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Preface by S.J. Haddad
Electronic Edition by
Spiritist Alliance for Books
Knocking at the Door — ever since the appearance of man on Earth, the Spirit world has,
in many ways, knocked at the door of man’s attention. However, not until the turn of the century
was man enabled to make a clearer idea, based on scientific investigation, of the invisible world
and its laws.
Much as it is the case with the advancement of other scientific discoveries, this unique
branch of knowledge, could not but make its progress, and produce the remarkable results further
referred to in this introduction.
A World in Transition — In a message received recently by Francisco Cândido Xavier, in
New York City, we are told that the world is now in a time of transition. That, while science has
commanded material progress, the realm of the spirit still suffers from the same illnesses of
centuries ago. There is affliction and despair, and darkness invades the souls of men.
It is because of this, that the powers of faith are now united and everywhere manifesting,
to give the best they have in their help to Humanity. As part of this effort we would point out the
message that comes to us from Brazil’s Christian Spirit Doctrine, in a gesture of sublime
Christian brotherliness and understanding, by the regenerating voices of he benevolent and Wise
Spiritual Beings who speak in this book.
Concept of Christian Mediumship — the faculty of mediumship, to be found in an ever
increasing number of people, does not necessarily imply, in itself, the high or low morality of the
one who possesses it. Like the many other gifts which people receive on the Earth, as a sign of
God’s mercy, mediumship can be used on a higher or lower level, producing in turn results of
higher or lower qualities.
As in any other field of human behavior, mediumship at its best, must, at all cost,
conform to the same standards as taught and exemplified by the Master Jesus.
To emphasize the concept of Christian mediumship, is one of the objects of this book. In
between the lines of these pages the reader will perceive a stream of spiritual beauty, which
could only flow unencumbered as a result of this lofty concept of Christian mediumship.
How This Book Was Received — The pages of this book were received through automatic
writing by our two friends Francisco Cândido Xavier and Dr. Waldo Vieira, both Brazilian
mediums. 1 Mr. Xavier is a retired Government employee and Dr. Vieira a physician. the reader is
no doubt acquainted with automatic writing or psychographic mediumship. However, as regards
the present book, you may want to ask: “What is the mediumship of the Christian Spirit doctrine
in Brazil?”
We will answer with the presentation of a message by a spiritual friend, dictated in
English to the physician medium Dr. Waldo Vieira, in an evening session of July, 1965, held in
New York City. The following is the message:
The subject about the phenomena of mediumship was initiated a little over a century ago.
Everywhere spirit entities revealed survival hereafter with rapping and lights.
Psychic experience was repeated over and over.
Now it is called “extrasensory perception”. What is it, asks science; will it be a new kind
of miracle? In the same way, we explain that “extrasensory perception” is mediumship and
1 Mr. Xavier received the chapters of odd numbers and Dr. Vieira the even ones.
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