How we celebrate Christmas.doc

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How we celebrate Christmas

How we celebrate Christmas


Christmas is the most important holiday for Polish people. Everyone likes it. We associate Christmas time with snow and Christmas tree. First we do Christmas shopping and clean houses. We buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with balls, sweets and electric lights. Next we buy presents for our families. Then we prepare Christmas dishes. Traditionally there are twelve dishes for the Christmas Eve supper. They are for example: red borsch, pies or sour cabbage with mushrooms, fish /usually carp/ and poppy seed cake. There is a tradition of putting one extra plate for an unexpected guest. Before we start eating we shave the wafers. After supper we open the presents and sing Christmas cards. At midnight we go to church.

The first day of Christmas, December 25, is usually spent at home. Work is forbidden. It is believed that washing hands with silver coins in the morning may bring money. On that day carol – singers dressed as an angel, a devil, King Herod or Death visit people’s houses. They sing cards and play various scenes from the Bible.

The second day of Christmas is spent in a different way. From that day the Carnival begins.

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