Thanksgiving Vocabulary.doc

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Thanksgiving Vocabulary

Thanksgiving Vocabulary

to commemorate

V. to be in memory of; to celebrate or mark a special event in history




N. much argument or debate



to cooperate

V. to work together



a dish

N. a particular food served during a meal




Adj. able to be eaten



a feast

N. a huge meal in celebration of something



a legend

N. a traditional story passed from generation to generation 



to live off

V. to survive from a particular source




N. being treated cruelly because of one's political or religious beliefs



a pilgrim

N. a person who travels a long way for religious purposes

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Nadia: Why do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving?
Sarah: As children, we learn that Thanksgiving is a holiday of and survival. We read stories of how the left England because of religious and came to the New World in search of a place where they could live peacefully and practice their religion. They arrived in a place called Plymouth Rock and established a settlement there. At first they had many problems. They weren't able the land here because everything was so new to them. They didn't know how to hunt the animals, and they didn't know which plants were . We learn that the Wampanoag Indians taught them how to survive and feed themselves. Out of gratitude, the English colonists invited the Indians to a huge to thank them for their help.
Nadia: Do you think the stories are true?
Sarah: Well, I think there is probably some truth to them, but they have probably been a little simplified. I am sure the arrival at Plymouth Rock was far more complicated and confused than our suggest. In recent years, there has been some over certain holidays such as Thanksgiving and Columbus Day. It has been suggested that our memories of the past might have been cleaned up a little to make us feel better about our history.
Nadia: Well, at least it is a nice story. I like the idea of a holiday which the colonists and the Indians working together... even if it isn't totally based in fact.
Sarah: I do too. And it's also great to have a holiday where you take the time to get together with your family and make traditional foods like roast turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.
Nadia: I have never had any of those .
Sarah: Well then why don't you spend Thanksgiving with us. My grandmother makes the best pumpkin pie in the country.
Nadia: Sounds great!

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