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Phrasal Verb

Phrasal Verb Dictionary


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1.  A phrasal verb is a verb plus a preposition which creates a meaning different from the original verb.

I ran into my teacher at the movies last night.

You didn't physically run into your teacher, but you met your teacher unexpectedly.

2. A phrasal verb can be transitive or intransitive.

A transitive verb is followed by an object.

 I made up the story.
An intransitive verb is not followed by an object.

He suddenly showed up.

3. Transitive phrasal verbs can be separable or non-separable.

Separable verbs take the object between the verb and the preposition:

I talked into my mother letting me borrow the car. Not Correct
I talked my mother into letting me borrow the car. Correct

Note: "talk into" is separable

Non-separable verbs take the object after the preposition:

I ran my sister into. Not Correct
I ran into my sister. Correct

Note: "run into" is non-separable

Some phrasal verbs can take a preposition in both places.

I made an excuse up. Correct
I made up an excuse. Correct

Note: make up is both separable and non-seperable

4. In this phrasal verb dictionary, the following symbols will be used with transitive phrasal verbs to indicate whether they are separable, non-separable or take prepositions in both places: 

+ non-separable
EXAMPLE: run into +

* separable
EXAMPLE: talk * into

*  +  Indicates that an object can be placed in both positions
EXAMPLE: made * up +



Phrasal Verb



act up

behave or function improperly

I think I need to take my car to the mechanic because it's acting up again.

add * up +

calculat a sum

I added up the receipts and it totaled $135.46.

add up to +

equal an amount

The total expenses added up to $325.00. 

add up

make sense

Her story doesn't add up. I think she is lying.

ask * out +

invite on a date

I can't believe that Joe finally asked me out on a date!

ask * over +

invite to one's home

Why don't we ask the Johnsons over for dinner?



Phrasal Verb



back down

stop defending your opinion in a debate

Jane never backs down. She always wins arguments.

back out

not keep (a promise, agreement,deal)

Sam backed out at the last second.

back out of +

not keep (a promise, agreement, deal)

Sam backed out of the agreement at the last second.

back * up +

give support

You need examples to back up your opinion. 

back up

move backwards, reverse

Could you back up a little so I can open this drawer.

bawl * out 

criticize, reprimand (inf.)

She bawled him out for arriving late.

bear down on +


The soldier had to bear down on the leather strap while the doctor removed a bullet from the soldier's arm.

bear down on +

take strong measures against

The U.S.A. is bearing down on drug traffickers.

bear on +

have to do with

This information may bear on this case.

bear up


I didn't think he would bear up so well in that situation.

bear up under +


How did he bear up under such extreme pressure.

bear with +

be patient

Please bear with me while I fill out the paperwork.

blow in

visit unexpectedly (inf.)

My cousin blew in unexpectedly with his entire family.

blow over

pass without creating a problem

All this negative publicity will blow over in a couple of weeks.

blow * up +

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