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a/ Pompypróżnioweużywanewnaymlaboratoriumąprodukcji niemieckiej.
The _______________________________ pumps used in our laboratory were made in Germany.
b/ Tametodajetwytarcającowrażliwa, bywykrydladytruciny
The method is ________________________________ sensitive to detect the traces of the poison.
c/ Mocowałiuchwytem szuflady ale bezskutecznie.
He struggled with the drawer ____________________ ____________but to no avail.
d/ ToBobWillaalarmowałpolicj.
It was Bob Wills ______________________________________________ the police.
e/ Celem jest kontrolowanie temperatury w komorze spalania.
The aim is to control the temperature in the combustion __________________________________________
f/ Kaaładieciomotawidabłoconebutynaewnątr.
She told the kids to leave the _____________________________________________ boots outside.
g/ Rtdtojedynyciekłymetal.
Mercury is the only ______________________________________________ metal.
h/ merykaokiSądNajwyżydecydujeokontytucjonalnociprawtanowych
The American _________________________________ Court decides on the constitutionality of State laws.
a/ The photograph shows a man with hair growing on the cheeks and chin .
The photograph shows a ______________________ man.
b/ We all respected him for his refusal to engage in relationships with other women .
We all respected him for his _______________________ to his wife.
c/ The cake is still in the compartment for baking in the stove .
The cake is still in the ___________________
d/ The new generation of chemicals for controlling flies, mosquitos, etc . is cheaper and more effective.
The new generation of ______________________ is cheaper and more effective.
e/ You'll find envelopes in the department selling writing materials and office supplies .
You'll find envelopes in the __________________________ department.
f/ The most common cereal for white bread grows best in temperate climates.
________________________________________ grows best in temperate climates.
g/ The new regulations are to make the occurrence of forest fires impossible.
The new regulations are to _________________________ forest fires.
h/ As a person who has a degree from Harvard, he will easily find a job.
As a Harvard ______________________, he will easily find a job.
PRZYKŁDIyour f a m i l y name Adams?
a/ Polish, Czech and Slovak are _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ languages.
b/ We stayed at an ultramodern hotel which was in stark contrast to the _ _ _ d _ _ _ _ _ _ of the desert.
c/ Fresh water was _ _ _ _ l _ _ _ to Roman cities through aqueducts.
d/ The warming of the lake was a big change, _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ _ the delicate balance of the ecosystem.
e/ I allowed my kids to touch the creature because, despite its threatening look, it was completely
_ _ r _ _ _ _ _ .
f/ The _ _ l _ _ landscape of the county seems perfect for advanced biking and skiing.
g/ She was so _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ _ that it was no use trying to persuade her. She wouldn't listen to our arguments.
h/ The committee's first _ _ c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ was that cell phones should be forbidden in class, as they
distract pupils.
a/ Another miscarriage followed a year later. _____________________________________________
b/ to avoid strict 24-hour scrutiny __________________________________________________
c/ A modicum of restraint would be wise. _____________________________________________
d/ He's a fan of doomsday scenarios. _______________________________________________
e/ We decided not to reciprocate. _________________________________________________
f/ ambushed by her own sense of duty _________________________________________________
a/ Toniewporądkuobwiniad [=BLAME] innychato,cowyamirobiciewobecrodowika
It's not fair ____________________________________________________________________ to the
b/ Niepowiemci,ilekotowałtenplakatani,gdiebyłkupiony,botobyłpreent
I won't tell you ___________________________________________________________________ a gift.
c/ PodobieotwoewntrneniejetżadnymkryteriumDwieroliny,którewyglądająpodobnie,mogąnależed
External similarity is no criterion. Two plants that ______________________________________
d/ Gospodarka Chin jetdidwaraywikaniżpitnacielattemu.
Today __________________________________________________________________ .
e/ RolaynajetbardokiepkonapianaŻadenaktor,chodbynajbardiejutalentowany,niemógłby jej
The son's part ___________________________________ however talented, ________________.
f/ Problemembyło to, czego połeceotwo=PUBLICmiałoidowiediedokatatroie
The problem was _______________________________________________ told about the crash.
g/ wariaprądumożebydchwilowaJeceniepanikujmy.
Well, the power failure ________________ temporary. _______________________________ yet.
h/ Najpierwprawd [=CHECK], cymożebyd konflikt z innym programem pobranym wceniej.
First, __________________________________________________________ downloaded earlier.
Uzupełnijzdaniawyrażającewinnypoóbtredzdaowprowadzających PRZYKŁAD: "Hurry up, Sue," Said
Mother. Mother told Sue to hurry up .
a/ It was Fernando Diaz who made the concert such a great occasion. Other artists were rather disappointing.
Without Fernando __________________________________________________ a failure.
b/ 'When did your relatives forsake you, Rahit?' 'Immediately after my conversion to Christianity.'
After Rahit's conversion to ____________________________________________
c/ When you add details to your report, it will certainly have more readers.
The more detailed _________________________________________________________
d/ We had fewer visitors this year because the volcanic eruption in Iceland made many people cancel their
Were it _________________________________________________________________
e/ Before the discovery of the manuscript, many scholars thought that the hymn was written by Henry VIII.
Prior to the discovery of the manuscript, the hymn __________________________________
f/ I made my first guitar when I entered college in 1983 and have continued doing it ever since.
In the year 2000 I could call myself an experienced guitar maker as I ________________
g/ It was public knowledge that the dictator's secret police SAVAK often used torture.
The dictator's _____________________________ notorious ______________________
h/ Loyalty in marriage requires the husband not to reveal his wife's secrets and vice versa.
In marriage husband and wife should keep ______________________________________
dopiujzaimkówanirzeczowników Możezdodad"to"jelijetczciąbezokolicznika
a/ We [make] ____________ many errors while [try] ____________ [raise] _____________ our kids as decent
Christians. But [encourage] ______________ [lie] _______________ was not among them.
b/ c/ Wait a sec! The label on the bottle [say] __________ the syrop [contain] ___________ alcohol. So, [call]
______________ Dr. Fox and [see] ____________ what he
[say] ____________ . Just [be] _____________ on the safe side.
d/ Undergound coal gasification (UCG) [seem] ____________ too costly today, but in 2020 we [use]
_____________ over 60 percent of the gas reserves, [drive] _____________ the prices of gas higher and,
thus, [make] _____________ the UCG a perfect alternative.
e/ If I [tell+not] ______________ the landlord that the meter [tamper] _____________ with, we [be]
_____________ in serious trouble now.
f/ g/ Things slowly [get] _____________ worse as I [grow] _____________ up. By the age of sixteen, my mum
[think] _____________ that by [be] _____________ a vegetarian for twenty years and [raise]
_____________ one, she [support] _____________ the animals enough and reverted to [be]
______________ a meat eater.
h/ Our cook was Fred. He [roast] _____________ the lamb directly over the camp fire , which [take]
____________ over two hours. From time to time he [sip] ____________
a mouthful of water, [go] ____________ to the [roast] _____________ lamb and
[spit] ____________ the water all over it.
i/ If on the day you [plan] ____________ [drive] _____________ to the reservation, you [hear]
_____________ the weather forecasts warning of possible hurricanes, the trip [have to] ______________
[cancel] _____________.
Zakreltorm(jednamożliwod), która najlepiej nadajeidowtawieniawluk
a/ Though after Sean Connery, five other actors played James Bond, ___________ of them came close to Sean.
B/ none C/ nobody
D/ noone
b/ For liberal journalists ___________ President Bush said was stupid.
A/ all what
B/ everything what
C/ any that
D/ anything
c/ The internal regulations of a school __________ specific about the school uniform.
B/ needn't to be C/ don't need be D/ needn't have been
d/ At that point the dog seemed ________ better so we called the vet off.
B/ to have done C/ to be doing
D/ doing
e/ The hospital agreed to pay the couple 100,000 dollars _________
A/ the damage B/ of the damages
C/ in damages D/ for damage
A/ not single
A/ may or may not be
A/ to have been doing
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