
(38 KB) Pobierz
[23][41]I just wanted to inform|you that I have Sheriff
[42][54]Northman in custody.
[57][89]Good work. I'll see you at that|tolerance thing on the 29th.
[90][110]The King set me free.
[111][130]There's a witch spell comin'...
[131][153]That's supposed to make all the|vampires walk out into the sun.
[207][218]You just saved my life.
[230][244]- Let us meet.|- Where?
[245][268]- The cemetery in Bon Temps.|- Midnight.
[269][295]I wish you would have told me|your brother was a skinwalker.
[296][310]I can't forgive him|for what he did to you.
[311][324]I just kicked him out|of my life for good.
[325][341]I broke|up with Hoyt.
[342][351]So you just break his heart?
[352][364]I can't help|the way I feel.
[365][382]No, I don't want|any part of this!
[383][419]Word is, something big's goin' down|tonight with the witches and vampires.
[420][434]You're a member|of this pack, now,
[435][462]- You gotta stay away from Sookie.|- Can't argue with that.
[463][492]My baby be dead!
[493][517]And you, the killer!
[596][614]- Who's he?|- Friend of mine.
[615][627]I got a problem with that.
[628][647]If we need to take this|outside, let's do it.
[648][675]You just pissed on the|wrong boots, my friend.
[676][689]I come in peace.
[704][720]Bill, she's casting a spell!
[767][800]We meet again.
[823][842]Take that, fanger!
[1008][1030]Come on, Sookie, stay|with me. Come on, please!
[1104][1127]Sookie? Sookie?
[1173][1187]Sookie, drink.
[1188][1200]Come on!
[1201][1221]I'm so sorry, I should never|have let you come tonight.
[1222][1243]Then why did you?
[1244][1267]Werewolf, I'm gonna need|you to shut the fuck up!
[1276][1286]Come on, drink.
[1309][1321]Don't look like|she's takin' it.
[1322][1334]That's because she isn't.
[1335][1344]Does she even have a pulse?
[1345][1365]Barely. Come on.
[1366][1382]Well, ain't there anything|else we can do?
[1391][1409]We can pray.
[1410][1433]Werewolf and a vampire.|Who's gonna listen?
[1454][1477]That, I do not know.
[1478][1517]<font color=#00ff00>??? True Blood 4x09 ???</font>|<font color=#00ffff>Run!</font>
[1568][1607]??? When you came in|the air went out
[1641][1691]??? And every shadow|filled up with doubt
[1716][1773]??? I don't know who you think you are,|but before the night is through
[1797][1827]??? I want to do bad|things with you
[1860][1901]??? I'm the kind to|sit up in his room
[1934][1974]??? Heartsick and eyes|filled up with blue
[2008][2073]??? I don't know what you've done to|me, but I know this much is true
[2088][2121]??? I want to do bad|things with you
[2303][2346]??? I want to do real|bad things with you ???
[2384][2394]He killed Beverleen!
[2395][2405]I silvered the|son of a bitch...
[2406][2419]She was my|favorite ex-sister-in-law.
[2420][2447]What in the hell did you|bring him back here for?
[2448][2477]He is under my control.
[2478][2497]Tell them, blond one.
[2498][2509]I am yours.
[2510][2533]So fuckin' cool!
[2543][2557]Wash your face.
[2627][2643]Bill offered you|an olive branch tonight.
[2644][2660]Why didn't you take it?
[2670][2687]Everyone join hands.
[2688][2744]We must cast a protective spell against|the vampires, so we can be safe here.
[2801][2821]I said join hands!
[2822][2845]Um, I think I speak for|everyone here when I say
[2846][2872]I don't think this is what|any of us signed up for.
[2873][2892]Uh, does she speak|for everyone?
[2893][2913]She sure as hell|speaks for me.
[2914][2929]Not for me.
[2930][2972]I didn't know what I was gettin' into,|but I'm pleased as punch that I'm in it.
[2973][2983]Good boy, Roy.
[2984][3001]Thank you, Antonia.
[3002][3013]Anybody else?
[3039][3083]I found this stapled to|a lamppost out front.
[3084][3107]Tomorrow night we are|going to go to this,
[3108][3132]and we are gonna take|the blond one with us,
[3133][3196]so the whole world will see|what vampires are capable of,
[3215][3246]and what we are capable|of doing to them.
[3258][3301]My name is Antonia!
[3311][3326]Jesus Christ.
[3327][3366]Please, I'm begging you.
[3367][3383]I got kids.
[3432][3458]Nobody leaves.
[3469][3480]Or what?
[3531][3561]Try it, and you'll find out.
[3689][3701]You made it.
[3734][3753]Where's Eric?
[3768][3790]Sookie, you were shot.|You can't still...
[3791][3812]Where is he?
[3813][3830]I already have my men|out looking for him.
[3831][3844]Now that I know that|you're all right,
[3845][3867]I'll go and join them and I will|search for him myself until...
[3868][3898]Am I the only one here who|thinks this is batshit crazy?
[3899][3954]Sookie, you just came this close to dyin',|because of fuckin' fangers. Again!
[3955][3975]Every minute that we spend|not looking for him...
[3986][3998]I'm done here.
[4008][4019]I'm done.
[4175][4195]Thanks for the blood.
[4472][4486]She finally fall asleep?
[4501][4526]You should go, Sam.|This is not your problem.
[4551][4574]Well, what if I want|it to be my problem?
[4575][4597]Trust me, you do not want|Marcus to be your problem.
[4653][4668]Is that why Emma|couldn't get to sleep?
[4682][4695]She's scared|he'll come back?
[4711][4722]Are you?
[4754][4770]I ain't leavin'.
[4771][4807]Well, it'll be worse for everyone if he|does come back and you're still here.
[4808][4836]Well, then let's|nobody be here.
[4837][4872]No. No, I'm trying to teach Emma|not to run from her problems.
[4873][4888]Well, who said anything|about runnin'?
[4889][4921]I'm talkin' about|the three of us,
[4931][4950]goin' campin',
[4951][4965]gettin' back to nature,
[4966][5002]and getting back to nature is|100% opposite of running away.
[5020][5036]I don't wanna have|to wake Emma up.
[5037][5063]Just carry her from her|bed to the back seat.
[5064][5094]She won't know anything till she wakes|up to breakfast cooked on a campfire.
[5132][5159]If it's sharin' a tent that's stoppin'|you, you don't have to worry.
[5160][5177]I am a multiple tent owner.
[5178][5186]Oh, are you?
[5187][5198]Yeah, I'm kind|of a big deal.
[6040][6070]So then, I go|over to Jason's house,
[6071][6111]because I thought maybe he might, like,|understand what I was going through,
[6112][6131]but he just kicked|me out also.
[6152][6171]And this is just the|worst day of my life.
[6184][6200]I wish I was dead.
[6201][6230]Except I am, and it|doesn't even matter.
[6242][6260]There have been times,|I'll admit,
[6261][6273]when it's occurred to me|that maybe I should
[6274][6297]put my career on hold|and become a maker,
[6316][6365]but these last several hours here with|you have erased those doubts forever.
[6378][6399]You are nothing like|you are on TV.
[6410][6423]Aw, thanks.
[6481][6496]I thought it best|I go to ground here,
[6497][6537]what with the Festival of Tolerance|event starting so early tomorrow night.
[6551][6570]Saw you on the|news, by the way.
[6571][6585]You did quite well.
[6586][6614]Really got in front|of the story.
[6615][6647]Speaking of, what is|the story, my king?
[6648][6675]What have you gone|and fucked up now?
[6713][6735]I almost hesitate to ask,
[6749][6763]but lest there be|more surprises,
[6764][6788]is there anything|else I need to know?
[6789][6806]Only that Northman is missing.
[6816][6834]What? How?
[6849][6869]Last we spoke, you were about|to show him the true death.
[6870][6879]I changed my mind.
[6880][6904]Decisive leader|you've turned out to be.
[6905][6923]We'll have to cancel|tomorrow night.
[6924][6973]It's possible that Eric has fallen under|Antonia's influence, just as Luis did.
[6974][6990]Canceling is not an option.
[6991][7010]What is so important|about this event
[7011][7037]that you are willing to|risk your life and mine?
[7038][7050]There are factions within...
[7051][7061]Factions within what?
[7074][7101]The AVL? The Authority?|Unless you tell me,
[7102][7166]I cannot agree to...
[7167][7195]are already outside|the hotel, waiting.
[7196][7211]What would you have|me tell them?
[7212][7230]Blame the witches.
[7231][7254]America's had no problem|doing it in the past.
[7255][7277]I didn't think it|was possible,
[7278][7305]but you actually make me|long for Queen Sophie-Anne.
[7321][7338]I mean, what the fuck, Bill?
[7339][7348]How did you let|it come to this?
[7349][7364]It was you that let|it come to this!
[7365][7376]I don't see how I'm|responsible...
[7377][7405]And there is the problem|in a nutshell!
[7406][7427]Everybody can|see it but you.
[7428][7459]Beyond tomorrow's headline,|u are a blind person.
[7478][7521]I would just love for you to say that to|my face when I'm not chained in silver.
[7522][7541]It's what I've been|saying all along!
[7600][7629]Bolster security if you|feel it necessary,
[7640][7673]but tomorrow's Festival of|Tolerance is going forward,
[7674][7698]and the cameras had|damn well better find
[7699][7732]you in a festive and|tolerant fucking mood.
[7740][7760]Am I understood?
[8281][8316]Come on, baby.|Ooh, we're home now.
[8317][8335]We're home now, baby boy.
[8336][8354]Yeah, we home.
[8355][8368]Oh, my baby.
[8396][8408]Get out of my house.
[8422][8432]Get out of my house!
[8433][8461]Whoa, man, this|ain't your house.
[8462][8479]That ain't your baby,|either. That's Mikey!
[8480][8505]This is my baby! Now get|out of my house, you.
[8506][8518]What the fuck, Lafayette?
[8567][8583]This my baby.
[8593][8626]It's his daddy that came and|took him, I know it was.
[8627][8637]Uh, Arlene...
[8638][8663]Ain't that his daddy,|...
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