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KLUCZ DO TESTU GRAMATYKA  1                                          33/ 2009


1. B

2. A

3. D

4. B

5. D

6. C

7. B



8. A

9. A

10. D

11. C

12. A

13. C

14. B

15. C

16. D





              Uznajemy punkt tylko w przypadku bezbłędnej pisowni.

1. blades

2. ants

3. accessible

4. carriage

5. appreciated

6. committed

7. winged

8. sincere


9. musicians

10. permit

11. evergreen

12. herbal

13. lessen

14. thorough

15. width

16. fever


17. multiply

18. ordinary

19. quarter

20. crushed

21. decimal

22. rhythmically

23. hardens

24. uncontrollably


25. storage

26. principle

27. virtually

28. pronunciation

29. powered

30. worriedly

31. footsteps

32. commandments




1. D

2. A

3. B


4. A

5. B

6. C

7. D


8. B

9.  A

10. C


11. C

12. D

13. B

14. A




W poniższym kluczu umieszczono jedynie wyrazy wykreślone z oryginalnego tekstu. Przy poprawianiu prac nie wymagamy oczywiście odtworzenia oryginału, zważając zamiast tego, aby zdania utworzone dzięki wpisaniu wyrazów w luki były całkowicie poprawne, zarówno pod względem gramatyki jak i treści całego tekstu.

1. at

2. rights

3. let

4. and

5. all

6. narrow

7. desk

8. back


9. square

10. behind

11. centre

12. of

13. predecessors

14. and

15. like


16. colleague

17. whose

18. back

19. the

20. have

21. rather

22. had

23. that


24. dropped

25. speed

26. prepared

27. country

28. decade

29. state

30. on

31. West




1. B

2. C

3. B

4. A

5. D


6. A

7. A

8. C

9. D

10. A


11. C

12. B

13. D

14. C

15. A


16. B

17. B

18. D

19. D

20. C


21. C

22. D

23. B

24. B

25. C

26. C




Przyznajemy punkty lub  połówki  za fragmenty wyróżnione poniżej tą samą czcionką. Ocena oparta jest o kryterium pozytywne (forma najwłaściwsza), a nie jak  na ogół w testach gramatycznych  negatywne (brak błędu). W razie wątpliwości (nie wszystkie poprawne odpowiedzi da się przewidzieć) należy uzgadniać sposób oceny ze wszystkimi poprawiającymi ten test. Za rażący błąd w części nie wyróżnionej można odjąć pół punktu. Przy  oznaczeniu  0  /  1 nie przyznajemy 1/2 pktu za częściowo poprawną odpowiedź.

PRONOUNS                                                                                                                0  /  1

1. Air conditioned homes are still rare and will remain so until 2020.

SIMPLE PRESENT                                                                                                  0  /  1

2. The bus that leaves the campus at 11.30 will get you to the terminal just on time for the check-in.

COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVE                                                                                    0  /  1

3. What's worse, even the least aggressive dogs can sometimes bite, especially if their territorial security is threatened.

MODAL + PI                                                                                                                0  /  1

4. The nuclear power plant, which would have undoubtedly ruined the local/.../ was never started. roads were improved.

OBJECT CLAUSE                                                                                                  0  /  1

5. ...to know how the boss eventually realized how many days or even weeks it could take to recover...

SEQUENCE OF TENSES                                                                                                  0  /  1

6. Fearing there might be /.../ I decided I would eject only if I had missed the runway on the final descent.

PRONOUN                                                                                                                0  /  1

7. If only we knew more about each other's/ one another's/ religious beliefs, the world would be a nicer place.

PRESENT PERFECT                                                                                                  0  /  1

8. The fact is, since shifting to Vista, we haven't been able to use our Photoshop programmes.

DETERMINER                                                                                                                0  /  1

9. .....because if every tenth or, say, every twentieth person who reads this decides to send a donation,/.../ would be enormous.

ARTICLE / NOUN                                                                                                  0  /  1

10. I think [0]black people /blacks in America do not realize to what extent [0] modern Europeans see a person’s name and place of birth as determining who they/you/ are.

PROGRESSIVE                                                                                                                0  /  1

11. ......what we're being told about what happened to the clients of banks is true.

CONDITIONAL + VERB PATTERN                                                                                    1/2 + 1/2

12. ... he will quickly check the entire heating system in the building on condition no tenant objects to him/his doing so.

CONJUNCTION & INVERSION                                                                                    0  /  1

13. Hardly had last year's nominations been announced than/ when the phone/.../ started ringing.

RELATIVE CLAUSE                                                                                                  0  /  1

14. ...needs that led to innovations without which we cannot imagine modern times: the telephone,...

VERB PATTERN                                                                                                  0  /  1/2  /  1

15. Our aim is to have all our designs patented because it's the best way to prevent them/ their being stolen.


CONDITIONAL                                                                                                                0  /  1

16. We would be much more comfortable now if our banks had not given loans to people who couldn't repay them.


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