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This Effect is FREE Courtesy of:
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The Effect below is really the fusion of 2 separate tricks, both deliver very
impressive responses and can be performed individually in a variety of
different ways. The Verbal Forcing Technique is similar to the method
used by Derren Brown & is explained in his video “The Devils Own
Picture Book.” The Telephone effect is pure Mentalism.
The Effect demonstrates how the Subliminal Persuasion Techniques of
NLP, Hypnosis, & Verbal Manipulation can be combined with traditional
Mentalism (Mind Reading & Psychic Illusions, etc) routines, to create
something New & More Powerful.
This is just one simple facet of Subliminal Persuasion, there are some
much more Exciting possibilities contained within our book “Mind
Control NLP & Hypnosis.”
Whether you’re a performer, Curious about just How these effects are
possible, or want to use the persuasion techniques in your normal life, the
use of Mentalism can be extremely helpful when performing the real
persuasion techniques..
Firstly, Confidence is Absolutely Essential – both you and your subject
must have confidence in your abilities. Using Mentalism gives you an
opportunity to make 100% sure that you can successfully achieve your
goal – this is very important for you whilst Practising & Perfecting your
Secondly, by performing a couple of Mentalism Tricks first & Convincing
your Subject of your Abilities, You Will find much easier to effectively
perform, and they Will be much more receptive, to your use of the Real
Subliminal Persuasion Techniques.
Please read on to get a flavour of the Impressive ways that these
techniques can be combined – And remember, there are even more effects
for sale on our site.
Please also consider the value for money that you receive when you
purchase one of our books – There are some terribly expensive magic
books out there, and most don’t even begin to scratch the surface of the
topics that are thoroughly explained in ours.
Thank you!
100% Subliminal Force Technique
© 2004by David Shuttleworth
100% Subliminal Force Technique
Copyright Notice.
I am the sole author & copyright holder for the material that you will find in this
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any material form
including photocopying, electronically, or by any other means, without the written
permission of the copyright owner. The moral rights of the author have been asserted.
Please note that this book is not available from any other source except the author. If
you have bought it from any other source please request a refund and inform myself at
© 2004by David Shuttleworth
100% Subliminal Force Technique
Firstly let me thank you for buying this effect, I’m sure that you’ll have as much fun
and receive as much entertainment from performing it as I have. Its ideal for close up/
street magic and seems to work particularly well in the pub for some reason - if you’re
anything like me you’ll be using it in no time to either impress the ladies or win a few
drinks from them!
Obviously you don’t have to repeat everything below verbatim; you can adapt it as
you feel best. The aim is to have the volunteer arrive at a card predetermined by you,
using nothing more than subliminal verbal commands, although there is a handy
escape route just in case.
The Effect.
The following description of performing the effect is exactly as I use it, I’ve explained
it as if I’m actually performing it to attempt to give a flavour of what the spectators
I deliberately drive the conversation to the most recent episode of Derren Browns TV
show, and let them talk about some of the effects and give their weird and wonderful
explanations for them. You could equally well just ask “ Do you believe in telepathy,
and start from there, it’s really dependant upon the situation and the people that
you’re talking to. If you go with the Derren approach, then you’ll find this is most
impressive to people who actually believe that he uses psychological techniques to
control people’s minds – and in some small way that’s exactly what you’re going to
attempt to do in this trick.
The beauty of this trick, is that if your verbal manipulation doesn’t work, there’s a
100% guaranteed way out, which in itself is a most impressive trick indeed! The
conversation usually goes something like this:
Me: “Yeah, its really clever how he controls people. I can actually do some of the
same mind control things that he does.”
Them: “Prove it.” (the “ prove it ” bit usually comes after a lot of expletives or
general mickey taking because people tend to think that you’re just trying to show off,
and have absolutely no idea of how to perform any of the tricks – in fact many people
don’t believe that they’re tricks at all, which means that you’ll impress them even
Me: “Well, okay then, but it’ll only work if you genuinely want to see how it’s done. If
you try to make it not work then it won’t work, so just go with me on this and fairly
follow the instructions that I give to you. Okay?”
© 2004by David Shuttleworth
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