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Chronopia Battle Sheet
Turn Sequence
Move Actions
Move: 1 action= M V in inches.
R un: 1 action= 1.5 M V in inches. Can only use M ove, Run, Charge or Get up
from Prone actions for rest of turn.
Clim b: 1 action= can M ove up to M V value Ï1Ò up the side of terrain. M ust
m ake 1 clim bing roll per turn clim bing, d20 (16-20=fall). Can do no other
actions but clim b until on surface they can stand on.
Jum p: 1 action=can jum p up to ď M V in inches. If running, can jum p full M V
in inches for 1 action. For Running Jum p roll d20 (19-20=fall).
Jum p D ow n: LD check if greater than SZ, Failure m eans losses action.
· If pass, place m odel up to M V aw ay.
· Undead and Autom atons donÔt need to m ake LD checks to jum p dow n.
· Check for dam age sam e as falling,
Falling: Place m odel at base of terrain.
· If distance is greater than ď SZ then m odel is prone.
· Dam age= Base 7 + 1 for each inch greater than SZ
· For every additional 2Ò of falling distance, there is a (x1) m odifier added.
· If target of falling m odel m akes LD check Ï falling m odel SZ then avoids
dam age.
· If m odel is on w ait, it avoids dam age autom atically, but loses w ait.
P rone: Suffer +4 to DEF and m ust spend next action to stand up.
1. Determ ine Initiative
2. N om inate the First Unit
3. Players Alternate Activating Units
4. End of Turn
Fum ble
· M oving betw een enem y m odels:
o Can m ove if gap is at least 4Ò
· Lim iting Terrain: 1 action to m ove over.
· Rough Terrain: ď M V, m inim um 1Ò.
· Chariots: M ay perform 1 90 turn during or at
the end of a M ove Action and m ust be
separated by 1Ò of forw ard m ovem ent.
· Flyers: 1 action to m ove up 1 height band. 1 free
height band descent, 1 action for each
additional. Can not ascend and descend in 1
turn. If spending 2 actions to descend 3 range
bands, can Pow er Dive and gain +4 CC and +2
DAM for attack (O pponents get Ï1 CC Ï1 DAM ).
W ait Actions
Attack Actions
· M eet charging m odel half w ay.
· Both m odels roll d20 + LD, highest attacks first.
· Both m odels gain charge bonuses.
· If the charge is to the rear arc, there can is no Countercharge.
After Charge is finished, m odel can use W ait to turn and give
a norm al attack.
Stand Fast
· Both m odels roll d20 +LD, highest attacks first.
· M ust pass LD test.
· Becom es Charge/Countercharge if target is using sim ple M ove
action or Charging a different m odel.
· If Charging a unit perform ing a Tram ple action, can only
charge sides of m odel. Tram ple effects still happen if
Tram pling m odel is killed.
R ange Attack from W ait: LD to com e off w ait, -4 to hit if
D ive for Cover: If target of tem plate w eapon, m ake LD
check, if m odel passes, place on outside of tem plate.
Melee Attack
R anged Attack
B reak Aw ay: d20 + ST, this roll is an opposed test, H uge
m odels get +3, Gigantic M odels get +4. Flyers autom atically
break aw ay. If breaking aw ay from m ultiple opponents, m ust
beat the highest roll.
Aim : +4 to RC and +2 to DAM until Aim ing/Target m oves or
turn ends. N ot cum ulative. You cannot aim w ith directly
placed tem plate w eapons.
Cast Spell: You can not cast the sam e spell m ore than once
per turn.
Concentrate: +2 to PW . N o cum ulative.
Spot: M ust have LO S to unit and pass LD check to spot. 2 nd
attem pt at +4, 3 rd +8,È Cum ulative. If hidden unit is in cover
there is a Ï4 penalty. If m odel is over 12Ò there is a Ï4 penalty.
(Perfect, spot all m odels w ithin LO S in that W arband; Fum ble,
lose all actions for turn)
R ally: LD check to becom e unpanicked. Com m anding
Presence can only be used once per turn and only on unit w ith
low er LD and w ithin 4Ò. M odel cannot stay hidden w hile
perform ing this action.
G ive O rders: M ay only Give O rders once per turn to a unit
w ithin 4Ò. Can be used on an individual only if it has a low er
LD. M odel giving orders can stay hidden.
H eight B ands
Band H eight
0 Ground
1 0-3Ò
2 3Ò-6Ò
3 6Ò-9Ò
4 9Ò-12Ò
5 12Ò-15Ò
6 15Ò+
Com m and
Com m and Distance: 4Ò
O ut of Com m and: O nly allow ed m ove actions
Flyers com m and distance: 4Ò + 1 altitude.
R anged Com bat
· M ust target closest m odel. Individuals w ithin 4Ò of a friendly unit are
considered from that unit for targeting.
· If Target is 1 SZ larger than closer m odels and firing unit can see m ore than ď
of the m odel, you m ay target the larger m odel.
· Closer unpanicked enem y units w ithin 12Ò and in the unitÔs firing arc m ust be
targeted first. Individuals can ignore this lim itation.
· A unit m ay target a farther m odel out of cover w ith a LD test (if there is no
one w ithin 12Ò).
· There m ust be a 1Ò gap betw een friendly m odels to fire through them .
P erfect: Autom atic W ound, no Arm or save.
Fum ble: Loose rest of actions for this turn.
Firing into Close Com bat: For each friendly unit in com bat, -1 RC. If m iss:
m ake RC against closest friendly unit at +1 for each friendly in com bat. If target is
1 SZ larger than attackers, ignore penalties, but still resolve m isses. O n a Fum ble:
autom atically w ound closest friendly m odel.
Close Com bat
M axim um com bined SZ of attackers can not be
greater than 4xSZ of target.
+1 CC for every friendly m odel engaged w ith
Charge: +1 CC, +1 DAM on first attack
· If Charging up hill, no CC or DAM bonus
· Individuals can m ake LD check to charge
farther unit.
· If Charging from hidden, cannot
Countercharge and gains +1 CC, +1 DAM .
P erfect: Autom atic W ound, no Arm or save.
Fum ble: Loose rest of actions for this turn.
Spell Casting
P erfect: Target doesnÔt
get save.
R C Modifiers
Close Range 0
M edium Range Ï4
M axim um Range -8
H ard Cover Ï4
Soft Cover Ï2
W hen to Check
· W hen Squad loses ď original Size
· W hen Squad loses additional m em ber after ď
· W hen effected by Special Abilities
P anic
· Loses rest of actions if already activated this turn.
· M ust Run tow ard deploym ent zone.
· Subsequent M orale tests at Ï4.
· If entire unit is in deploym ent zone at beginning of turn and no
enem y units are w ithin 4Ò, Unit w ill autom atically rally.
· Troops that are panicked m ay not run through unpanicked
w arbands.
· Panicked troops w ill autom atically Break Aw ay, but enem y
m odels in base-to-base are allow ed one free attack.
· Panicked troops gain no bonus for Shields or DEF.
· Panicked troops are attacked w ith a +2 to hit.
· P erfect: m ay take all actions this turn.
· Fum ble: rem ove w arband from battlefield.
Fum ble: Spell targets
spellcaster, if it is not a
dam aging spell, caster
loses rem aining actions.
Sum m oning
P erfect: Sum m oned unit m ay activate as soon as caster is
finished w ith activation.
Fum ble: Sum m oned unit com es into play out-of-control.
Roll on Ram page table. Sum m oned unit activates as soon as
caster is finished w ith activation.
R am page Table
R oll Effect
1 Regain control w ith a concentration action.
2-5 Activate im m ediately, attack closest enem y.
6-10 Activate im m ediately, attack closest m odel.
Fear: 4Ò Radius.
Success: M ay act as norm al, no Fear check need for this m odel
for rest of battle.
Failure: -1 action, cannot charge m odel that caused Fear, -1
on next Fear check. Until m odel m oves out of Fear Radius, Fear
m odel is killed or m odel is Rallied by friendly unit.
Critical: gains H ate against Fear causing m odel for rest of
Fum ble: no action until causing m odel m oves or friendly unit
attem pts to Rally stricken m odel.
Activate im m ediately, m ove in random direction,
attack if in base-to-base.
Activate im m ediately, attack closest m odel in
sum m onerÔs arm y.
20 Activate im m ediately, attack sum m oner.
H orror: LO S
Success: Affected by Fear, no H orror check need for
rest of battle.
Failure: Roll on H orror Table, effect lasts for this
Round, next turn, roll again.
Critical: M ay act norm ally and does not need to
m ake any M orale checks to resist Fear, Dread or
H orror for rem ainder of battle.
Fum ble: Rem ove m odel from table.
D read: Dread Radius=2xSZ.
Success: M ay act as norm al, no Dread or Fear check need for
rest of battle.
Failure: -1 action, CC and RC halved, cannot charge m odel
that caused Dread, Cannot cast spells or arcane effects. Until
m odel m oves out of Dread Radius or m odel is Rallied by
friendly unit.
Critical: gains H ate against Dread causing arm y and
Steadfast ability for rest of battle.
Fum ble: M ust spend rem aining actions m oving aw ay from
Dread causing m odel. M odel m ay rem ake Dread test if out of
LO S of m odel or Rallied by friendly m odel.
H orror Table
1-5 N o action until Rallied.
6-10 Prone until Rallied.
11-15 M ust seek cover. H ides until Rallied.
Roll deviation, w ill Charge or Fire at closest
m odel.
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