Egzamin poprawkowy z jezyka angielskiego.doc

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Egzamin poprawkowy z języka angielskiego



Ex.1. Napisz odpowiednie godziny.

1              _____________


2              _____________



3              _____________



4              _____________



5              _____________


Score /5


Ex.2. Wpisz wyrazy z ramki do odpowiedniej kolumny tabeli.

  January    Monday    Russia    Saturday                                                  Friday    Brazil    July                                      South Africa    August    Wednesday



Days of the week








Score /10


Ex.3. Uzupełnij zdania, wstawiając a, an, some albo any.

1.  This is _____ apple.                                           2.  There aren’t _____ hamburgers.

3.              Is there _____ salad?

Score /5

4.              That’s _____ biscuit.

5.              I’ve got ____ money.


część pisemna





Ex.4. Uzupełnij zdania, wstawiając have, haven’t, has, albo hasn’t.

1.              Mica ______ got a magazine. (P)

2.              James ______ got an apple. (O)

3.              ______ you got a sandwich? (?)

4.              James ______ got an apple. (O)

5.              We ______ got any hamburgers. (O)

6.              I ______ got some fruit. (P)

7. ______ they got any oranges? (?)

8.              Sarah ______ got a teddy bear. (P)

9.              Mike and Billie ______ got some cake. (P)

10.              ______ she got any chocolate bars? (?)

Score /10

Ex. 5. Przeczytaj tekst i odpowiedz na pytania.

Hi. My name’s Petter and I’m eleven. I’m from Norway and my home’s in Oslo. Oslo is a big city. There are some nice shops, sports centres and cinemas. And there’s a swimming pool and a park near my home. My favourite sport is skiing but I also like football and volleyball. My school is called St Nicholas Primary School. It’s near my home. I’m in Year 5. There are twenty-seven students in my class. My best friends are Stig and Lars. We’ve got fifteen school subjects. My favourite subjects are Geography, History and Science but I also like PE and English.

1.    How old is Petter?


2.              Where’s his home?


3.              What’s his favourite sport?


4.              How many students are in his class?


5.              Who are his best friends?


6.              What are his three favourite subjects?

Score /6





Ex. 6. Uzupełnij litery w podpisach rysunków.


1.              ci_e_a


2.              _ _op


3.              r_ _l_a_   s_a_io_


Score /4

4.              _ar_


Ex. 7. Połacz fragmenty pytań.

1.              What’s your              a              any sisters?

2.              How old              b              a supermarket?

3.              Do you              c              happy?

4.              Has she got              d              a horse?

5.              Is there              e              your birthday?

6.              Does she play              f              are you?

7.              When is              g              table tennis?

8.              Are they              h              name?

9.   Can he ride                                     i    collect badges

Score /10

10. Can you                                j    speak English?

                                                                                             Ex. 8. Uzupełnij zdania nazwą odpowiedniego zwierzęcia.


  lion     stick insect     flamingo   bat     snake


1.              It can fly. It eats fruit and insects. It's                        a mammal.__________

2.              It can't swim. It eats leaves. It's got six  legs. ________

3.              It can run. It eats fish. It's pink._________

4.              It can run. It eats meat. It's dangerous to
              people. ________

Score /5

5.              It hasn't got legs. It can be dangerous to
              people. It's a reptile. _________


Ex.9. Zakreśl poprawną odpowiedź.

1.              Do you cycle to school?
              a  No, you don’t.    b  Yes, we do.
              c  Yes, they do.

2.              Can you speak English?
              a  No, I can’t.    b  Yes, you can.
              c  No, she can’t.

3.              Have giraffes got wings?
              a  No, they aren’t.    b No, they can’t.
              c  No, they haven’t.

4.              Has Dina got any sweets?
              a  Yes, she hasn’t.    b  Yes, she has.
              c  Yes, she’s got.

5.              Are you Russian?
a  No, I’m not.    b  No, I don’t.                          c  No, I am.

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