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Bilderberg Diary Interior
What Is Bilderberg?
he Bilderberg group is an organization of political
leaders and international financiers that meets
secretly every spring to make global policy. There
are about 110 regulars—Rockefellers, Rothschilds,
bankers, heads of international corporations and
high government officials from Europe and North
America. Each year, a few new people are invited and, if found use-
ful, they return to future meetings. If not, they are discarded.
Decisions reached at these secret meetings affect every American
and much of the world.
Thisbookexaminesthe history andactions ofthesecretgroup
that calls itself Bilderberg and the efforts of one courageous
reporter—James P. Tucker Jr., who has been trailing Bilderberg for
have called “the world’s shadow government.” This is his story.
Its Long & Secret History
The roots of Bilderberg go back centuries, when international
moneychangers would secretly manipulate the economy to enrich
themselves and enslave ordinary people.
The Rothschilds of Britain and Europe have met secretly with
other financiers for centuries, as did the Rockefellers of America.
2 Bilderberg Diary
the ornament on their door and the Rockefellers of Germany were
“Rye Fields” because of their crops.
One of the most significant such meetings took place in the
spring of 1908, led by Sen. Nelson Aldrich of Rhode Island, whose
family married into the Rockefeller clan, accounting for the late
Gov. Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller’s given name. It was held on Jekyll
Island off the Georgia coast.
The late B.C. Forbes, editor of Forbes magazine, reported what
A. Piatt Andrew, assistant secretary of the treasury.
They emerged from this secret meeting with a plan for “a scien-
pressure Congress into establishing the Federal Reserve Board, a
private group of bankers who meet to shape the money supply.
But in 1954, the international financiers decided that the world
had become so small, and their interests intersected so often, that
Bilderberg Hotel in Holland, and took the name “Bilderberg” for
They have met behind sealed-off walls and armed guards at
plush resorts ever since. Secrecy prevailed briefly, until the late
Chatham House rules have remained in effect, whereby meetings
record about what transpired.
Pegler devoted two of his nationally syndicated columns to
Bilderberg in April 1957, although he did not know the group’s
name. (See Appendix 2, page 231.)
“Something very mysterious is going on when a strange assort-
nomic and political fate of our western world go into a secret hud-
Preface: What Is Bilderberg? 3
Above is a photo of the Hotel de Bilderberg,
the hotel that hosted the first Bilderberg meeting all the way back in 1954.
Bilderberg meetings have been held every year since then, with the venue sites
getting more lavish every year. Bilderberg has at times taken to meeting on
islands, ostensibly because it’s easier to keep reporters and photographers away
so no one can document those participants who attend.
dle on an island off Brunswick, Ga., and not a word gets into the
popular press beyond a little, routine AP story,” Pegler wrote.
Pegler reported that Ralph McGill, the late editor of The Atlanta
Constitution and Arthur Hayes Sulzberger, publisher of The New
York Times , had attended on their promise of secrecy. Since, the
publisher and associate editor of The Washington Post, Donald
Graham and Jimmy Lee Hoagland, respectively, have been regular
ings. All promise to abide by the rule of secrecy.
town, provides a short “press release” to the local paper—prefer-
ably a weekly. It is designed to reassure natives as armed guards
ering unidentified people behind closed-off walls.
The “press release” is the same each year; only the site and
dates are updated. It says individuals will meet privately to do
nothing for three days. Otherwise, they try to impose a complete
4 Bilderberg Diary
The blackout is virtually complete in the United States. When
giant newspapers and broadcast outlets say they do not want the
word “Bilderberg” to appear, the pressure on Associated Press is
obvious; they are the biggest customers, paying far more than a
small-circulation local paper.
Small-city papers depend on AP for all out-of-town news, even
for their state legislative coverage. They run hard to stay ahead of
the city council and high school football team. Unless informed
directly, they have no knowledge that Bilderberg exists.
While Bilderberg denies its meetings are significant, the record
provesotherwise.Thenowdefunct Spotlight wroteadvancestories
on the end of the Cold War, the downfall of Margaret Thatcher as
prime minister of Britain and of President George Bush the Elder’s
breaking of his pledge to not raise taxes based on what transpired
among Bilderbergers.
More recently, while the mainstream media in 2002 was assert-
ing that the invasion of Iraq would come by late summer or early
fall, American Free Press reported that there would be no aggres-
sion until 2003. The war began in March 2003.
what the future holds.
Conspiracy ‘Theory’ or Fact?
When international financiers, heads of state and high govern-
ment officials are exposed conducting public business in secret,
they whimper about “conspiracy theories.” But I will soon provide
you with names and telephone numbers you can check yourself.
Challenge these Bilderberg conspirators to deny that:
• They meet at a secret location each spring, normally in late
Preface: What Is Bilderberg? 5
May or early June. Their exclusive resort will be sealed off at high
noon on the Wednesday before Bilderberg starts meeting on
Thursday through Sunday. The resort will be emptied of all non-
Bilderberg people. Armed guards will seal off the resort to prevent
anyone from approaching.
ing. Collaborating newspapers, including The Washington Post, The
New York Times and Los Angeles Times, will report nothing. They
keep their vows of silence so fervently they allow their own news-
papers to be factually wrong rather than risk exposing Bilderberg.
Participants will deny that Bilderberg even exists. You will almost
national network news, which have all participated in vows of
secrecy. (Because of extensive coverage in Europe in recent years,
The New York Times published a “humor” commentary after the
2004 meeting in Stresa, Italy, denouncing “conspiracy” theories.)
Chasing Bilderberg for 28 years has been the most exciting
assignment of my lifetime newspaper career, the first 20 years of
which were in the mainstream press. I had held some high posi-
tions—night editor of the now defunct Washington Daily News, edi-
tor of the Martinsville (VA) Bulletin, copy editor at the Richmond
(VA) Times-Dispatch and, finally, assistant news editor of the Akron
(Ohio) Beacon-Journal.
So a moment that came in the spring of 1975 is forever pho-
tographed in my mind. I was being interviewed by Willis Carto for
thejobofstartinganewspapertobecalled The Spotlight. Cartowas
officially “treasurer” of Liberty Lobby but he was more than that.
He was Liberty Lobby, having founded the populist institution in
He asked me what I thought of Bilderberg. I had never heard of
Bilderberg. He gave me a brief oral summary and a lot of Liberty
only the institution’s newsletters— Liberty Letter monthly and
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