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CAE Handbook
General Description
Task Types
Paper Format
Multiple matching, multiple choice, gapped text.
The paper contains four parts. Each part contains a text and
corresponding comprehension tasks. A text may consist of
several short pieces.
Task Focus
Understanding gist, main points, detail, text structure or
specific information, deducing meaning or recognising
Number of Questions
Approximately 45.
Length of Texts
For all parts of this paper, candidates indicate their answers
by shading the correct lozenges on an answer sheet.
3,000 words approximately overall; 450 – 1,200 words
approximately per text.
Text Types
1 hour 15 minutes.
From the following: newspapers, magazines, journals, non-
literary books, leaflets, brochures, etc.
From the following: informational, descriptive, narrative,
persuasive, opinion/comment, advice/instructional,
One mark is given for each correct answer to the multiple-
matching tasks; two marks are given for each correct answer
to the multiple-choice and gapped-text tasks.
Task Type
and Focus
Number of
Task Format
Multiple matching
Main focus: specific
A text preceded by multiple-matching questions.
Candidates must match a prompt from one list to a
prompt in another list, or match prompts to sections in
the text.
Gapped text
Main focus: text structure
6 or 7
A text from which paragraphs have been removed and
placed in jumbled order after the text. Candidates must
decide from where in the text the paragraphs have been
Multiple choice
Main focus: detail, gist,
A text followed by four-option multiple-choice
Multiple matching
Main focus: specific
As Part 1.
Page 9
Students should practise skimming and scanning texts,
looking for sections of the text which are close in meaning to
the wording of the questions. They should be discouraged
from selecting an answer solely on the basis of lexical
proximity, however, since careful reading of a particular part
of the text is required to ensure an accurate match in terms
of meaning. Candidates need practice in doing multiple-
matching tasks within a certain time-limit and without
recourse to a dictionary.
The Reading paper consists of four parts, tested by means of
different types of task. The range of texts and task types
which appear on the Reading paper is intended to encourage
familiarity with texts from a range of sources, written for
different purposes and presented in different formats. The
Reading paper aims to test skills which reflect the real-world
needs of learners/users of English at an advanced level, i.e.
the ability to process large quantities of text in real time.
Part 2 , the gapped-text task, tests understanding of how texts
are structured and the ability to predict text development.
The task requires candidates to select from a number of
choices the paragraphs which fit the gaps in a text; only one
answer is correct in each case. The task consists of a single-
page gapped text followed by the extracts from the text and
one extra paragraph which does not fit in any of the gaps.
Candidates should be trained to read the gapped text first in
order to gain an overall idea of the structure and the
meaning of the text, and to notice carefully the information
and ideas before and after each gap as well as throughout
the whole of the gapped text. The way in which a text has
been gapped may require the reader to consider large
sections of the text, including more than one gap, in order to
reconstitute a particular part of the text. Candidates should
be trained to consider the development of the text as a
whole, and not to focus on each gap separately. Sometimes
candidates will need to choose carefully between two
extracts as possible answers and will need practice in
making decisions about which is the most logical extract to
fill the particular gap. Practice is needed in a wide range of
linguistic devices which mark the logical and cohesive
development of a text, e.g. words and phrases indicating
time, cause and effect, contrasting arguments, pronouns,
repetition, use of verb tenses.
The variety of sources used for texts on the Reading paper is
reflected in the contents of coursebooks and skills books
available for CAE students. Students should also be
encouraged to read widely outside the classroom, for their
own needs and interests.
Task Focus and Format
The task formats included on the Reading paper indicate the
main purposes for reading.
Part 1 of the paper, the first multiple-matching task, tests the
ability to locate particular information, including opinion or
attitude, by skimming and scanning a text. The task consists
of one or two sets of questions followed by a single page of
text; the text may be continuous, or consist of a group of
short texts or of a text divided into sections. Candidates are
required to match the questions with the relevant
information from the text. Some of the options will be
correct for more than one question, and there may be more
than one correct answer to some questions; if so, the
instructions to candidates will indicate this. The range of
possible answers may be presented in the form of a list of,
for example, names of people or places, titles of books or
films or types of occupation. The questions for the multiple-
matching task are printed before the text so that the
candidate knows what to look for in the text. Where the text
is made up of several sections or shorter texts, it can be
helpful to skim the whole text before scanning it for the
specific information required. Candidates should notice the
particular wording of questions since these are intended to
lead the reader to specific information and to disregard
irrelevant information. Candidates should practise scanning
texts for particular information required and not feel that
they must read every word in the text.
Candidates should beware of approaching the gapped-text
task as an exercise requiring them merely to identify extracts
from the text and sections in the text containing the same
words, including names and dates; the task is designed to
test understanding of the development of ideas, opinions,
events rather than the superficial recognition of individual
Part 3 , the multiple-choice task, tests detailed understanding
of a text, including opinions and attitudes expressed in it.
Candidates need to read the text closely in order to
distinguish between, for example, apparently similar
viewpoints, outcomes, reasons. The task consists of a single-
page text followed by a number of questions; the questions
are presented in the same order as the information in the text
so that candidates can follow the development of the text.
The final question may depend on interpretation of the text
as a whole, e.g. the writer’s purpose, attitude or opinion.
Candidates should read each question very carefully, as well
as the four possible answers. The questions can be answered
correctly only by close reference to the text.
In preparing for Part 1 of the CAE Reading paper, candidates
should practise reading the instructions carefully and
noticing the information provided in the instructions
regarding the type of text, its content and the precise nature
of the multiple-matching task. It can be helpful for students
to underline key words in the questions as this helps when
trying to find the information in the text which provides the
Page 10
Candidates should be encouraged to read the text before
reading the multiple-choice questions.
Preparation for the multiple-choice task should include
practice in reading a text quickly for a first overall
impression, followed by close reading of the text in order to
prevent any misunderstandings which may lead candidates
to choose an answer subsequently proved wrong.
Part 4 of the Reading paper complements Part 1; both are
multiple-matching tasks, testing candidates’ ability to locate
specific information in a text. The task usually requires
candidates to scan a two-page text; this may be continuous
or made up of a group of shorter texts or sections of text. The
advice on preparation for Part 1 also applies to
Part 4; in addition, candidates should be reminded to fold
out the second page of the text so that all the information is
available to them simultaneously.
When preparing for the examination, it is helpful for
candidates to spend time going through past papers. The
Reading paper has a standard structure and format so that
candidates will know, in general terms, what to expect in
each part of the paper. The number of questions within a
task may vary for different Reading tests.
It is important to familiarise candidates with the instructions
on the front page of the question paper, and for each part of
the test; candidates should also be familiar with the
technique of indicating their answers on the separate answer
sheet so that they can do this quickly and accurately. Some
candidates prefer to transfer their answers at the end of each
task rather than wait until the end of the examination, in
case they do not finish the paper.
Page 11
Part 1
Travel Companions
Indicate your answers on the separate answer sheet.
I have this problem with
guide books. I read too
many hurriedly (usually on
a plane) and then forget
them and my debt to them.
When I’m travelling, I soon learn
which to reach for first (perhaps
the safest indicator of which is
best). But a few countries later I
have forgotten perhaps not which I
chose, but almost certainly why.
Good ones are the kick-start for
the experience, rather than the
experience itself.
So, drawing up a shortlist of
the best guide book series seemed
a touch high-handed – especially
when you add the vagaries of the
series to the equation, for even
the best produces its share of
hopeless volumes.
What turned it into the confident
work of minutes rather than days
of agonising was a simple and,
once I had thought of it, obvious
test. All that was necessary was
to imagine I was going some-
where I knew absolutely nothing
about and ask myself what guide
books I would look at first. The
efficacy of this ploy was such
that, when I asked a few other
people to do the same, it came as
no surprise to find that we were
in almost total agreement.
The first two were the easiest.
Without any question my first
stop would be the Lonely Planet
and the Rough Guide series. I
couldn’t, and wouldn’t, choose
between them in advance. There
is more between titles within the
series than there is between the
series themselves. If both
covered my destinations (as they
usually do), I would want them
both in my hand luggage.
Both are practical and tell you
the things you really want to
know (such as where to get a
good cheap meal, and the bus to
your next destination). Both
started with the young backpacker
in mind, and both are now
broadening their target readership
to include the more affluent 30-
plus reader.
The R ough Guides , perhaps
the more even of the two series,
tend to be stronger on Europe and
the cultural background, and the
more obsessed with what is now
termed political correctness (yet
they rarely have anything to do
with politics).
the book itself. For instance, the
Caribbean I s lands Handbook
from the dourly named Trade
and Travel Publications had also
accompanied me around the
Caribbean. This comes from the
same stable as the South
American Handbook , now in its
70th edition, and widely held to
be the greatest guide book of all
For erudition and encyclopedic
scope, the South American
volume is without equal. But,
though not without a certain wry
humour (and on occasions
a barely suppressed joy at
unearthing arcane information),
one wishes it would allow itself
to be outrageously subjective
once in a while. This probably
explains why it was rarely the
first I reached for. The Caribbean
is a place for colour and gut
reactions, rather than deadpan
The Michelin green guides are
good value and manage the
balancing act between opinion
and solid information to per-
fection. Michelin’s star system
(from three for ‘worth the
journey’ downwards) tells the
newcomer to a region exactly
what and where its priorities are,
and is the best aid to planning an
itinerary from scratch that I
know. There is nothing on
restaurants and hotels, of course,
and the red guides with which the
green mesh ingeniously, though
excellent works of reference in
their way, do not entirely fill
the gap. Michelin is no good
on atmosphere – or people.
Personally, they interest me more
than buildings and museums.
The future almost certainly
lies with more graphically
adventurous guides. Among
those warranting honourable
mention are the Access series on
American and European cities,
with its user-friendly layout, and
the stunning artwork of the new,
and few, Everyman guides,
which are literally a joy to hold.
In this video age, it will no longer
be enough to tell people how to
use the buses. You need to show
them the ticket machines, too .
Mark Ottaway looks at the best
travel guide books available
The Lonely Planets are
usually stronger east of Suez, and
capture the sheer joy of travelling
somewhat better. Neither objects
to the generalisation that the
Rough Guides are travels by
writers, whereas their Australian
rivals are written by travellers.
To complain, as critics
occasionally have, that these
guides are guilty of attracting too
many people to unspoiled spots,
is to miss the point. It proves that
both series are good guide books.
The Rough Guide empire
emerged from unpromising be-
ginnings. The very first one,
written 10 years ago, was the
book on Greece its young authors
wanted, but couldn’t find. It had
many defects not worth dwelling
on now (the current edition is
excellent), but for similar reasons
I was slow to appreciate the value
of the Cadogan series. Its Greek
volume, by its most prolific
author, is widely admired. But I
have rarely found it worth
It was not until a recent trawl
of Caribbean islands that I found
the Cadogan volume was the one
I was reaching for first. It was the
one which really captured the
‘feel’of the islands. It also had
reliable recommendations.
Further investigation revealed
the series to be the best-written of
all, with a record of bringing on
promising young writers, as well
as capturing such established
stars as Michael Haag, whose
Egypt it has just published.
Prague , New York , Portugal and
Morocco are particularly good
The best book for a
destination depends on the
destination and you, as well as on
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Part 2
A He actually started toying with the team and
trying to gain attention. He would increase
his heart rate and show distress so a team
member had to quickly suit up to check him
over. But as the person entered the pool,
his heart rate returned to normal.
E However, by the time they arrived, the
dolphin had started to swim unsupported.
The press picked up on the story and
descended on the Sea Life Centre wanting
stories, pictures and any information they
could get hold of. And they wanted a name.
Mark and the other team members had a
hasty think and came up with 'Muddy' – after
all, it was found at Mudeford.
For questions 18–23, choose which of the paragraphs A–G on page 5 fit into the numbered gaps in the
following magazine article. There is one extra paragraph which does not fit in any of the gaps. Indicate
your answers on the separate answer sheet.
B It is large but has only a small opening so,
once in, getting out isn't easy. The boats at
the event would have panicked the creature
and it ended up beached, battered and
drained of energy.
F Now the battle to save its life could begin,
but a transportation problem arose. How do
you get a grown dolphin back to the Sea Life
Centre without a vehicle big enough?
C The story actually appeared in several
national newspapers as well as the local
press. Publicity is very important for
charities like the Marine Life Rescue,
providing precious exposure which pleases
the sponsor companies and highlights the
team's work.
G The creature was so weakened by the
ordeal that it could not even keep itself afloat
and had to be walked in the tank to stop it
from just sinking to the bottom and
drowning. Most people can only walk a
dolphin for around 20 minutes to half an
hour. Holding a 150 kg animal away from
your body and walking through water at sea
temperature saps your strength.
D Luck then seemed to be on the team's side
when a double-glazing van-driver stopped to
investigate. The driver offered his services
to transport the dolphin back to the Sea Life
Centre and a lady spectator gave the team a
brand new cooler box to store valuable
water to keep the dolphin moist.
Remember to put your answers on the separate answer sheet.
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