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Hello and welcome to Week Forty-Eight of The Jim Rohn One-Year Success Plan. We
hope your week is going great.
This week we begin Month Twelve - Leaving a Legacy. What a great subject to close out
our One-Year Plan.
I'd like to share with you a letter that I wrote to my mother on her 80th birthday. It speaks
both of the legacy she has been able to create and provide for her family and community
as well as the impact her legacy has had on my life and my family.
A Letter to My Mom on Her 80th Birthday
Obviously I could talk today about many different areas my mom has excelled in over the
years and made a positive difference in other people's lives. Whether it's been her
ministry, her catering business, her creative touch or her friendships, all of which she has
exemplified the principle of being faithful over what you have and letting God then
promote you. It seems that consistently her gift has always made room for itself and
propelled her into a big place.
But more important to me than any of that is the legacy she has been able to leave me
and my family. Almost on a daily basis I'm reminded of how blessed I am and have been.
I have a wonderful wife and two wonderful kids. We are all healthy and blessed. I have
really never known tragedy in my life. I live in America and am blessed by all the
freedom and richness that it represents. I drive on roads I didn't build, have daily
conveniences I never invented and enjoy freedoms I was never asked to fight for. And as
incredible as that is to me, equally as important, I was given an upbringing by my parents
that has made me very blessed indeed.
First and foremost I was given the gift of faith. I was raised in a house and environment
where my parents in both word and deed made sure God was first in our home. I always
had an example of my mom giving her time to the church and love towards its people -
from the perceived least to the greatest, she always was an example of giving to her faith.
I was given the gift of respecting other people. I don't recall my parents ever exemplifying
or showing prejudice towards others. I know they grew up in a different generation
where prejudice was more common, but that was not anything I ever saw.
I was given the gift of a strong work ethic. Laziness was never part of the scenery in my
childhood. My mom worked two jobs - her day job at the bank and her night and weekend
job - raising 4 kids. Only a parent with kids can fully appreciate the sacrifice and
persistence that required.
Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004
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I was given the gift of persistence and ingenuity. My mom has always found a way to just
get it done, and usually in her way and with her style. She's never been a clone. Her
persistence, creativeness and ingenuity have always been a great example to me of life's
infinite possibilities.
And I was given the gift of love. I've met people who have not felt loved by God or
loveable by man. I can honestly say that I have always known I'm loved by God and have
never once doubted my parents' love for me. Our home was a safe environment to be who
you are and to be accepted as you are.
Mother, beyond just my love and appreciation for you, I want to thank you again today,
on your 80th birthday for your gifts and legacy to me.
Your son,
Below Jim and Chris introduce the philosophy behind this powerful theme - Creating a
“The courage to do the right thing – to take a stand – to leave a legacy – does
not have to be created. It only must be set free.”
-- James A. Ray
Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004
Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004
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Jim Rohn's Twelfth Pillar of Success: Leaving A Legacy, Part
One - A Life Well-Lived
Hi, Jim Rohn here. Well, here we are--the home stretch. It has been a great year--and
only one month to go! We have lots of good stuff to cover in the final four weeks (and
then a bonus wrap-up week). We have talked about so many terrific topics--health,
finances, time management, leadership, personal development and the list goes on. Now,
here is where we bring it all together in this final month by taking an even broader
perspective, and that is the perspective of looking at what we do and how we live, in a
way that will make a difference even after we are gone.
Let's overview the month as we focus on leaving a legacy.
1. A Life Well-Lived. Week one of this month will cover the importance of leaving a
legacy of a life well-lived. We will see how our lives impact all those who follow behind
us. We will also introduce the topics we will review later in the month.
2. Principles to Live By. In week two we will cover key principles to live by that will
help you leave a legacy. These will be the foundations of a life that leaves an impact on
others. The principles we live by are the basis for the kind of legacy we will leave behind.
We will also begin our how-to's by looking at how to leave a relational legacy. All of life
is based on relationships, and we choose what direction those relationships go. We can
live our lives in such a way that when we are gone, people are impacted by the relational
legacy we left behind.
3. The Importance of a Spiritual Legacy and an Impact Legacy. Week three will
cover both how to leave a spiritual legacy as well as how to leave an "impact legacy."
The core of who we are as individuals is spiritual. We were created with the intention of
relating to God through our spiritual life. One of the greatest gifts we can leave behind is
a spiritual example and legacy. We will also talk about how to leave a life legacy that
impacts people. There are those who live on this earth and then just disappear, leaving
little more than a trace. Then there are others who by their legacy, live on through others
for years to come. We will talk about how to be the latter.
4. Financial Legacy. In week four we will look at leaving a business legacy, a financial
legacy and a family legacy. We will see how the businesses we operate have a deeper
impact than we might have imagined. We will talk about establishing a strong financial
base that will provide for others long-term. We will also look at one of the most
important aspects of legacy, those we touch most deeply--our family.
So let's talk about the topics for this week!
Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004
You know, I have had an amazing life. I have traveled the world. I have shared my heart
with so many wonderful people. I have been fortunate enough to make a great living and
enjoy the fruit of my work. I have met thousands of people who are dedicated to personal
development and self growth. I have made it my life's pursuit to teach others the
philosophies and actions that would help them achieve greatness and personal fulfillment
in their own lives. Forty years ago, it felt like it would never end. Today, I still imagine I
have many years left, but I am also more acutely aware than ever that there is much less
time left than before.
Being aware of this has made me even more clear about my goal of living well and
teaching others to do the same. Our One-Year Plan of Success is designed to help others
achieve all of their dreams and is part of one of the legacies I want to leave behind.
Leaving a legacy for others to follow is part of what drives me. I followed others who had
gone before me; they left a legacy for me. Now I am making sure that those who come
after me will have a trail to follow as well. You see, leaving a legacy is important.
Think about those who left a legacy for us to follow and for you
-- Your parents
-- Your grandparents
-- Your aunts and uncles
-- Your schoolteachers
-- Your coaches
-- Your neighbors where you grew up
For those of us in America (For our international 1-Year members, take a moment to
reflect on those leaders who helped form the foundations of your country):
The founding fathers of the U.S., who had a dream of a place of self-determination
Abraham Lincoln, who freed the slaves
FDR, who saw us through the great depression
The many men and women who defended our liberties through the wars of the 20th
century so we can live in freedom
JFK, who called us to space exploration and set us on course to have a man walk on the
Martin Luther King Jr. who left us a legacy to pursue the dream of racial equality
Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004
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