Dark Angel Virtual Season 3 Episode 02.pdf

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All Good In Tha ’hood — 3.02 — Virtual Season 3
Good In
By Dawn, Kyre and willow
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Virtual Season 3 — 3.02 — All Good In Tha ‘hood
Max and Original Cindyʹs Quarters - Thursday Night
Original Cindy entered to find her roommate pacing rest-
lessly around the room. ʺYou gonna wear a hole in this
floor, you keep that up.ʺ
ʺI feel like moving around,ʺ Max answered distractedly.
ʺWeʹve been here a week and not much has changed.ʺ
ʺGettinʹ claustrophobic?ʺ
ʺI miss my bike.ʺ
Original Cindy looked at Max for a moment, her expres-
sion mixing amusement and sympathy. ʺI bet that ainʹt all
you miss.ʺ She waited for Max to stop pacing and turn to
her in wonder before continuing. ʺYou said itʹs all good to
the gracious with you and Logan, but I ainʹt seen you two
together very much.ʺ
Max threw up her hands and sighed, turning to look out
the window. ʺThatʹs another thing. Weʹve both been so
busy. Iʹve been trying to make some kinda order out of all
the chaos around here...Loganʹs trying to figure out this
Sandeman rune stuff, whenever heʹs not looking for
equipment or helping out in Command...Weʹre like two
ships passing in the night.ʺ
ʺSpeaking of that rune stuff, any new ones?ʺ
ʺNot that I know of. Check my back, will you?ʺ Max
turned around and lifted the back of her shirt.
As she approached, Original Cindy commented, ʺGood
thing a couple people went and fetched some of our
All Good In Tha ’hood — 3.02 — Virtual Season 3
clothes on a supply run. No way Original Cindy would
touch ten-day clothes.ʺ She checked Maxʹs back carefully,
then shook her head and lowered the shirt. ʺUh-uh. No
new ones since we got here.ʺ
ʺWhat the hell is up with these things, anyway?ʺ Max
whirled around to face Original Cindy and continued to
pace in frustration. ʺA few quotes, something about the
shroud of death, and then nothing! What kind of whack
job was this guy?ʺ
Original Cindy sat down on her bedroll, sticking her legs
out just as Max circled by. Max gave her a look, but she
didnʹt move. ʺLogan making any progress tracking the
guy down?
Max snorted. ʺNo. Weʹre all holed up in here, with hardly
any equipment and about a thousand other things getting
in the way.ʺ
ʺSounds like you could use a break.ʺ
ʺWhat we could use is someone on the outside to help.ʺ
San Francisco
The alley was dark and wet from the earlier rain. The
buildings were either abandoned or closed up for the
night, and the few working lights cast shadows that made
it very easy for Lydecker to keep out of sight to the side of
one of the buildings.
He looked down at his watch, a concerned look on his
face. Suddenly, his head snapped back up and his eyes cut
to his left, toward the alley. He heard slow, cautious foot-
steps approaching him. He withdrew his gun from the
holster at his back and leaned firmly against the wall.
A figure passed Lydeckerʹs hiding place, so Lydecker
Virtual Season 3 — 3.02 — All Good In Tha ‘hood
stepped out behind him, gun aimed directly at the figureʹs
head. He cocked the gun.
The sound echoed up and down the empty alley.
ʺTurn around, slowly,ʺ Lydecker ordered.
The figure stopped, raised his hands up over his head, and
proceeded to turn around very slowly, as ordered.
Lydeckerʹs eyes narrowed and his finger tightened around
the trigger.
As the figure turned around to face Lydecker, his face was
illuminated under a dim street light: Krit.
Relieved, Lydecker lowered the gun and placed it back in
its holster. Krit lowered his hands.
ʺYouʹre late.ʺ
ʺSorry. It couldnʹt be helped,ʺ Krit replied, looking and
sounding uneasy. ʺI…ʺ
Lydecker abruptly cut him off, ʺAnd you failed to contact
anyone about your delay, soldier.ʺ
ʺThere were… complications. I tripped the alarm and
ended up being chased. Mustʹve lost my phone along the
way,ʺ Krit shrugged.
ʺThat sounds like an excuse, soldier. You know I donʹt
tolerate excuses. Donʹt let it happen again.ʺ
ʺOr what, Colonel?ʺ Krit shot back. ʺThis isnʹt Manticore.
Manticoreʹs history. Weʹre not afraid of you anymore.
ʹFear accomplishes nothingʹ, remember?ʺ
ʺRemember?ʺ he smiled and stepped closer to Krit. The
smile disappeared. ʺHow could I forget? I taught you kids
All Good In Tha ’hood — 3.02 — Virtual Season 3
everything you know. I also remember that it was you
who reached out to me for help a few weeks ago.ʺ He got
right in Kritʹs face. ʺWe do this my way.ʺ He paused,
ʺNow… did you complete your assignment?ʺ
Flustered and clearly uncomfortable, Krit spoke up, ʺYeah,
I got what you wanted.ʺ He held up a disc in his hand.
Lydecker reached out and took the disc, then turned
around and began walking away. He put the disc in one
jacket pocket, and out of another pocket retrieved a phone.
He turned around and tossed it to Krit, who was still
standing where Lydecker had left him. Krit caught the
phone with one hand.
ʺCheck in and let her know weʹre en route,ʺ Lydecker or-
* * * * *
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