14511}{14563}"I do hope you are back for the harvest.
{14663}{14748}"Of course, I'm hoping|that you will at last strike it rich.
{14759}{14797}"It is high time for luck...
{14807}{14851}"to start smiling upon you.
{14865}{14909}"But just in case she doesn't...
{14919}{14991}"remember we've already found|life's real treasures.
{15006}{15058}"Forever yours, Helen."
{15171}{15226}I guess we better dig a hole for him.
{15492}{15552}- Yeah, not so good.|- Not so good as yesterday.
{15554}{15611}Want my opinion?|Lt'll be a lot less from now on.
{15613}{15657}We've taken|all the gold this mountain has.
{15659}{15700}How much do you figure we got today?
{15702}{15775}Not as much as we were aiming to collect.|Not $40,000.
{15777}{15818}I'm willing to lower my hindsight.
{15819}{15912}We've got upwards of $35,000 apiece.|I tell you, we ought to be plenty thankful.
{15914}{15957}Let's call it quits and pack up and leave.
{15959}{16008}The sooner the better|as far as I'm concerned.
{16010}{16053}I don't want to keep that dame waiting.
{16055}{16130}It'll take a week to break the mine,|put the mountain back in shape.
{16131}{16156}Do what to the mountain?
{16158}{16206}Make her look like|she was before we came.
{16208}{16234}I don't get it.
{16236}{16297}We wounded this place.|It's our duty to close her wounds.
{16299}{16385}The least we can do to show our gratitude|for all the wealth she's given us.
{16387}{16448}If you guys don't want to help me,|I'll do it alone.
{16462}{16527}You talk about that mountain|like it was a real woman.
{16547}{16614}She's been a lot better to me|than any woman I ever knew.
{16615}{16685}Keep your shirt on, old-timer.|Sure, I'll help you.
{17623}{17663}I reckon that's about everything.
{17665}{17740}Each man's burros with his goods|will be his own responsibility.
{17742}{17766}Come on.
{17811}{17854}Goodbye, mountain, and thanks.
{17901}{17961}Yeah, thanks, mountain.
{18585}{18626}I've been thinking about her.
{18643}{18688}Cody's widow, I mean, and the kid.
{18707}{18730}You know what?
{18733}{18825}We ought to give them a fourth just|as if he'd been our partner from the start.
{18827}{18871}What? A fourth of all our goods?
{18877}{18927}- That's right.|- Are you crazy?
{18929}{19006}If not for him, we wouldn't have|walked away from that mountain.
{19007}{19031}Ask Howard.
{19036}{19090}The buzzard would have gotten fat|on us all right.
{19091}{19154}Yeah, it might just as well have been|one of us.
{19155}{19215}But it wasn't.|It's our good luck and his bad.
{19231}{19289}Whatever you guys do,|I'm going to give a fourth.
{19291}{19376}I got more than I need, anyhow.|Half what I got is enough to last me out.
{19379}{19412}- Fourth?|- Sure.
{19415}{19488}You two guys must have been born|in a revival meeting.
{19714}{19749}We got company.
{19846}{19879}Steady, boys.
{20813}{20846}Give him some tobacco.
{21206}{21282}We give them our tobacco,|they give us theirs, I don't get it.
{21284}{21336}Why not everybody smoke his own?
{21350}{21395}Take some and thank them.
{21530}{21572}They're after something.
{21592}{21645}Takes them a while to come to the point.
{21653}{21742}To say what you want right off the bat|isn't considered polite among Indians.
{22479}{22527}They got nothing but time?
{23278}{23346}His boy fell in the water,|they fished him out.
{23347}{23415}- He ain't dead, but he just won't come to.|- Tough.
{23448}{23489}I'll go have a look at the boy.
{23491}{23564}I'll be back in a little while.|Before morning, probably.
{23769}{23823}Look after my goods while I am gone.
{28547}{28621}Artificial respiration did it|and a few Boy Scout tricks.
{28623}{28675}I think it was more shock than drowning.
{28677}{28763}He hadn't swallowed much water.|Maybe he was stunned while diving.
{28767}{28847}How did these Indians know we were|in this neck of the woods anyhow?
{28848}{28946}When you're near their villages,|don't ask me how, they just know.
{29659}{29686}What's up?
{29687}{29753}He's insisting we return to his village|and be his guests.
{29755}{29822}Tell him to forget it.|Tell him he don't owe us a thing.
{30089}{30157}If he doesn't pay off his debt|all the saints will be angry.
{30159}{30195}This is no laughing matter.
{30197}{30287}I'm afraid he's determined|to take us with him, even if it means force.
{30289}{30324}I'll handle this.
{30459}{30546}Wait a minute. You can't fight your way|out of this. Put your guns away.
{30548}{30641}Have every Indian in the mountain on|our trail. We'd be scalped in half an hour.
{30863}{30899}What'd he say then?
{30903}{30978}It didn...
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