My Daughter's Lesbian Seduction 3(1).txt

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My Daughter's Lesbian Seduction 3

My husband Tom had not returned from England yet and my daughter Carrie and
I really needed to satisfy our growing lesbian sex needs.  Carrie had
totally seduced my husband's ex-wife and had made her into a lesbian in
about 20 minutes of mind blowing lesbian sex.  Carrie has one of those
incredibly sexy girl
bodies and she has an unbelievably sexy body and a beautiful face.  Her body
and legs are quite slim and her pussy is so smooth that when she wants to
seduce a woman, she knows exactly how to keep the focus on how incredible
she will make the woman feel.  When we went to Anna's woman's club in
Toronto, it was amazing.  Carrie could just have any woman she wanted.  They
couldn't get enough of having this beautiful little girl just suck them into
lesbian sex heaven.  But what drove them all wild was sucking on Carrie's
perfect little pussy slit which would just ooze pussy juice and send these
women into a lesbian craze that they couldn't get enough of.

I was becoming more and more addicted to lesbian sex as the days passed.
But what I was really becoming addicted to was seducing straight women.
This was becoming something of a passion in me.  It was turning out to be so
easy to do.  And with Carrie, it was a breeze.  We could have any woman we
wanted.    So it was getting to the point where I was wanting to find women
who wouldn't ever consider having lesbian sex or who weren't even
particularly sexually oriented.  If I (or Carrie and I) could convert these
women to be lesbians, the high from this was enormous and I kept needing to
do it more and more.  For Carrie, it had become an addiction.  As her
mother, I should have been concerned but the fact was that I would often cum
and cum just watching her seduce any woman she wanted to.  It's amazing the
sexual power she (and I) have over other women.  Probably because they all
want to be lesbians and we're just relentlessly going after that.  There's
times I watch Carrie as she lets a woman suck on her little pussy and I hear
her "OHHH just suck my pussy and make it cum in your mouth.   I'll squirt my
little girl pussy juice all out and you can suck me and make my pussy cum
and cum.  I'll make you into a lesbian and you can suck my pussy whenever
you want.  I can make you all wet and suck and lick your pussy slit until
you can't stop and you'll only ever want lesbians after this."  Then I'd
hear the woman say something like "Please don't tell anyone else about this.
  But I can't stop.  I need to keep sucking on your heavenly little lesbian
pussy and make your pussy juice leak all out.  I want to make you cum in my
mouth while I'm sucking you to heaven."  This is how every single encounter
went.  Carrie was a perfect little lesbian seducer and every single woman
she had sex with wanted more than anything else to know she could have
lesbian sex with Carrie again.

Well, we were wanting to seduce someone who might be a little more resistant
to a lesbian seduction.  We wanted to find out if there was at least one
woman who wouldn't submit to total lesbian sex addiction.  I came up with a
great idea and decided to set it in motion.

Our local church minister was new to the community.  He was very young and
it was his first assignment as a minister.  He was about 28 years old, fresh
from divinity school.  His wife was this very conservative, attractive woman
about 25.  She was very quiet and quite religious.  When they move here, her
sister came with them.  She was about 16 and also quite conservative in her
dress and behavior.  The minister's name was Edward.  His wife was Gail and
Gail's sister was Cathy.

Although I never had gone to church in this community, they kept sending
flyers around about the weekly women's group that was run by Gail and met to
discuss issues about spirituality with regards to women.  I had heard that
these sessions were not very well attended but Gail kept trying to get
people out by
delivering flyers door to door every month or so.  By total coincidence, the
day after I had devised my scheme, Gail came to our door delivering the

"Hi Wendy.  I'm continuing to run the woman's group every Saturday.  If
you'd like to attend, you'd be more than welcome.  Perhaps you could bring
Carrie with you."  Gail said.

"Well, lately I've been thinking that Carrie could use a little one on one
attention and I was going to get around to asking you if you'd like to come
by with Cathy and spend some time with me and Carrie - just the girls if you
know what I mean.  We could talk and get to know each other a little bit
better,"  I said.

I guess Gail sensed an opportunity to do a little proselytizing so she said,
"I'd love to and I think it's a great idea to include Cathy.  Maybe Carrie
would feel a little more comfortable with someone closer to her age."

"How about Friday evening.  Tom's out of town and we would have the place to
ourselves."  I said.

"That sounds great.  We'll come by at 8," Gail answered.

Friday night arrived and I had spent the day grooming myself and making
myself look absolutely smashing.  I had shaved myself completely smooth in
preparation for Gail and Cathy.  Carrie was wearing a short crop top that
came to just below her little breasts but it was tight and a little bit
see-through so you could barely make out her nipples.  I was wearing shorts
and a tank top.

The doorbell rang and I answered.  "Hi Gail.  Hi Cathy.  Come on in and make
yourselves comfortable."  Gail was wearing conservative shorts, a loose
fitting t-shirt and she had on her glasses.  She was a very attractive
25-year-old woman who was in particularly good shape.   Cathy had on quite
tight fitting shorts
and t-shirt, which showed a firm shapely body.  Both women were very good

I said, "Here, sit down and let me get us something to drink.  How about a
vodka and orange for you Gail and a coke for Cathy?"

Gail hesitated. "I don't normally drink but perhaps I'll have one ..

"Carrie, why don't you show Cathy around the place and I'll spend some time
with Gail."

"Okay mom," Carrie said and she and Cathy went upstairs.

"So Wendy, was there anything in particular that you wanted to talk about
with me tonight?" Gail asked.

"Well, actually there is.  You see, Carrie and I just went out east for a
trip to a friend's place in Toronto and we had an unusual experience that
seems to have had quite an effect on our lives.  I'm not quite sure how to
start here so I'll just jump right in.  When we were in Toronto, Anna, my
friend, introduced to this woman Karen.  She was 26, very, very beautiful
and she was a lesbian.  Not only was she a lesbian but she was quite expert
at seducing straight women.  While we were there, I was talking to Tom on
the phone and she came in and said 'Don't let Tom know I'm here...don't say
a word but I'm going to make you feel better than anyone has ever made you
feel.  I'm a lesbian and I'm going to make your pussy cum better than any
man ever has'.  Then she leaned back and pulled her skirt down and her
panties and showed me a completely shaved pussy.  I know it was wrong but I
was starting to get excited.  I'm only human and this woman was an expert
lesbian seductress.  She started to stroke her pussy slit so gently and I
could see pussy juice leaking out from her slit and she kept touching it and
moaning.  Then she leaned over and kissed me gently on my mouth.  Tom was
talking the whole time but I couldn't help feeling very aroused from what
this lesbian goddess was doing to me.  I don't know if you've ever had
lesbian sex Gail, but this was starting to really get erotic.  She then
pulled down my skirt and panties and started sucking on my pussy.  She said
'Wendy, I'm going to make you into a lesbian.  It's the very best.  Having a
woman suck
you to orgasm.  She knows just how to suck to make your pussy juice come out
and make you cum and cum and cum.'  Well Gail, she was right!  I started
cumming and cumming and I couldn't stop.  And the more I came, the more she
sucked on my pussy and making me cum more and more.  Her beautiful soft lips
just surrounded my clit and drove me into a lesbian sex frenzy that I can't
get out of my mind.  I've had to have lesbian sex with other women since
then.  The amazing thing is, that so many women want lesbian sex, it's too
easy to have."  I finished this seductive talk and looked at Gail to see her
reaction.  I knew that Carrie would be keeping Cathy busy upstairs in order
to let me have time with Gail.

"I-I-I don't know what to say Wendy.  I-I-I'm stuck for words.  I don't have
any experience with this.  Are you asking me to help you?"  she stammered.

"No, I'm not asking for help.  I'm addicted to lesbians.  I can't get
enough.  Do you know how good it feels Gail?  Your husband couldn't even
come close to making you cum like I could."  I then took a chance and stood
up, lowered my shorts and panties and sat down, spread my legs and showed
Gail my completely
shaved pussy, which was now oozing sex juice.  I started stroking my slit
very slowly and gently and talked to Gail.  "OHHH Gail, imagine just putting
your lips around my pussy and licking me and making me cum.  Giving me a
beautiful cum.  You could do that so easily.  Edward would never have to
know.  You would
become so addicted to lesbians you wouldn't be able to stop.  I know you
think it's wrong but it is the very, very best sex you could ever have.
Look at my pussy.  It needs to have a lesbian suck it and lick it and make
it cum.  OHH Gail, it feels soooo good.  I know you want to try it.  Every
woman is a lesbian and you're no exception.  Why should you miss out on what...
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