US Army Fm 34-82 (Scout Platoon).pdf

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FM 17-98 Scout Platoon
This document reproduces the complete and unabridged text of a
United States Army Field Manual first published by the Department
of the Army, Washington DC.
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The scout platoon is organized, equipped, and trained to conduct reconnais-
sance and security for its parent unit. It provides current battlefield information
to help the commander plan and conduct tactical operations. It serves as the
commander’s eyes and ears on the battlefield. Although the platoon has antitank
(AT) capability, it cannot perform its scouting roles when employed as an
AT force.
The two most prominent scout platoons in the force are the CFV scout
platoon and the HMMWV scout platoon. Both of these platoons consist of an
officer and 29 enlisted soldiers. The platoons are organized by tables of organi-
zation and equipment (TOE) into a headquarters element and two or four scout
sections (see Figures 1-1 and 1-2 on page 1-2). When executing missions, the
platoon is organized according to the factors of mission, enemy, terrain (and
weather), troops, and time available (METT-T) into an appropriate tactical
organization consisting of a variable number of scout teams.
The CFV platoon is equipped with six M3 CFVs. It is found only in the
cavalry squadrons of an armored or mechanized division or in an armored
cavalry regiment. The HMMWV platoon is equipped with 10 Ml025/1026
HMMWVs. It is found in light cavalry regiments, in air cavalry and reconnais-
sance squadrons, and in mechanized infantry and armor battalions.
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