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in broad daylight [w biały dzień]

in broad daylight   [w biały dzień]

              The thief stole the car in broad daylight.

under the weather   [kiepsko, pod psem]

              I feel a bit under the weather today.

on the tip of one's tongue   [na czubku języka]

              I've got it on the tip of my tongue.

a skeleton in the cupboard   [wielka tajemnica]

              Many famous people have a skeleton in the cupboard.

a blessing in disguise   [szczęście w nieszczęściu]

              The storm was a blessing in disguise because it kept us at home when you phoned.

the bottom line   [sedno sprawy]

              What's the bottom line?

              The bottom line is that...

(to take) a wild guess   [zgadywać na chybił-trafił]

              How did you know? ~ Just a wild guess.

(to be) all set (for sth.)   [być gotowym do]

              (Are you) all set for your trip, Tony?

to be all ears   [zamieniać się w słuch]

              Tell us what happened. We're all ears.

to catch sb. red-handed   [złapać na gorącym uczynku]

              Many car thieves are caught red-handed.

to start the ball rolling   [na dobry początek]

              OK, to start the ball rolling, how about lunch?

to beat about the bush   [owijać w bawełnę]

              Stop beating about the bush and tell me what you know.

to drive sb. crazy / mad / nuts / bananas / up the wall   [doprowadzać do szału]

              Stop driving me crazy!

              You're driving me nuts!

to kick the bucket = to kick off   [kopnąć w kalendarz, wykitować]

              My cat kicked off last night.

to stab sb. in the back   [wbić nóż w plecy]

              I thought we were friends! Why did you stab me in the back?

to lose one's head   [stracić głowę]

              I'm sorry. I got upset and lost my head.

to lose one's temper   [stracić panowanie nad sobą]

              I'm sorry that I lost my temper.

to pull sb.'s leg   [nabierać]

              What? You're pulling my leg.

to bite one's tongue   [ugryźć się w język]

              I had to bite my tongue to keep from telling her what I really thought.

to give / lend sb. a hand   [pomóc]

              Mike, could you give me a hand with this suitcase?

to give sb. a lift / ride   [podwieźć, podrzucić]

              Tom, could you give me a lift to the station?

to be / get out of breath   [być zdyszanym, stracić oddech]

              I ran so fast that I got out of breath.

to catch one's breath   [złapać oddech]

              I ran so fast that it took ten minutes to catch my breath.

to drop sb. a line   [skrobnąć do]

              Drop me a line when you know your exam results.

to keep sb. posted   [informować na bieżąco]

              There's no news about Jack at the moment, but I'll keep you posted.

to keep an eye on sb. / sth.   [pilnować, mieć oko na]

              Can you keep an eye on the baby for a moment, please?

to let sb. know   [powiadomić]

              Let me know when you've made up your mind.

to ask / look for trouble   [szukać kłopotów, szukać guza]

              You're asking for trouble!

              Are you looking for trouble?

to look sb. in the eye / face   [patrzeć prosto w oczy]

              Look me in the eye and say you didn't do it.

to be streets ahead of sb. / sth.   [daleko wyprzedzać]

              When it comes to technology, Japan is streets ahead of most other countries.

to get sth. off one's chest   [zrzucić coś z piersi]

              If you get it off your chest, you'll feel better.

to get / have cold feet   [stchórzyć]

              Why aren't you coming? Did you get cold feet?

to get the point / picture   [kumać, załapać, czaić]

              Did you get the point?

to get to the point   [przejść do rzeczy / sedna]

              Just get to the point. I don't have much time.

to take sth. for granted   [uznać coś za pewnik]

              I took it for granted that you'd want to come with us, so I bought you a ticket.

to hit the books   [uczyć się, zakuwać]

              Well, time to hit the books.

              If you don't start hitting the books, you're going to fail.

to level with sb.   [być szczerym z]

              I have to level with you.

to strike while the iron's hot   [kuć żelazo póki gorące]

              We have to strike while the iron's hot.

to fool around   [wygłupiać się]

              Stop fooling around. Can't you be serious for just one minute?

to learn sth. by heart   [nauczyć się na pamięć]

              We're supposed to learn this poem by heart.

to make sb.'s blood boil   [sprawić, że komuś krew zawrzała]

              It just makes my blood boil to think of all the food that gets wasted around here.

to make sb.'s blood run cold   [sprawić, że komuś krew zamarzła]

              The terrible story in the newspaper made my blood run cold.

to make sb.'s hair stand on end   [sprawić, że komuś włosy stanęły dęba]

              The horrible scream made my hair stand on end.

to make ends meet   [wiązać koniec z końcem]

              It was difficult for them to make ends meet.   

              They couldn't make ends meet.

It looks like rain.   [Zanosi się na deszcz.]

It's raining cats and dogs.   [Leje jak z cebra.]

It's pouring with rain.   [Leje jak z cebra.]

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