czasy angieelski(1).doc

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Present simple

Present simple:

Podmiot + przys.częstotliwości + czsow.gł 3os.l.poj. -(e)s+......+ (określ.przysł.)

I/you /we/you/they              drive/work/do

He/she/it                             drives/works/does

Pytania: do I/you we/you/they work/drive?

Does He/she/it work/drive?


I/you we/you/they   don't              work/drive?

He/she/it  doesn't   work/drive?


always, never, often, rarely, usually, sometimes, every day..., on Sundays, from time to time.


Present continuos:

Podmiot +BE(AM/ARE/IS)+czsow.gł. z koń. -ing. + ..... + określ.czasu

I'm are....he/she/it is ..... we/you/they are   + diving

Pytanie przea inwersje:

Am I ..... are you ...... is it ...

Przeczenie:  not

Określenie czasu

now, at present, at the moment, today, tomorrow, this week,


Past simple:

Podmiot + czas.gł2-ga forma (-ed lub nieregularnyczasow) + ......+ (OKR.CZASU)

I/you/she/he/it/we/you/they  enjoyed             


didI/you/she/he/it/we/you/they  enjoy ?


I/you/she/he/it/we/you/they didn’t enjoy.


I/she/he/it               was/wasn’t

you/we/you/theywere               /weren’t


Was I/she/he/it ?

Were you/we/you/they?


Określenie czasu:

yesterday, the day before yesterday, the other day, just now, 2 hours (days, months, years)  ago, last Monday (week, month,jear)


Past continuos:

Podmiot+BE+  czasow.gł(was/were) zkonc –ing+ .........+ (okres.czasu)

I/she/he/it               was/wasn’t  playing.

you/we/you/theywere /weren’t playing.


Was I/she/he/it playing?

Were you/we/you/they              playing?


Określenie czasu:

all day yesterday, all night, all the afternoon, from 10 to 12,at 11 o’clock yesterday ( last night, this morning), yesterday at 11, this time yesterday,


Present perfect:

Podmiot + have/has + przysł. +      imiesł.bierny 3 forma + ..... +przysł)

I/you /we/you/theyhave/haven’t finished.

He/she/it               has/hasn’t               finished.


Have I/you /we/you/they finished?

Has He/she/it finished?

Określenie czasu:

for 2 hours (a long time, many days,...) since Friday (tea-time, she was a child ...), just, already, yet, lately, recently, at last, ever, never, so far, up till now, up to the present, czasami this morning (afternoon, evening, week ,month, year,...)


Past perfect:

Podmiot + HAD + przysł. + imiesłów bier 3-cia forma + ...

I/you/He/she/it/we/you/they had gone.

Pytanie przez inwersje.

Określenie czasu:

after, before, when, as soon as, until/till, by the time that, by that time, never ... before, already, ever, for,


Past perfect continuous:

Podmiot+HAD+przysł.+BEEN+czasow.gł z koń. –ing+ ...

Pytanie przez inwersje.

Określenie czasu:

after, before, when, until/till, by the time that, by that time, all day, already, for.


Future simple:

Podmiot + WILL + czas.gł + (okreslenie czasu)

Pytanie przez inwersje.

Określenie czasu:

tomorrow, tomorrow morning, the day after tomorrow, next week (monday..), in 10 minutes ( 2 hours), at 4 o’clock, soon.


Future continuous:

Podmiot + WILL + BE + czas.gł z koń ing. + (okreslenie czasu)

Okreslenie czasu:

from ... to, all night, at 4 o’clock, tomorrow, tomorrow morning, this morning after tomorrow.


Future perfect:

Podmiot + WILL +HAVE + przysł. + imiesłów bier 3forma+ ...             

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