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X-Setup Version 1.0 
- German 
- 3'000 LOC (Lines of Code) 
- 30 settings (hua!) 

X-Setup Version 2.0 
- Translated into English 
- 35 settings (still hua!) 

X-Setup Version 2.1 
- Internal Release - never published 

X-Setup Version 3.0 
- Rewritten the entire program from scratch 
- Developed the HBLL (Hack Better and Live Longer) engine 
- Plug-in technique using Windows Scripting with VBScript 

X-Setup Version 3.1 
- Fixed two major problems with the HBLL engine 

X-Setup Version 3.2 
- Fixed problems with the X-Setup UI 

X-Setup Version 4.0 
- Added support for wizards (XWZ) 
- Added a bunch full of new plug-ins 

X-Setup Version 4.01 
- Fixed problems with five 4.0 plug-ins 
- No changes to EXE files; just plug-in update 

X-Setup Version 5.0 
- Extreme Update! 
- 12'000 LOC (7'000 UI, 5'000 Engine) 
- > 300 settings  
- PLUG-IN: GetModeRemote(), GetModeRecord(), InputWindow() and Logoff() functions added 
- PLUG-IN: Able to access REG_EXPAND_SZ with RegReadValue() and RegWriteValue() (DataType = 4) 
- PLUG-IN: Fixed problems with writing REG_BINARY values 
- PLUG-IN: New property VERSION 
- PLUG-IN: New property WARNING  (=1 -> Default Warning; =TEXT -> Display TEXT to user) 
- PLUG-IN: DESCRIPTION and COMMENT extended to support up to 20 lines 
- WIZARD: WELCOME and COMMENT extended to support up to 20 lines 
- USER: Record Mode implemented 
- USER: Button in "Information" to copy plug-in or wizard filename to clipboard 
- USER: Code View for plug-ins in "Information" 
- USER: Better looking Wizard picture (somehow ;-) 
- USER: Accelerated start-up plug-in search (5 - 10% gain) 
- USER: Changed and extended plug-in loader (XQXSetupLoader.EXE) 
- USER: optimized display structure of plug-ins for nearly all plug-ins (more sub folders etc.), together with a lot of plug-in filenames 
- USER: fixed TONS of spelling errors 
- MISC: Settings now stored below "Xteq Systems\X-Setup\CurrentVersion" 

X-Setup Version 5.5
- Small Extreme Update :-)
- FIX: fixed bug that caused a GPF if X-Setup tried to instance an reboot or logoff on Windows 95/98 machines. However, the "Restart" command on Windows NT machines does still not work (the SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege is not set) 
- FIX: fixed bug that caused X-Setup to restore incorrectly when exited in "Maximized" mode 
- FIX: fixed bug that displayed the wrong count of tools (old version also counted empty items, new version only counts items that have programs assigned) 
- FIX: activated ToolTips in toolbar 
- FIX: corrected wrong tab-order between TreeView, Plug-in and "Apply" button 
- FIX: if a registry value is queried (e.g. with RegReadValue()), the key for this values is now opened with KEY_QUERY_VALUE and KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS instead of KEY_ALL_ACCESS. This allows non-admin accounts to "see" the actual values even if they only have "read" access to it. 
- FIX: corrected bug that caused the selected item to lost focus inside Options -> Tools list 
- FIX: if "Record Mode" is activated and X-Setup is about to be ended, it will now display a warning message about this issue  
- PLUG-IN: support for Windows 2000 (GetWinVer() returns "4" in this case)   
- UI: changed color for system critical plug-ins from yellow to dark orange (user demand) 
- UI: display of plug-in name in title (user demand) 
- UI: plug-in list now behaves more "Internet"-like 
- UI: added "Read all (no cache)" option to force X-Setup not to use cache even if it's turned on - useful for plug-in developers 
- UI: the "Wizards" menu is now sorted (based on UIPath property) 
- UI: added icons to menu and pop-up menu for better usage   
- ENGINE: added plug-in cache (%TEMP%\XQ_XSET_Cache_XPL_1) no cache: 23 seconds, with cache: 2 seconds 
- ENGINE added wizard cache (%TEMP%\XQ_XSET_Cache_XWZ_1) no cache: 3 seconds, with cache: 1 second (OK, this isn't THAT big difference...) 
- ENGINE: added logfile (%TEMP%\XQ_XSET_Logfile.txt) that logs all applied plug-ins and wizards. Useful for trouble-shooting. 
- ENGINE: added 60 (!) plug-ins compared to X-Setup 5.0 and fixed at about 30 (mainly spelling errors) 
- ENGINE: cached value of GetWinVer() because this function is used very often - faster execution 
- ENGINE: support for "1 byte Plug-ins and Wizards" that can be used to replace older items so "Ghost Entries" are avoided 
- ENGINE: internal changes (NeedRestart(), NeedLogoff(), Plugin/Wizard enumeration) results in less memory and faster execution [NOTE: no changes for plug-ins required] 
- ENGINE: detailed error message if MS Script control is not registered - not just "Class not registered" anymore 
- ENGINE: already include code to manage new "OSVersion" property (6.0) 
- MISC: support for different users on the same machine. If X-Setup can't find a configuration for the current user, a default configuration will be applied (using REGEDIT.EXE)  
- MISC: according to the new Windows 2000 app spec, X-Setup does no longer install anything to the \WINDOWS or \SYSTEM directory. The only exception to this is "XQXSetup.CPL" because it must be installed to \SYSTEM to appear inside the Control Panel 
- MISC: added \Network folder with information and batch files for chain installation of X-Setup 
- MISC: added FAQ to help (finally!) 

X-Setup Version 5.6
- Major update to support user requests
- FIX: clicking on a button inside a wizard had no effect at all
- FIX: clicking inside the empty space of the tree view caused the last item to be activated again
- FIX: About Dialog Box displays "Xteq Common DLL %1"
- FIX: "Start Menu Tidy" is only included in Plus! 98 not in the standard Windows 98 package
- FIX: Changing the last item inside Options/Tools resulted in a GPF
- FIX: Automatic restart did not work on NT/2000
- XQCommon: Added "Previous" button to "Tip of the day" Window
- UI: if a plug-in had an error, the icon is no longer reset to "normal" 
- UI: added "Edit" command to context menu of plug-ins
- UI: three icons are now used inside the tree view to distinguish normal, critical and the current plug-in
- UI: added "Reset config" button to Options window (Troubleshooting)
- UI: added "Copy path and name to clipboard" button to "Info" dialog 
- UI: added lockergnome.com to Help Menu
- UI: added configurable font to options - FINALLY! 
- UI: added version.ini that contains the current release of XSET (displayed in About Window). This file can easily be updated by a patch. 
- ENGINE: if no path for a plug-in or wizard is specified, the common dir is automatically appended
- ENGINE: if an error occurs inside a plug-in or wizard, the filename is now also displayed
- ENGINE: Split all commands a plug-ins can use in different objects to improve stability (Note: To maximize performance, make sure that "Safe Mode" and "Record Mode" are off plus deactivate the option "note all actions to logfile")
- ENGINE: added option to log all actions X-Setup performs to logfile
- ENGINE: Added support for deleting registry values and paths when using "Record Mode". Thanks to MLL (http://mll02.cjb.net/) for pointing us to AXCEL216's (axcel216@aol.com) site that has found this trick.
- ENGINE: Wizards and Plug-ins now use a dedicated object (XQPlugin) that should speed up loading of the files to memory a little bit
- ENGINE: The "Tools" menu is now built by the file TOOLS.INI (\bin path) which is easier to update and also easier to maintence in case XSET is installed on a network share
- ENGINE: Each item inside the Tools menu can now include on which OS these tools are available. All items that don't match the current OS are automatically hidden
- ENGINE: Added search feature ("File"->"Search...") to locate plug-ins easily 
- MISC: New installation, does no longer install anything to your \WINDOWS or \SYSTEM folder except "XQXSetup.CPL" to support the X-Setup icon inside Control Panel 
- MISC: Moved all DLL, EXE etc. files to \bin subfolder. Also created *.EXE.LOCAL which will force Windows 2000 to load all these files directly from this folder, avoiding "DLL HELL" at all cost :)
- MISC: Created XQXSetupStart.exe as ONLY app that start directly to force various checks when launching X-Setup
- MISC: XQXSetupStart.exe now automatically fixes the ";" MSDOS.SYS bug in Windows 98. You original MSDOS.SYS will be saved MSDOS.SYS.FIXED
- MISC: X-Setup Wizards (*.XWZ) can now be imported to your \wizards dir by simply double-clicking them in the Explorer
- MISC: Updated NET_INST\remove.bat, registry entries of XSET are now also removed

X-Setup Version 5.7
- Update to fix bugs and support Windows ME
- FIX: Fixed "slow scrolling" bug inside Team Window
- FIX: Fixed spelling error in plug-in warning
- FIX: Corrected the form how XSET writes " chars to the REG file (Record Mode) - thanks to EM H [mailto:eivind_magnus@hotmail.com]
- FIX: Corrected the @ char for REG files (Record Mode)
- FIX: Corrected "VERSION never displayed" error inside X-Setup and X-Setup Loader
- FIX: Fixed error when MSDOS.SYS did not exist on Win 9x. 
- FIX: Fixed error that XSET might activate the wrong plug-in when using Search feature
- MISC: Added more questions to FAQ list
- ENGINE: Support for Windows ME (GetWinVer() returns 5). Windows ME information: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsme/
- ENGINE: XSET now support values bigger than 2.147.483.648 (max is now 4.294.967.295) when reading or writing values to the registry using REG_DWORD
- MISC: Added desktop.ini to program folder
- ENGINE: Path where logfile (XQ_XSET_Logfile.txt) should be stored can now be configured

X-Setup Version 6.0
- Extreme Update! 
- FIX: Fixed problem that external Programs (Tools) on Windows 98 and Windows 2000 appear in the background. Thanks to Peter ...
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