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TEST 3                           POINTS: 50                                         PASS: 30


Present continuous i jego użycie dla czynności przyszłych.

1.      (Who / play) ……………….. next?

2.      (Laura / not driver) ……………………..to London tomorrow.

3.      (We / spend) …………………. a party next Saturday.

4.      (They / buy) …………………….. a new car in June.

5.      (My grandparents / move) ………………………… to Spain in holidays.    (5)


Uzupelnij zdania czasownikami w czasie przeszłym (regularne)

1.      The woman (thank) …………. the doctor.

2.      The boy and the doctor (walk) …………….to a nearby street.

3.      The boy (point) …………. to his mother.

4.      The doctor (explain) ………….that the person to thank was the woman’s son.

5.      The boy (ask) …………..the doctor to help his mother.

6.      The doctor (treat) ……………. the woman in hospital and (save) …………… her life.    (7)


Uzupelnij krotkie odpowiedzi

1. Did you buy a book?   Yes, …..

2. Were you at school?   No, ……..

3. Was she Polish?    Yes, …………..

4. Did he go to a dentist? No, ………….

5. Were the boys in the swimming pool?  Yes, …………

6. Was he angry with you? No, …………..

7. Did you move to London last year? Yes, ………                                               (7)


Uzyj czasownika z koncowka ing aby uzupelnic zdania.


ride     eat     go   drive    listen       read


1.      I hate ………….. to the dentist.

2.      She likes ………….pizza.

3.      They love ……………….books.

4.      We rather don’t enjoy …………. to hip-hop music.

5.      I prefer ……… a car to ………… a bike.                                                   (6)


Uzupelnij zdania za pomoca which, where, who


1.       Aviemore is a place in the Scottish Highlands ................ peple ski.

2.       Robert Louis Stevenson was a Scottish writer ............... wrote Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

3.       Gaelic is a language ..................... is only spoken by a few people.

4.       The golden eagle is a rare bird ................. lives in the Scottish Highlands.

5.       Harris is the name of the island .................. they make Harris tweed.                    (5)



Przekształć zdania tak, aby zastąpić określniki dzierżawcze właściwymi zaimkami dzierżawczymi:

Np. This is my book. This book is mine.


1.      Those aren’t his pens. .....................................................................................................

2.      That is her car. ............................................................................................................

3.      These are their drawings. ................................................................................................

4.      Is this your computer? ......................................................................................................

5.      Are those our sandwiches? ...............................................................................................

6.      This isn’t my coat. ............................................................................................................

7.      Is this his key? ..................................................................................................................

8.      This is our new car. ........................................................................................................

9.      That is their boat. ............................................................................................................

10.  These aren’t your fishing tackles. ..............................................................................(10)


Wypisz co najmniej 5 szkolnych przedmiotow i 5 dowolnych przymiotnikow, jakie znasz. (10)

Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin