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I. Wybierz właściwe tłumaczenie.

1.      Zenon może być w ogrodzie.
a. Zenon must be in the garden.
b. Zenon may is in the garden.
c. Zenon may be in the garden.
d. Zenon maybe be in the garden.

2.      Chciałbym umieć prowadzić samochód.
a. I’d like to can to drive a car.
b. I’d like to be able drive a car.
c. I’d like to can drive a car.
d. I’d like to be able to drive a car.

3.      Niepotrzebnie przyniosłeś te kwiaty.
a. You can’t have brought those flowers.
b. You needn’t have brought those flowers.
c. You should have brought those flowers.
d. You shouldn’t bring those flowers.

4.      Jak śmiesz mówić do mnie w ten sposób?
a. How can you talk to me like that?
b. How do you dare talk to me like that?
c. How dare you to talk to me like that?
d. How dare you talk to me like that?

5.      Dzieciom nie wolno się tutaj bawić.
a. Children don’t have to play here.
b. Children shouldn’t play here.
c. Children mustn’t play here.
d. Children don’t can play here.

II. Wyjaśnij różnice pomiędzy zdaniami.

1.      i. She had to leave for school already.
ii. She must have left for school already.

2.      i. It might have been Peter.
ii. It must have been Peter.

3.      i. She needn’t have bought this costume.
ii. She didn’t need to buy this costume.

4.      i. You could have been hurt!
ii. You must have been hurt!

5.      i. The Sultan could buy it.
ii. The Sultan could have bought it.



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