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ETAP SZKOLNY – listopad 2008   Henryk Krzyżanowski





School ________________________




Uzupełnij podane niżej tłumaczenia.

a/ Dywan był czysty, ale kolory były lekko spłowiałe.

              The rug was ___________ but the colours were slightly __________________

b/ Wyglądała wspaniale w naszyjniku swojej babci.

              She looked great in _______________________________________________

c/ Każda z wież jest chroniona piorunochronem.

              Each of the towers is protected _______________________________________

d/ Na środku sali był stół w kształcie podkowy.

              At the centre of the room _______________________________________________ table.

e/ Ten poziom decyzyjny wymaga najwyższego stopnia kompetencji.

              This level of decision-making _______________ the highest _______________________

f/ Na okładce jest fotografia motyla na liściu.

              On the _______________ there is a photo _____________________________________

g/ Wielu ludzi witało Papieza jako wysłannika pokoju.

              Many people greeted _____________________________________________________

h/ W dwa dni po wyroku, lekarz został ułaskawiony przez Prezydenta.

              Two days after the sentencing, the doctor ______________________________________


              Wyróżnione grupy wyrazów zastąp tylko jednym słowem, tak by nie zmienić treści całego zdania.

a/ She accompanied her speech with movements of the hands and head expressing anger.

              She accompanied her speech with angry ______________________

b/ The information that Kate gave in court was enough to clear Davis of the accusations.

              Kate's  _______________ in court was enough to clear Davis of the accusations.

c/ We were greeted by the joyful sound made by Ann's two collies.

              We were greeted by the joyful ______________ of Ann's two collies.

d/ After two years of drought, the river lacked sufficient depth for navigation.

              After two years of drought, the river was too _______________ for navigation

e/ Throughout the meeting, the manager sat at his desk without speaking a word.

              Throughout the meeting, the manager sat at his desk _____________________

f/ Every Friday Ibrahim went to the Muslim house of worship to pray.

              Every Friday Ibrahim went to the _______________ to pray.


g/ In the 1960s, the appearance of a new film format occurred at the same time as the advent of battery operated electric movie cameras.

              In the 1960s, the appearance of a new film format __________________ with the advent of battery operated electric movie cameras.

h/ As a young boy, I got very interested in the sport of fighting with swords.

              As a young boy, I got very interested in _______________


Wpisz brakujące wyrazy. Każda kreska zastępuje jedną literę. Nie wolno zmienić żadnej z liter już podanych.

PRZYKŁAD: Is your f a m i l y  name Adams?

a/ Ford and General Motors are major car  _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

b/ The harbour is surrounded by  _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for storing goods unloaded from ships.

c/ After reading the report, the mayor dismissed it as _ _ b _ _ _ _ not worth considering.

d/ His job requires emotional  _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _. Being soft and giving in to feelings would mean a complete disaster.

e/ If we win both the matches, we will  _ _ _ l _ _ _  for the next round.

f/ To inject the medicine the nurse picked up a  _ _ l _  of skin on the child's belly.

g/ Our research is directed not at groups of people but at _ _ _ _ v _ _ _ _ _ _  and their reactions.

h/ She's the most  _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ _  person I know; she never thinks about herself, always about other people.


              Przetłumacz na polski.

a/ Dodging puddles wasn't easy.________________________________________________


b/ The lodge will satisfy even the most hard-core anglers. ___________________________________


c/ The act got him some short-lived notoriety._____________________________________________


d/ upset at the havoc wrought by the slugs _______________________________________________


e/ a gaze of utter bewilderment ___________________________________________________


f/ Its benign form is awesome. _________________________________________________



              Uzupełnij tłumaczenia zdań na angielski, nie zmieniając niczego we fragmentach już przetłumaczonych. Tam, gdzie w nawiasie podano, jak przetłumaczyć jakieś słowo, nie podano, w jakiej formie ma ono wystąpić w tłumaczeniu.

a/ Okolica ma bardzo złą opinię, bo co jakiś czas napadają kogoś chuligani.

              The area has a very bad reputation __________ every _____________________________ punks.

b/ Ogólniejsze pytanie o to, czemu nie ma u nas więcej aborygeńskich modelek na wybiegach w ogóle nie padło.

              A wider __________  of ______________________________________________ on our catwalks ____________ never ___________________________

c/ Lista słynnych ludzi pochowanych w Opactwie Westminsterskim obejmuje poetów, dyplomatów, i żołnierzy.

              _________________________________________________________ includes ______________


d/ Fakt, że nie pamiętam, żeby p. Falk coś takiego mówił. Mój wspólnik też nie pamięta.

              The fact is _______________________________________________________________ partner.

e/ W pewnej chwili Niemcy walczyli z resztą kontynentu i nie zostali pokonani [=DEFEAT]

              At one point, the Germans _________________________________________________________

f/ Wydaje mi się to podejrzane, bo nie może być aż tylu ludzi zadających identycznie sformułowane pytanie.

              To me, it seems ________________________________________________ an identically worded question.

g/ Nawet gdyby to kosztowało [=BE] o połowę mniej niż mówi Rita, byłoby to nadal nieosiągalne dla większości kupujących.

              Even if ______________________________________________________________________  out of reach ____________________________________________________

h/ Żeby zaimponować kumplom, Ted udawał, ze chodzi [=DATE] z miss piękności swojej szkoły.

              To impress ____________________________ to __________________________ beauty queen.


Uzupełnij zdania wyrażające w inny sposób treść zdań wprowadzających.

                            PRZYK£AD:  "Hurry up, Sue," said Mother.    Mother told Sue to hurry up.

a/ It was impossible to hold the test flight as planned because of the hurricane that hit the area on that day.

              The test flight had to be delayed __________ day ______________________  scheduled ___________________________ hit the area.

b/ All the main characters of the movie are fairly unappealing. This is why it doesn't have a chance of becoming a box office hit.

              __________ none _________________________________ likeable, _______________ never become a box office hit.

c/ Without a written agreement, they will not know what to expect from us and we will not know what to expect from them.

              Without an agreement neither _________________________________________________

d/ The last serious incident at Malaga airport that required an investigation by the Aviation Authority occurred in the early 1970s.

              The Aviation Authority _____________________________________________________ over 35 years.

e/ On the first day, Pam was stung by a wasp. Fortunately she is not allergic to wasps so we were able to continue the trek.

              If Pam ___________________________________________________________ the trek.

f/ Under the new law, wearing a helmet is obligatory for all bikers under 16.

              __________________ requires __________________________________________

g/ The club spokesman officially ruled out Ruby's return to the team.

              The club spokesman declared officially that Ruby's __________________________ question.

h/ "You must never sunbathe again," the doctor said to Amy.

              When Amy last saw Dr Russ about her skin problems, he told her she ____________________



              Wpisz w odpowiedniej formie czasowniki w nawiasach. Jeśli trzeba, dodaj czasownik modalny, ale nie dopisuj zaimków ani rzeczowników. Możesz dodać "to" jeśli jest częścią bezokolicznika.

a/ b/ Contrary to what the public [tell + currently] __________________________, most deaths [prevent] ________________ with a better organisation of the rescue. That's why the victims' families [claim] ______________ those responsible [stand] ________________ trial.

c/ When I [discover] ____________ I [be] ___________ pregnant, I [come] ______________ under tremendous pressure from my Mum ...

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